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Give Jacko The Job (He got given it on page 31...)



  • Is it too soon /late to reiterate that JJ needs an older, experienced head to come in,  tell him a few home truths ( if that's appropriate) and give him some " been there, done that" kind of advice ? 

    The three wise men in the Charlton TV studio pick over the bones of every match they watch from there and comment accordingly. 

    The opinions they share once they're off air would be interesting to hear & I'd wager each one would have some useful advice for our "rookie" manager should they be asked. Let's not forget, that IS what Jacko is. 

    One in particular would be a hugely positive addition to our player management team, if only in an advisory capacity until the end of this season. 

    I can't believe for one moment that the gaffer would refuse such help.
    Guessing that'll be Terry Skiverton's role
    No smiley ? 
  • Scoham said:
    Croydon said:
    Echo others' thoughts that we are absolutely miles way from where we need to be for promotion. We're in this league for years to come unless we get some sort of miracle.

    Other clubs have shown it doesn’t necessarily take years to build a promotion squad, as we have ourselves in the past. Building a squad over time never really happens because most good players will eventually be signed by a Prem or Champ team if their club isn’t progressing.
    I just don't believe we have the right framework in place to even start the build.

  • Is it too soon /late to reiterate that JJ needs an older, experienced head to come in,  tell him a few home truths ( if that's appropriate) and give him some " been there, done that" kind of advice ? 

    The three wise men in the Charlton TV studio pick over the bones of every match they watch from there and comment accordingly. 

    The opinions they share once they're off air would be interesting to hear & I'd wager each one would have some useful advice for our "rookie" manager should they be asked. Let's not forget, that IS what Jacko is. 

    One in particular would be a hugely positive addition to our player management team, if only in an advisory capacity until the end of this season. 

    I can't believe for one moment that the gaffer would refuse such help.
    Guessing that'll be Terry Skiverton's role
    No smiley ? 
    Was being serious - As @Cafc43v3r has said... One problem is that Adkins had was the fact he didn't truly get to pick his own Management team, e.g. Why didnt we go all out and get his mate who went to Port Vale, and ensure he was happy with the team.

    Instead he got a backroom group which whilst kept the fans happy, probably wasnt the correct outcome for the club. 

    I said it myself in the summer when we got the Welling friendly penciled back in, Sandgaard needs to stop trying to please the fans the whole time. I imagine he kept Jackson and Euell around last season so that he didnt upset the applecart - Ultimately he needs to realise that the number one thing the majority fans truly care about, is that we win games.

    Had someone like Curbs joined the Management team, I think it would have been a repeat of Adkins joining, where Jackson this time had someone forced upon him. 

    Instead Jackson has been allowed to choose Skiverton (Who is both an experienced No.1 and No.2 at this level), hopefully given time it'll be a partnership that works as well as any other. 
  • We urgently need to see an improvement or else I can see the "we're f**kin shit" chants coming out again.
    We need to see the green shoots of recovery and some consistent improvement or season ticket sales will be decisively in 4 figures this summer.
    I am now clueless about what the issues are.
    Jacko picks up the mantle from NA and the improvement is swift and impressive.
    Then he is confirmed on a permanent contract and we revert to shit. Why?
    Are the players really so devoid of backbone and self-respect?
    Or are they predominantly shit and we need yet another squad overhaul?
    Or is Jacko simply not up to it?
    Is the recruitment at fault? My thoughts beginning to lean that way.
    We lack leaders, we lack game-changers.
    We have no players who look like they would thrive in the championship even if we fluked a promotion.
    Is the owner not throwing enough resource at it or is his judgement at fault?
    I honestly don't have a strong opinion anymore. I don't have a clue anymore.
    I am sick of watching shit and sick of being in this league.
    I am losing faith in the owner and his team being able to deliver.
    Getting to an age where the number of seasons left for me to attend is closing in.
    I don't want to see season's already written off in January.

    You can’t blame the owner for not spending money, we’ll certainly not on fees.

    To me the problem is how and who it’s been spent on. We lack specialist football knowledge & an SMT
  • Is it too soon /late to reiterate that JJ needs an older, experienced head to come in,  tell him a few home truths ( if that's appropriate) and give him some " been there, done that" kind of advice ? 

    The three wise men in the Charlton TV studio pick over the bones of every match they watch from there and comment accordingly. 

    The opinions they share once they're off air would be interesting to hear & I'd wager each one would have some useful advice for our "rookie" manager should they be asked. Let's not forget, that IS what Jacko is. 

    One in particular would be a hugely positive addition to our player management team, if only in an advisory capacity until the end of this season. 

    I can't believe for one moment that the gaffer would refuse such help.
    Guessing that'll be Terry Skiverton's role
    No smiley ? 
    Was being serious - As @Cafc43v3r has said... One problem is that Adkins had was the fact he didn't truly get to pick his own Management team, e.g. Why didnt we go all out and get his mate who went to Port Vale, and ensure he was happy with the team.

    Instead he got a backroom group which whilst kept the fans happy, probably wasnt the correct outcome for the club. 

    I said it myself in the summer when we got the Welling friendly penciled back in, Sandgaard needs to stop trying to please the fans the whole time. I imagine he kept Jackson and Euell around last season so that he didnt upset the applecart - Ultimately he needs to realise that the number one thing the majority fans truly care about, is that we win games.

    Had someone like Curbs joined the Management team, I think it would have been a repeat of Adkins joining, where Jackson this time had someone forced upon him. 

    Instead Jackson has been allowed to choose Skiverton (Who is both an experienced No.1 and No.2 at this level), hopefully given time it'll be a partnership that works as well as any other. 
    Point taken but surely , with respect, you can't honestly compare Skiverton's experience with that of Curbs. 

    I agree that an unbiased eye from someone not previously associated with our club should prove very useful but an ex manager with years of history here including at the highest level, with current involvement albeit in a different role, is not to be sneezed at. 

    Yes, Jacko has chosen Skiverton but I'm not advocating a similar, day to day, on the touchline role for Curbs, but as a sounding board if you like. 

    I'd love to ask the gaffer whether he'd be happy to have Curbs on board in such a role. 
  • Is it too soon /late to reiterate that JJ needs an older, experienced head to come in,  tell him a few home truths ( if that's appropriate) and give him some " been there, done that" kind of advice ? 

    The three wise men in the Charlton TV studio pick over the bones of every match they watch from there and comment accordingly. 

    The opinions they share once they're off air would be interesting to hear & I'd wager each one would have some useful advice for our "rookie" manager should they be asked. Let's not forget, that IS what Jacko is. 

    One in particular would be a hugely positive addition to our player management team, if only in an advisory capacity until the end of this season. 

    I can't believe for one moment that the gaffer would refuse such help.
    Guessing that'll be Terry Skiverton's role
    No smiley ? 
    Well it made me chuckle, Fanny.
  • Fanny Fanackapan said:
    Is it too soon /late to reiterate that JJ needs an older, experienced head to come in,  tell him a few home truths ( if that's appropriate) and give him some " been there, done that" kind of advice ? 

    The three wise men in the Charlton TV studio pick over the bones of every match they watch from there and comment accordingly. 

    The opinions they share once they're off air would be interesting to hear & I'd wager each one would have some useful advice for our "rookie" manager should they be asked. Let's not forget, that IS what Jacko is. 

    One in particular would be a hugely positive addition to our player management team, if only in an advisory capacity until the end of this season. 

    I can't believe for one moment that the gaffer would refuse such help.
    Guessing that'll be Terry Skiverton's role
    No smiley ? 
    Was being serious - As @Cafc43v3r has said... One problem is that Adkins had was the fact he didn't truly get to pick his own Management team, e.g. Why didnt we go all out and get his mate who went to Port Vale, and ensure he was happy with the team.

    Instead he got a backroom group which whilst kept the fans happy, probably wasnt the correct outcome for the club. 

    I said it myself in the summer when we got the Welling friendly penciled back in, Sandgaard needs to stop trying to please the fans the whole time. I imagine he kept Jackson and Euell around last season so that he didnt upset the applecart - Ultimately he needs to realise that the number one thing the majority fans truly care about, is that we win games.

    Had someone like Curbs joined the Management team, I think it would have been a repeat of Adkins joining, where Jackson this time had someone forced upon him. 

    Instead Jackson has been allowed to choose Skiverton (Who is both an experienced No.1 and No.2 at this level), hopefully given time it'll be a partnership that works as well as any other. 
    Point taken but surely , with respect, you can't honestly compare Skiverton's experience with that of Curbs. 

    I agree that an unbiased eye from someone not previously associated with our club should prove very useful but an ex manager with years of history here including at the highest level, with current involvement albeit in a different role, is not to be sneezed at. 

    Yes, Jacko has chosen Skiverton but I'm not advocating a similar, day to day, on the touchline role for Curbs, but as a sounding board if you like. 

    I'd love to ask the gaffer whether he'd be happy to have Curbs on board in such a role. 
    I thought he was having a laugh. Has to be Curbs. All day long.
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  • I thought that Jacko would have benefited from someone older and more experienced than Skiv, who's only 7 years older than him. 

    Someone to do the role which Lennie Lawrence did for many years as an assistant (e.g. to Dougie Freedman) and later on "advisor"
  • I thought that Jacko would have benefited from someone older and more experienced than Skiv, who's only 7 years older than him. 

    Someone to do the role which Lennie Lawrence did for many years as an assistant (e.g. to Dougie Freedman) and later on "advisor"
    I agree, but experience and age aren't necessary the same thing. Although Skiv is only 46, he started managing 13 years ago. He's had a lot more coaching experience than Bowyer despite them being similar in age. 
  • edited January 2022
    AndyG said:
    What we ate currently seeing from this group of players is exactly the same way they were playing under Adkins, pass it across the back then eventually hit an aimless ball forward that either goes straight out of play or the defenders deal with it easily. Adkins often looked bemused by it and now so does JJ. I sat behind the dugout on Saturday and he wasnt happy ! It is obvious this manager and the previous manager is trying to get them to play but what can they do if the team keep reverting back to the same old bollox ?

    I agree and I think we don't have the players to play it our from the back with Inniss and Famewo. Famewo especially puts the ball straight out of play more often than not when he plays the long ball. The question than is if he should persist in trying to play it out or should put out a midfield battling for the second balls? A midfield with Morgan and Lee won't win you those challenges.
  • Croydon said:
    Echo others' thoughts that we are absolutely miles way from where we need to be for promotion. We're in this league for years to come unless we get some sort of miracle.

    No, not a miracle. Better players. That’s it.
  • Is it too soon /late to reiterate that JJ needs an older, experienced head to come in,  tell him a few home truths ( if that's appropriate) and give him some " been there, done that" kind of advice ? 

    The three wise men in the Charlton TV studio pick over the bones of every match they watch from there and comment accordingly. 

    The opinions they share once they're off air would be interesting to hear & I'd wager each one would have some useful advice for our "rookie" manager should they be asked. Let's not forget, that IS what Jacko is. 

    One in particular would be a hugely positive addition to our player management team, if only in an advisory capacity until the end of this season. 

    I can't believe for one moment that the gaffer would refuse such help.
    Guessing that'll be Terry Skiverton's role
    No smiley ? 
    Was being serious - As @Cafc43v3r has said... One problem is that Adkins had was the fact he didn't truly get to pick his own Management team, e.g. Why didnt we go all out and get his mate who went to Port Vale, and ensure he was happy with the team.

    Instead he got a backroom group which whilst kept the fans happy, probably wasnt the correct outcome for the club. 

    I said it myself in the summer when we got the Welling friendly penciled back in, Sandgaard needs to stop trying to please the fans the whole time. I imagine he kept Jackson and Euell around last season so that he didnt upset the applecart - Ultimately he needs to realise that the number one thing the majority fans truly care about, is that we win games.

    Had someone like Curbs joined the Management team, I think it would have been a repeat of Adkins joining, where Jackson this time had someone forced upon him. 

    Instead Jackson has been allowed to choose Skiverton (Who is both an experienced No.1 and No.2 at this level), hopefully given time it'll be a partnership that works as well as any other. 
    Point taken but surely , with respect, you can't honestly compare Skiverton's experience with that of Curbs. 

    I agree that an unbiased eye from someone not previously associated with our club should prove very useful but an ex manager with years of history here including at the highest level, with current involvement albeit in a different role, is not to be sneezed at. 

    Yes, Jacko has chosen Skiverton but I'm not advocating a similar, day to day, on the touchline role for Curbs, but as a sounding board if you like. 

    I'd love to ask the gaffer whether he'd be happy to have Curbs on board in such a role. 
    Oh you mean someone like Adkins :p

  • shirty5 said:
    Not sure how I feel about that contract. It's no wonder Jacko looks stressed and worn down of late.
  • Great.

    He's on a similar contract to Phil in Zynex's digital marketing department
  • edited February 2022
    Plenty to play for then between now and the end of the season, let’s end the season with a flourish.
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  • If the manager is uncertain about his future, it’s bound to percolate down to the players .., not a good situation. 
  • This is most concerning thing I've read since Sandgaard took over.

    Not good for Jackson to come out and publicly make noises about this and suggests there is a lot of uncertainty.

    Contract sounds good in theory but doesn't work in reality and underlines how little TS knows about football.

    We have a shit average bunch of players based on his silly black box, appointment of great cv Roddy, ego signings like Ronnie Scwartz and minimal managerial input it would appear and asking a manager to work wonders with them under the threat of being out of a job in may having probably saved us from inevitable relegation after the disastrous Adkins fiasco is pie in the sky.

    Also possibly signals there is no solid foundation plan or strategy post Roddy and Adkins as how can you rebuild a squad and attract players for next season if the manager isn't even sure he will be here.

    Would have hoped there was a masterplan in place for next season's promotion push but clearly not.

    For Jackson to come out and say this now is hugely concerning and has  echoes of the Duchatelet Bowyer situation {...}

    Why can't we be run like a normal football club for a couple of sessions ffs.

    It’s got that bad we are now desperate for just a couple of sessions let alone a season! :wink:

    I agree though, this level of uncertainty isn’t going to help anyone. Makes me wonder whether the players form dropping for a period when he was made permanent was a result of that they know it’s essentially until the end of the season unless their performances trigger an extension. You might think it can motivate them to continue to work harder but it can go the other way and put different kind of pressure on them that they’re not entirely used to.

    He needs clarity and deserves it. We’d be 4th if we had him since the start of the season. Thomas should be telling Jackson I’ll get my lawyers onto it and extend the deal for another year with the same terms thereafter. If you don’t have faith in him it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks because that lack of faith trickles down.

    Hopefully it gets sorted, and soon.
  • @Sage ha ha have edited now :-)
  • I was under the impression this season was a free hit for Jacko. Considering the f**k up TS made at the start of it?
  • stonemuse said:
    If the manager is uncertain about his future, it’s bound to percolate down to the players .., not a good situation. 
    Didn’t seem to when we won 9 games in 13 when he was caretaker manager. 

    I think if we get through this next run of difficult games with JJ still on around the same about of average PPG he is now - then he should be given the extension and we can start to look at planning for next year. 
  • I must’ve missed it, but I thought the performance based clause kicked in from next season.  Zero point having it from this season, he might as well have carried on as interim until the end of the season if that was the case.  

    It was always going to be a tall order to get anything out of this season.  Hopefully we’re not going down this route again.  Give Jacko the reassurance he needs and let’s get planning for next season 
  • But but, I thought it was a great contract, revolutionary, changing the game, can't reward failure.

    Etc etc

  • Best thing for TS is to give Jacko another two years now, let him and Gallen start a proper rebuild now.
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