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Give Jacko The Job (He got given it on page 31...)



  • paulfox said:
    I don’t mean to piss on chips but, all this talk of building right now for the big push next season seems a bit of a throw away comment of hopeful expectation. What makes people think that firstly we are going to be the only ones attempting it, and secondly are we as a club becoming less attractive for the type of player that we are all suggesting we require to mount a real challenge. It feels to me that there are teams we thought would never be a challenge to us are actually overtaking us and therefore beat us to those signings. When Chrissy Powell built his team we still had that aura of being a big fish in a little pond, and in my view we’re attractive for players who wanted a promotion on there cv. sadly I’m not sure that’s as much of a case as it was. People suggesting TS should back JJ Big in the summer seems a bit remiss of the fact he appears to already have done so to an extent, with not much in the way of a positive reaction. We have had a hell of a lot of players come and go over the last couple of seasons and in that time there doesn’t appear to be the consistent fight and unity for a sustained period to even look like we are going to challenge, missing out on goal difference last season flattered us massively, so I do question wether JJ can build and have the effect that Powelly did, and if the club have the fight in it we all remember, we as fans can only do so much in the way of support, but even that is becoming difficult when we are let down so often with below par performances on the pitch becoming more and more the norm. 
    Make you right on second thoughts. Get a new manager in, ANOTHER fresh start.
    All these fresh starts are getting pretty tedious, I really thought this season was going to be the one we all started to enjoy the club for all reasons again.
  • paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    I don’t mean to piss on chips but, all this talk of building right now for the big push next season seems a bit of a throw away comment of hopeful expectation. What makes people think that firstly we are going to be the only ones attempting it, and secondly are we as a club becoming less attractive for the type of player that we are all suggesting we require to mount a real challenge. It feels to me that there are teams we thought would never be a challenge to us are actually overtaking us and therefore beat us to those signings. When Chrissy Powell built his team we still had that aura of being a big fish in a little pond, and in my view we’re attractive for players who wanted a promotion on there cv. sadly I’m not sure that’s as much of a case as it was. People suggesting TS should back JJ Big in the summer seems a bit remiss of the fact he appears to already have done so to an extent, with not much in the way of a positive reaction. We have had a hell of a lot of players come and go over the last couple of seasons and in that time there doesn’t appear to be the consistent fight and unity for a sustained period to even look like we are going to challenge, missing out on goal difference last season flattered us massively, so I do question wether JJ can build and have the effect that Powelly did, and if the club have the fight in it we all remember, we as fans can only do so much in the way of support, but even that is becoming difficult when we are let down so often with below par performances on the pitch becoming more and more the norm. 
    Make you right on second thoughts. Get a new manager in, ANOTHER fresh start.
    All these fresh starts are getting pretty tedious, I really thought this season was going to be the one we all started to enjoy the club for all reasons again.
    With the answer being Jackson given time.
  • paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    I don’t mean to piss on chips but, all this talk of building right now for the big push next season seems a bit of a throw away comment of hopeful expectation. What makes people think that firstly we are going to be the only ones attempting it, and secondly are we as a club becoming less attractive for the type of player that we are all suggesting we require to mount a real challenge. It feels to me that there are teams we thought would never be a challenge to us are actually overtaking us and therefore beat us to those signings. When Chrissy Powell built his team we still had that aura of being a big fish in a little pond, and in my view we’re attractive for players who wanted a promotion on there cv. sadly I’m not sure that’s as much of a case as it was. People suggesting TS should back JJ Big in the summer seems a bit remiss of the fact he appears to already have done so to an extent, with not much in the way of a positive reaction. We have had a hell of a lot of players come and go over the last couple of seasons and in that time there doesn’t appear to be the consistent fight and unity for a sustained period to even look like we are going to challenge, missing out on goal difference last season flattered us massively, so I do question wether JJ can build and have the effect that Powelly did, and if the club have the fight in it we all remember, we as fans can only do so much in the way of support, but even that is becoming difficult when we are let down so often with below par performances on the pitch becoming more and more the norm. 
    Make you right on second thoughts. Get a new manager in, ANOTHER fresh start.
    All these fresh starts are getting pretty tedious, I really thought this season was going to be the one we all started to enjoy the club for all reasons again.
    With the answer being Jackson given time.
    Hope so, I’m not convinced yet, all depends if he manages a set of players he can influence, the lot we have at the moment are going through managers like a dose of salts!! 
  • colthe3rd said:
    This has all the same feelings as that 10/11 season where Powell took over halfway through. Poor defending, toothless in attack, a team drifting towards a lower mid table finish.

    We know what happened in 11/12 but we didn't just fluke our way into it. Who are we identifying as next season's Hamer, Morrison, Wiggins, Hollands, Stephens and Kermorgant?

    The upcoming summer window will be huge for our club.
    We've been saying this for nearly 18 months now.
    Make or break the next window as to whether we'll have a chance of promotion in next 3-5 years.

    Some big clubs down here now top half will be like a mini championship soon enough.  Our squad has struggled to compete with Crewe and Cheltenham and are below accrington Stanley and Burton Albion.

    Having a comparatively big stadium and fanbase and an historically "natural" position a league above counts for less and less with each season we spend down here and gravity of time in this league will make it easier to head one way (down).

    Before first game of the season we will know if we've done enough to stop the ongoing decay and it'll be evident even sooner as soon as the window opens and we see who stays, goes and comes in and in time for a proper pre season.

    No instability excuses or new manager bedding in (we hope) albeit we had the same luxury last summer and blundered it.

    Massive window and pre season prep coming up and arguably most important in recent history for how it'll likely shape next 3- 5 years.
    Agree it’s a pivotal period in the Sandgaard era.

    He will have been here 2 years, it will be his 4th window, he will be armed with everything he’s seen,
    heard and learnt and buoyed by the Burstow windfall.

    I’m not expecting us to walk to the title but if TS is a good as he thinks he is there can be no excuse to not be in the playoff mix.
  • JJ looks a broken man in the Charlton TV interview, bags under his eyes, body language not good 
  • paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    I don’t mean to piss on chips but, all this talk of building right now for the big push next season seems a bit of a throw away comment of hopeful expectation. What makes people think that firstly we are going to be the only ones attempting it, and secondly are we as a club becoming less attractive for the type of player that we are all suggesting we require to mount a real challenge. It feels to me that there are teams we thought would never be a challenge to us are actually overtaking us and therefore beat us to those signings. When Chrissy Powell built his team we still had that aura of being a big fish in a little pond, and in my view we’re attractive for players who wanted a promotion on there cv. sadly I’m not sure that’s as much of a case as it was. People suggesting TS should back JJ Big in the summer seems a bit remiss of the fact he appears to already have done so to an extent, with not much in the way of a positive reaction. We have had a hell of a lot of players come and go over the last couple of seasons and in that time there doesn’t appear to be the consistent fight and unity for a sustained period to even look like we are going to challenge, missing out on goal difference last season flattered us massively, so I do question wether JJ can build and have the effect that Powelly did, and if the club have the fight in it we all remember, we as fans can only do so much in the way of support, but even that is becoming difficult when we are let down so often with below par performances on the pitch becoming more and more the norm. 
    Make you right on second thoughts. Get a new manager in, ANOTHER fresh start.
    All these fresh starts are getting pretty tedious, I really thought this season was going to be the one we all started to enjoy the club for all reasons again.
    JJ was never a fresh start he was Assistant Manager under Adkins and Bowyer before that. 
  • DA9 said:
    JJ looks a broken man in the Charlton TV interview, bags under his eyes, body language not good 
    I have heard the same thing from a first team player. 
  • Oh bloody hell, really? 

    I'm getting a severe case of deja vu. 
  • These players seem like a group of mercenaries who get manager after manager sacked while still ensuring they get get paid and get new contracts, Thomas so far has changed the managers but not the team.

    There’s a black hat caught in a high tree-top…
  • Things seem pretty messy behind the scenes (including with Jackson’s contract). Feels like the club needs some real leadership, on and off the pitch. Sandgaard being a good bloke with our best interests at heart won’t solve all of our problems. 
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  • J BLOCK said:
    DA9 said:
    JJ looks a broken man in the Charlton TV interview, bags under his eyes, body language not good 
    I have heard the same thing from a first team player. 
    Without giving away too much information, you able to say why that is the case?
  • J BLOCK said:
    DA9 said:
    JJ looks a broken man in the Charlton TV interview, bags under his eyes, body language not good 
    I have heard the same thing from a first team player. 
    Without giving away too much information, you able to say why that is the case?
    Was a few weeks back, sounded like JJ’s heads dropped and it’s noticeable.
  • paulfox said:
    I don’t mean to piss on chips but, all this talk of building right now for the big push next season seems a bit of a throw away comment of hopeful expectation. What makes people think that firstly we are going to be the only ones attempting it, and secondly are we as a club becoming less attractive for the type of player that we are all suggesting we require to mount a real challenge. It feels to me that there are teams we thought would never be a challenge to us are actually overtaking us and therefore beat us to those signings. When Chrissy Powell built his team we still had that aura of being a big fish in a little pond, and in my view we’re attractive for players who wanted a promotion on there cv. sadly I’m not sure that’s as much of a case as it was. People suggesting TS should back JJ Big in the summer seems a bit remiss of the fact he appears to already have done so to an extent, with not much in the way of a positive reaction. We have had a hell of a lot of players come and go over the last couple of seasons and in that time there doesn’t appear to be the consistent fight and unity for a sustained period to even look like we are going to challenge, missing out on goal difference last season flattered us massively, so I do question wether JJ can build and have the effect that Powelly did, and if the club have the fight in it we all remember, we as fans can only do so much in the way of support, but even that is becoming difficult when we are let down so often with below par performances on the pitch becoming more and more the norm. 
    Seriously.  I hardly think bringing in Annek (can't play 2 games a week) to paper over the big crack of not having proper cover for Stockley (injured) in the first place. Plus 1 decent signing Fraser (out with covid) and 2 young loan signings that haven't really featured is 'backing the manager'.

    Not positive reaction.  Of course not, he has taken us out of the bottom 4 where we looked destined to stay before he came in and got us out of trouble.   

    Those who want a thresh start should apply that thinking to the dead playing squad. Its riddled with dead wood, players here for a last pension pay off and players that play when they think they need to for the next short term contract.

    Its misplaced belief that the squad is top billing by Sandgaard and it wouldn't surprise me if JFH isn't still in the back of his mind.  I think I will stick with JJ thanks, and I was critical of him as part of the Adkins era.  
  • DA9 said:
    JJ looks a broken man in the Charlton TV interview, bags under his eyes, body language not good 
    Exactly my first thought when seeing both his pre and post match interviews. He didn't look well.

    @J BlOCK says above he has heard the same from a player.

    If this is the case, how on earth has he got so down after only a few months in the job? Is he really that worried that TS won't renew his contract for next season? 

    I want JJ to be here next season and succeed. But seriously if the job is making him that ill after only a few months for the sake of his health and his family he should seriously think about walking away. Wrecking his health for this job is just not worth it. 
  • DA9 said:
    JJ looks a broken man in the Charlton TV interview, bags under his eyes, body language not good 
    And that was before the game!
  • LouisMend said:
    Completely agree, this far the players seem to have been backed more than the manager, I can’t tell if JJ is the right manager or not but Thomas definitely needs to clear out a lot of this first team.
  • J BLOCK said:
    DA9 said:
    JJ looks a broken man in the Charlton TV interview, bags under his eyes, body language not good 
    I have heard the same thing from a first team player. 

    Any reason for this?  Ie is it a case of the stress of managing as a full time job and not happy with the step up from less pressured assistant?

    Or is there more too it off the field- wise either in a personal or CAFC-related capacity. 

    Whilst our league position and season's prospects are shite, he's not done terribly with the squad he has at his disposal particularly picking them up as he did after the Adkins era. and surely has done enough bar a cataclysmic end to the season to warrant being in situ come august.  

    Seems odd to be so burnt out just based on current performances which whilst far from ideal should be taken in the context of the wider season and also some great results and performances still such as Portsmouth.  

  • se9addick said:
    Things seem pretty messy behind the scenes (including with Jackson’s contract). Feels like the club needs some real leadership, on and off the pitch. Sandgaard being a good bloke with our best interests at heart won’t solve all of our problems. 

    He could do worse than get Peter Varney and Alan Curbishley in to run the club and the football on the day to day basis.

    If he did that he could still get the hero worship for doing his money on us but not have all the criticism as it would be done by Varney and Curbs with Jacko.  

    Seems an obvious way to turn the club around and a no brainer.

    Get the old band back together Tommy!
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  • se9addick said:
    Things seem pretty messy behind the scenes (including with Jackson’s contract). Feels like the club needs some real leadership, on and off the pitch. Sandgaard being a good bloke with our best interests at heart won’t solve all of our problems. 

    He could do worse than get Peter Varney and Alan Curbishley in to run the club and the football on the day to day basis.

    If he did that he could still get the hero worship for doing his money on us but not have all the criticism as it would be done by Varney and Curbs with Jacko.  

    Seems an obvious way to turn the club around and a no brainer.

    Get the old band back together Tommy!
    I also think Jacko could do unless he's already done it or doing it should have a chat with Curbs and Powell and they can give him some support. Curbs was very good at not panicking in a crisis or bad results and Powell also. Powell has been in the same position jacko is now at this level. 

    But yh Curbs and a CEO whether Varney or not I think should have a role in things. Curbs should act as a support to jacko in terms of after games being in the boardroom supporting him and reassuring others when we have a bad result that he's gonna get this right. I don't want any sporting or technical director at the club at least while we are in league 1.  I'm no fan of them tbh and that was before Roddy came in.
  • J BLOCK said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    I don’t mean to piss on chips but, all this talk of building right now for the big push next season seems a bit of a throw away comment of hopeful expectation. What makes people think that firstly we are going to be the only ones attempting it, and secondly are we as a club becoming less attractive for the type of player that we are all suggesting we require to mount a real challenge. It feels to me that there are teams we thought would never be a challenge to us are actually overtaking us and therefore beat us to those signings. When Chrissy Powell built his team we still had that aura of being a big fish in a little pond, and in my view we’re attractive for players who wanted a promotion on there cv. sadly I’m not sure that’s as much of a case as it was. People suggesting TS should back JJ Big in the summer seems a bit remiss of the fact he appears to already have done so to an extent, with not much in the way of a positive reaction. We have had a hell of a lot of players come and go over the last couple of seasons and in that time there doesn’t appear to be the consistent fight and unity for a sustained period to even look like we are going to challenge, missing out on goal difference last season flattered us massively, so I do question wether JJ can build and have the effect that Powelly did, and if the club have the fight in it we all remember, we as fans can only do so much in the way of support, but even that is becoming difficult when we are let down so often with below par performances on the pitch becoming more and more the norm. 
    Make you right on second thoughts. Get a new manager in, ANOTHER fresh start.
    All these fresh starts are getting pretty tedious, I really thought this season was going to be the one we all started to enjoy the club for all reasons again.
    JJ was never a fresh start he was Assistant Manager under Adkins and Bowyer before that. 
    And that was always the risk, quite a few on here, me included thought a complete fresh start may have been best, but nobody really knew how things were going to pan out by promoting JJ.
  • If we made JJ caretaker until the end of season, it would have provided some simplicity and clarity.
  • boggzy said:
    The acid test is how JJ gets on after he leaves to manage a well-run club.
    we are a well run club ….. now 
  • mendonca said:
    If we made JJ caretaker until the end of season, it would have provided some simplicity and clarity.
    But the same fans who are now saying JJ should go were the ones demanding TS to give him the job … 

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