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Stop playing this poxy song



  • Maccn05 said:
    It’s the same with the Christmas card / Fill The Vallet postcard from last week. 

    The two images were of Jacko (fair enough) and the owner with his stupid pose.. not one actual player was featured.

    it’s a small thing but for me it’s disrespectful and looks like he values himself over the actual players.

    The man’s ego seems to be running wild, imagine what it will like if he actually achieves anything…. Probably an open too bus (but only him and Raelynn on it of course)
    I suspect he felt he could put himself on the front of the postcard as the Fill the Valley idea is costing him money, not the players. There was also a photo of some fans, some of which will benefit from the scheme.
  • edited December 2021
  • Rammed down peoples throats 😂 you can’t be serious.

    He is having it played 3x every match day. What other song has ever gotten that sort of airtime?
  • Its bizarre and ironic. I end up not caring and do a bit of air guitaring with a fellow fan just for a bit of fun. It amuses me more than anything else
  • Croydon said:
    He is having it played 3x every match day. What other song has ever gotten that sort of airtime?
    I’ve genuinely not noticed it except at full time when we’ve won, it’s such a non issue to me, it does not feel like it’s been rammed down my throat that’s for sure.  
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  • If someone who has saved Charlton indulges in a bit of vanity what exactly is wrong with that?
    Yes organic response from the crowd after a win is preferable, but maybe there can be dialogue about the management of the whole event at the Valley.
    There are others around the club who have not contributed a fortune to save it, who are also all about personal aggrandisement.
  • I think this is bonkers to be honest. I don't think there's a mask with Sandgaard, he's one of the most transparent people I think I've ever seen. The ego isn't hidden but it's not a problematic one, he just likes when the fans like him, and he's always been completely open with media, fans and anyone who has asked him anything about his intentions with the club. He's listened to feedback when he's misjudged stuff and he's binned off thousands in revenue in recent weeks to fill The Valley with freebie tickets to the benefit of loyal season ticket holders. He's not bought the club because he really hates his children and doesn't want them to get any inheritance, he's obviously someone who enjoys the positive attention he gets from fan adulation, but that's just going to encourage him to do things that improve the club's standing so it keeps coming. He's nothing like the other owners we've had who think they're never wrong. 'I can see behind the mask'. Honestly, like being proud that you've figured out pro wrestling isn't real.


    I guess written language can appear to be meaning something different from what was intended.

    I agree with you. My mask reference was out of proportion and it was an inaccurate description.

    At the same time, a lot of fans are complaining. It sounds like they are complaining for a reason. His music makes a percentage of the fanbase feel a tad fed up. You can't please everyone, but you can listen and try to understand.

    I like the fun lively side of TS. He is a character, but the same time, he probably should consider the fanbase overall opinion on a matter and perhaps cast an open vote for what music they may want to hear after a match, if we win the game.

    Just simple stuff. It doesn't need to get taken too seriously.

    What is best for the club? What do people naturally warm to? 

    Like I say, I fully support TS and very much welcome and appreciate his efforts.

    Every now and again, I show symptoms of the modern misery whinge virus

  • Major said:
    Great point. And 'Supporters' attacking our owner (Saviour)  about a bloody celebration song need to give their collective heads a shake.

    "Yeh but no but yeh but..I need to hear.... "

    I don't particularly like the tune  nor volume either but I am an old fart and change is always an issue.
    However, it's something Thomas has introduced.

    It's part of the getting our club back package. I'll deal with it.
    IMO it's not really about change per se ....... but killing the atmosphere at the final whistle.
    That's the time for the togetherness of team and fans celebration.

    Whether some people like it or not, there's nothing wrong with the song in itself.
    It has it's place. And in the right place at the right time, there's every reason to include it as part of our tradition.

    But not right on the final whistle.

  • Yes we are 'supporters' and have been in my case for 30 plus years before TS even knew what Charlton Athletic are and will likely be long after he's moved on.

    I'm a Charlton Athletic fan and support the team and support the club...doesn't mean your "saviour" (deary me) is a above criticism when the immediacy following win is dominated by a vanity project.

    Good points, Rodders.

    But you know, hey-ho, why not let Thomas have his moment in the sun? In the whole scheme of things, it's only a little thing.

    If there had been no Thomas, where would the club be ....... struggling in the Fourth Division or even worse, the same situation as Bury?
    Under the old regime of the asset stripping Con Merchants, that's where we were headed.

    Vanity project or whatever for Thomas, fine. It doesn't really matter.
    Thanks to him, we've got our Charlton back.

  • Didn't take long for the 'it's his club he can do what he likes' argument to come back.

  • mendonca said:
    Sometimes you have to get over the little things and enjoy the wider picture. 
    Very true.
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  • cafctom said:
    Five pages. About a song that’s played over the PA system. 

    The post match thread about the game where we put in one of our best performances of the season got to ten pages. 

    Is this worth half the discussion? Seriously? 
    and you have just added another comment to the thread.
  • edited December 2021
    We need a battle cry..... :wink:
  • It's all a bit 'tone deaf' really, the decision making that is, just like the song.
  • Pretty sure we've always played some sort of music at full time, never really cared before if I'm honest but have to admit ATV was loud at full time.

    I have no issue with ATV being introduced to the match day if that's something TS wants to do and means playing it at full time then I have no issue with that.

    Just needs turning down a bit that's all, doesn't need scrapping altogether.
  • I honestly thought this thread was going to be about Last Christmas. 
  • edited December 2021
    Croydon said:
    and you have just added another comment to the thread.
    Wasn’t it you who got the hump about a couple of light hearted jokes I made on the post match thread when we won a few weeks ago?

    Something about “why can’t you just enjoy the win” or along those lines?

    Ironic considering the debate is now around something so trivial….

    The point I’m making is that people should be talking a lot more about that superb performance.
  • Being eternally grateful for Sandgaard rescuing our club, and not wanting him to blast his own music over an important part of the fan experience are not incompatible. 

  • edited December 2021
    cafctom said:
    Wasn’t it you who got the hump about a couple of light hearted jokes I made on the post match thread when we won a few weeks ago?

    Something about “why can’t you just enjoy the win” or along those lines?

    Ironic considering the debate is now around something so trivial….

    The point I’m making is that people should be talking a lot more about that superb performance.
    Two different threads for two different purposes. You want to read positive post match comments left by myself and everyone else from Tuesday, then it's not hard to find the thread pinned to the top of the forum. If you don't want to read a debate around the song, don't open the thread dedicated to a debate about the song. Not a particularly hard concept to grasp.
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