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Give Jacko The Job (He got given it on page 31...)



  • edited February 2022
    But but, I thought it was a great contract, revolutionary, changing the game, can't reward failure.

    Etc etc
    In fairness I doubt many expected unless a complete disaster that he'd be under threat for this summer. 
  • It’s one of them silly stories that if people think about it is never going to happen … JJ will be here for years to come 
  • Interesting blend of thoughts on this one. Being paraphrased from a 10 minute interview can always look more damning. 

  • It’s one of them silly stories that if people think about it is never going to happen … JJ will be here for years to come 
    Clearly isn't silly to our manager given the quote is directly from him.
  • edited February 2022
    Just focus on your job Jacko and get some results to make sure that TS hires you like you did when he made you manager in the first place. 
    Yeah come on Jacko it's just that easy... 

    I kind of agree he needs those players fighting tooth and nail for him. 
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  • we are going to be in League One next season so whether we finish 8th or 13th who cares? Just give Jackson the clarity he needs now and let him rebuild for next season. I'm not convinced he is the answer long term but am willing to give him a bash next season but to do so he needs to build a squad of his players. If he then ultimately fails he can't blame recruitment. He needs clarity now because we should already be talking to players agents now. 
    Absolutely bang on Large.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Just focus on your job Jacko and get some results to make sure that TS hires you like you did when he made you manager in the first place. 
    Yeah come on Jacko it's just that easy... 

    I kind of agree he needs those players fighting tooth and nail for him. 
    Maybe that article is for the players' benefit rather than Sandgaard's.
  • we are going to be in League One next season so whether we finish 8th or 13th who cares? Just give Jackson the clarity he needs now and let him rebuild for next season. I'm not convinced he is the answer long term but am willing to give him a bash next season but to do so he needs to build a squad of his players. If he then ultimately fails he can't blame recruitment. He needs clarity now because we should already be talking to players agents now. 
    Tbh I think it's less about league position with TS, it's about performances and whether it looks like Jackson has turned it around. 

    Jackson is getting fidgety because he's worried he's not really performing as well as he expected. 

    Going to the press to whine about an extension, after already going to the press to whine during his interim period doesn't really seem the most professional thing in the world. 
  • The performances would have surprised Jacko and he knows eyes are on both the team and himself. Nobody else is accountable for that if the same players performed for a period of time before that. 

    We won't get into the play-offs this season, but we made a credible effort to do so last season. If we waft away the final third of the season, TS has the right to ask why/how that may have happened with not just the same set of players, but a few good experienced additions too. In terms of contract extensions, they're mostly players that everybody from this board says we need to move on for a clean bill of non-toxic health! 

    By the end of season, we will establish whether Jacko has variety in his managerial philosophy with the players available. 

  • Perhaps Jacko has raised this with TS during his recent visit, but didn’t get the response he wanted, so has put it in the public domain to force the issue. It signals he is available to other clubs for a sneaky poach and that he may be prepared to walk. Perhaps his demeanour is due to his realisation that his time at Charlton is nearly up and he needs to move on...
    Is it known when the extension will be triggered? If it is after the last match, then there will be the risk of needing to replace both the manager and a good number of players during the closed season, with the inevitable impact on the pre-season, that is so important to ensure a good foundation for a promotion campaign. 
    The rolling contract situation is there to reduce the compensation liability should TS need to sack JJ on performance grounds. 
    It is inconceivable that next year's squad can be selected without the input of the manager, whoever that may be, as it will be the manager that carries the can if recruitment is poor.
    Either JJ has done enough during his tenure to date, or he hasn't and if TS is not satisfied, he needs to replace JJ sooner rather than later. 
    Whilst not perfect, I think JJ has done enough to secure a contract for next season, including demonstrating that he can fire up the players, and a contract extension should be confirmed asap to keep the SS Charlton sailing smoothly. This is JJ's first appointment as a manager and he will inevitably make some mistakes and need to learn from them. If TS has a problem with this concept, he should have appointed an experienced L1 manager, complete with background team, after sacking Adkins.
    It will be interesting to see how the players perform for the rest if the season now a playoff position seems unlikely. They should all be playing for their futures, either for an extension at Charlton or to attract their next club.
    I don't think there is necessarily a particular incentive for all the squad to play well to secure promotion, as players will have assessed their chances of playing in a Championship side and be aware on how that will impact on them: being moved on or relegated from starting to the squad, if they are not good enough to start in a Championship team.
  • It's an easy-out to say that players aren't focused because they or him are out of contract. Then we go and get turned over by a mid table side who also have players coming to the ends of their contract, but are still scrapping for every point regardless.

    Enough whinging. We've got good enough players to develop a consistent and effective style of play for this division. And yet our MO is to pass it around the centre backs then hoof. A few wins on the trot shouldn't hide that.
  • Belv said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Just focus on your job Jacko and get some results to make sure that TS hires you like you did when he made you manager in the first place. 
    Yeah come on Jacko it's just that easy... 

    I kind of agree he needs those players fighting tooth and nail for him. 
    Maybe that article is for the players' benefit rather than Sandgaard's.
    Could be but I think it's unlikely and more likely a telling indicator that all is not rosy in the manager's mind (arguably the most important person at any football club) and that perhaps the off the field clown show circus that is Charlton Athletic continues ad infinitum.

    Rich Cawley is a good journo and knows the club rather than a click bait sensationalist.

    His response to queries on twitter seem to back Jackson and confirm and vindicate his position.

    Why fans put their trust in an owner who has been here all of 5 minutes over a club legend who has been here through thick and thin for years bemuses me reading some of the Jacko is in the wrong rhetoric on Twitter.

    Know who I trust on balance regardless of whether they're the person to take us forward as manager long term or not.

    Large has summed it up perfectly regardless of whether Jacko is wrong for taking it public.

    Melodromatic/hysterical speculation based on a throwaway line from an under pressure manager...perhaps. But gut instinct and history says possibly not.
  • Going to be the same every summer with this contract regarding out of contract players!  Makes me wonder if TS would attract any top young managers with this performance related extension or is it because his just not sure on Jacko?! 
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  • J BLOCK said:
    Got to say, I want him replaced end of season. 
    Why? And if it’s going to happen why wait that long?

    If it’s around his supposed lack of “tactical nous” I think that point is overdone, a tactical genius wouldn’t get this squad promoted. The recruitment hasn’t been good enough, that’s the main issue.
  • The acid test is how JJ gets on after he leaves to manage a well-run club.
  • This is depressing news. Clearly all is not well behind the scenes.

    I had thought (probably naively) that Jacko would have had 18 months after his appointment was confirmed, provided we didn't get sucked back into trouble. I have no difficulty in principle with the contingent nature of contract extensions, as they largely reflect what happens in reality and clubs will usually limit compensation to a year's salary anyway. I had, however, hoped that the contract entered into just before Christmas would have provided a large degree of certainty to facilitate planning for next season. It now appears that this was not the case.

    I think it is very foolish of Jacko to go public with this. As @oohaahmortimer says, he signed the contract after protracted negotiations less than two months ago and well knew the conditions that came with it. Publicly bleating about it now is unsettling for players, staff and supporters; nor is it ultimately likely to be in Jacko's own interests, as Thomas - understandably, in my view - won't appreciate the attempt to put pressure on him. 

    I also wonder what the comments say about Jacko's current state of mind and what that conveys to the players. The next five games are all against promotion or play-off contenders and his remarks could be construed as reflecting a lack of confidence in the team's ability to pick up points against those opponents. The best thing he can do now is to knuckle down, get on with the job and concentrate on achieving the contract extension.

  • I'm fairly sure most of us seemed to understand the contract that was given at the time and I dare say many of us seemed happy that it protected the club in the event anything bad happened with regards to Jacko's performance.

    Playing Devil's advocate for a minute, let's not forget that Jacko signed this contract knowing the details so I'm not sure I have a lot of sympathy just 2 months later that he is annoyed by it. If it was such a big issue at the time why did he sign it? However, I'd like to think there are some nuances to how these extensions work, e.g. losing your best striker to injury for a significant period of time.

    Overall I'm a bit torn by this story, I can see from Jacko's point of view about the uncertainty but he must have realised this could be a possibility at the time of signing the contract. It would also be hypocritical of us as fans to start criticising the contract wen we all seemed to understand the reasons behind it at the time.

  • Some Charlton critics are comedy Gold.
    Won 9 lose 5 drew 3 in the League and he is not the right man for the job after taking over in 22nd place.

     Probably the same guys who said Curbs had taken us as far as he could when we were 7th in the Premier. (If old enough)

    JJ over achieved in his caretaker role so the bar was risen again and we were going to go from the bottom to the top six.

    Look at the bigger picture for fucks sake and until we can have guys who don't keep getting injured or have fitness issues then it will be slow progress but progress it is under JJ.

    I don’t really feel like our injury record or fitness issues this year have been any worse than any other teams, and certainly not as worse as they have been for us in previous years.

    We only have JFC and Stockley out longer term, at the moment (though Stockley is back and training). Aneke and Innis issues we have know in the past. But so far they’ve just been rotated out of the midweek games, which is not that usual to happen to certain players. 

    There’s been a few moments throughout the seasons when we’ve had a couple of our better players in certain positions injured at the same time, but that’s not been long term and nothing different to what most other teams experience.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    But but, I thought it was a great contract, revolutionary, changing the game, can't reward failure.

    Etc etc
    In fairness I doubt many expected unless a complete disaster that he'd be under threat for this summer. 

    But he, or any manager, will always potentially be under threat in the lead up to end of season. Wasn't a fan of how this contract comes across and still not. 

    Too much getting carried away with the Sandgaard effect and Jacko being made perm to look at the potential bucket load of issues that could spring up.

    Managing a team in football isn't really comparable to managing a department in an office, Kevin the head of accounts doesn't have to worry about his star striker being out for months, there's a reason why football clubs aren't run like BJ Accountants... It just doesn't.. really work... admirable, but not very practical.

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