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MATCH THREAD: Cheltenham v Charlton 3pm Saturday 15th January



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    edited January 2022
    Good first 10 minutes, couple of half chances and goal bound shot cleared off the line.... Then proper league one football from both teams up to half time with Cheltenham having the better chances (mainly aided by us).

    Not Morgan's biggest fan but he's been our standout player.. not sure if thats good or bad tbh...
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    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Turned on Adkins after 3 games of this season...... 

    Sacking Jackson isn't the answer, neither was sacking Adkins.  IF and it's a big IF if we go on the sort of run we did under Bowyer last season we will get relegated.  Jackson has now got to do what neither of the other two failed to do.  It's not easy. 
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    Disgraceful performance after the 1st 10 minutes.  No bottle  , nothing.  Feel sorry for the 1500+ fans at the game .
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    And as usual a team devoid of leaders need a Kinsella in the middle to gee this lot up
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    If we're talking about Jackson living on borrowed time, and if Sandgaard is thinking the same (at this stage), then this is the first time I'll compare him to Roland.

    Adkins was the choice, and then Jackson.

    We might not like the Football at the moment, but this might have to be the short term pain, for long term gain - Because we CANNOT be having these discussions nearly every other month, where we question the Manager - We're not going to build proper stability on the pitch, until we get the right people in the right roles, changing the Manager every two / three months is certainly going to send us the other way.
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    Genuinely baffled as to how a team can win almost every game, the manager gets the job permanently and then they lose every game.
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    ‘Oi Adkins that’s the wankiest football I’ve ever seen Charlton play ‘
    Jacko “hold my beer” 

    this is utter shit 
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    Reminds me so much of the season Powell had before we won the league.

    Basically we have been awful. Giving the ball away left right and centre, midfield totally anonymous, yet again an average Joe "big" centre half is running us ragged.

    I keep saying it, but at what point does Jackson realise that his favoured formation is not working and make a change?

    No organisation, no communication, the high press has disappeared.

    Front two totally anonymous. Why are the midfield so deep?

    Irony is without Henderson we would be 4-0 down, but as with Crewe he has gifted them a goal.

    Really losing interest. So many piss poor players.

    Anneke been a huge disappointment for me.

    Don't see us coming back into it and this could be an absolute tonking.
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Not all of us clamoured for him. 
    No I'll be fair and say some were against it, as was I to be fair, but Jackson's caretaker reign showed he had something and was probably worth the cheap gamble. If we get relegated though... Different story.

    Not sure why it's falling apart now but 3 managers running have struggled with whoever we have playing. 
    He had a new formation which surprised some teams but has now been figured out, and Jackson is unable to adapt. That plus our players are bottom half League One quality. 
    This in a nutshell as they say.👍
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    We're 1-0 down thanks to Henderson

    But ironically we should be 4-0 down if it wasnt for Henderson
    Brownie started with something similar. It's a good point.

    Looking at their goal again, the move starts 30 yards away from their own goal. And they just play through us with pace of touch and movement like we're not even there.

    This team used to press ruthlessly. They used to hunt in packs. I know sometimes the intensity can be hard to maintain week in, week out but we seem to have absolutely no plan in attack. We're playing with our heads down. We're not moving for each other. We're acres apart from each other in possession, but not in a good way.

    And when the ball turns over, there's loads of space between our three lines. With the exception of Dobson, no one is looking to fill any of the vertical gaps. Just poor all around. 
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    edited January 2022
    Midfield light weight, created nothing!
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    Unbelievable, inexplicable.
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    First thing I've done at ht is look at the Morecombe score. Thank heavens they aren't winning.

    This is crap. Pure and simple. 

    Henderson clearly should have held that shot but ironically he's made 3 great saves that has kept us in it.

    Good to see Aneke continuing his proud record of getting  caught offside and booked every game. 
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    thenewbie said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Don't think that's really the case. More like people pointing out that we really are playing shitty football. Which we are. 
    Jump on Twitter. It's really sadly not.
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Not all of us clamoured for him. 
    No I'll be fair and say some were against it, as was I to be fair, but Jackson's caretaker reign showed he had something and was probably worth the cheap gamble. If we get relegated though... Different story.

    Not sure why it's falling apart now but 3 managers running have struggled with whoever we have playing. 
    He had a new formation which surprised some teams but has now been figured out, and Jackson is unable to adapt. That plus our players are bottom half League One quality. 
    Yep, a combination of both things for me. The foot has well and truly been taken of the gas since Jackson got the job full time, and both the players and the coaching team have to take responsibility for that.

    Also we need a Plan B, two strikers, currently is going nowhere and we are just falling into the same trap of when we get the ball, getting stuck on the byline, losing it, and being put under pressure, whilst we have two blokes up top doing fuck all. 
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    These performances, scores and results are starting to make my stomach feel odd. 

    Maybe its the familiarity of it all.
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    Good to see Chuks didn’t have to get Charltonised again. He still had if from last time. Steps straight back in and joins in the SHIT shower….. 
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    Get Lee off and Gilbey on. Lee was a liability at Crewe and is invisible today.
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    Next time you get the who do you support question, and they hear "Cheltenham" instead of Charlton, maybe don't correct them
    Happened to me years ago whilst ski-ing in the Alps. I had a CAFC bobble hat on & a bloke behind me in the queue for the ski lift asked who I supported.  When I said Charlton he thought I said Cheltenham. 

    I shouldn't have corrected him.
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    Genuinely baffled as to how a team can win almost every game, the manager gets the job permanently and then they lose every game.
    If Jackson can’t turn it around he’ll be gone. Avoiding relegation now looks our only target. I’m not confident of that either.
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    That's football for you.

    Looks like we're now fighting to secure our status in league one again.

    We have the momentum plague and obviously don't have much of a backbone. It's either one way or the other.

    I blame the players and an aspect of the ownership.

    I bet sandgaurd will replace Jackson in the summer now. 

    Soon as you lose a few games at've lost the dressing room. It's incredibly thickle, frustrating typical and boring 
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    Chuks and Burstow have never played together.  What did JJ expect?  One is a teenager.  They don't gel overnight- literally!

    Why play DJ on the left.

    Go 4-4-2

    Change things as the squad can't make wing backs work at the moment.

    Henderson really is a bit "fat" for a professional footballer. 

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    edited January 2022
    Cross bar challenge winner's wifi is perfoming better than our first team...  
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    Southbank said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    P.s Agree with getting Harness on. That save should have been simple.
    Henderson has made 3 good saves.
    He has also cost us the last 3 goals we have conceded.
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    Whenever Charlton are on tv, I’ve always been absolutely glued to it, win lose or draw.
    But these days, I find myself checking my emails, making a cuppa, playing a game on my iPad, having a chat with ladyromford etc.
    I just can’t give it my full attention anymore. Maybe because I’m able to watch every game live on tv these days? I suspect though, that it’s just because it’s so desperately uninspiring
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    supaclive said:
    Chuks and Burstow have never played together.  What did JJ expect?  One is a teenager.  They don't gel overnight- literally!

    Why play DJ on the left.

    Go 4-4-2

    Change things as the squad can't make wing backs work at the moment.

    Henderson really is a bit "fat" for a professional footballer. 

    Did you not see Stockdale for Wycombe at the start of the Year?
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    paulfox said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Not all of us clamoured for him. 
    No I'll be fair and say some were against it, as was I to be fair, but Jackson's caretaker reign showed he had something and was probably worth the cheap gamble. If we get relegated though... Different story.

    Not sure why it's falling apart now but 3 managers running have struggled with whoever we have playing. 
    He had a new formation which surprised some teams but has now been figured out, and Jackson is unable to adapt. That plus our players are bottom half League One quality. 
    This in a nutshell as they say.👍
    I agree.
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    Get Defoe's OAP bus pass sorted and it'll all swing around...
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!