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MATCH THREAD: Cheltenham v Charlton 3pm Saturday 15th January



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    Just when you thought you couldn’t hate these cnuts anymore they take utter shitness to another level …
    im not having it , they’re all just utter shit 
    some of the passing straight to the oppo is park football at it’s wankiest , we are a disgrace 
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    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Not all of us clamoured for him. 
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    Just like so many games under Adkins and Bowyer
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    CH4RLTON said:
    I cant get my head around why we are so bad
    Thought about that too but we are playing a kid up front with together Chuks who never played together. Morgan is just not good enough as we have seen before more than once. Inniss have been poor all season so no surprises there. And that is the spine of our team today.
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    edited January 2022
    Nine attempts at goal to one in favour of Cheltenham. That’s CHELTENHAM not Chelsea
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    Whats happening with the defence? sounds as if we are letting them walk right through us with everyone of their attacks?
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    Essentially the same players, essentially the same coaching side, essentially the same performance.

    A period of decent play, where we can’t score, the opposition weathers it and adjusts, then we are poor the rest of the game. 

    Need a complete and utter overhaul. 

    Also how often does Terry get our players mixed up. Moans about the officials not being able to see play, and can’t tell our players apart half the time.

    *rant over 
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    Shocking. Players look devoid of confidence. 

    No tempo to the play, no good.
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    I never thought we'd somehow have an ever shitter squad than the 2010/11 season but we've achieved it, well done TS and co.
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    What a pathetic 1st half. Honestly this team needs to be stripped apart. Bunch of bottlers. 
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    Decent 15 minutes, don’t score, opponents work us out, we have nothing in reply. 

    Exactly like every match under Adkins. 

    Fucking awful.
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    Browny's initial thoughts: "We were poor."

    I doubt he'd be allowed to say what he really thought of that performance, not without the programme being taken off air anyway.
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    Another great day out with loads of mates being ruined by the shit on the pitch. 
    After 55 years of supporting us I'm immune to it now 
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    edited January 2022
    Oh dear.

    A Golfie anyone.....?
    Not today
    Is that "not today" with respect to us coming from behind to win or "not today"  in that we don't really need Golfie's incessant, unremitting, negativity?

    Or both?
    It's not negativity its stating a basic fact. 

    It's not my fault we cant win from going behind. 
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    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Don't think that's really the case. More like people pointing out that we really are playing shitty football. Which we are. 
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    Back 3 incapable of passing to each other so many poor passes
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    Dispiriting isn't it.more disappointed than anything else. Another defeat. Void of any cohesion or ideas. Can only see another 2 goal defeat now. Something is wrong.
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    Sorry, but the recruitment has been wank.
    gallen has brought in more crocks and crap than good - and unfortunately we are reaping the effects of that.

    jackson likely won’t be here (as manager at least) next season (unless we do a Chris powell and keep him on and rebuild) - but there’s just no semblance of football know how or plan.

    a team that looked like it would end up challenging for play offs now looks shot of ideas and confidence , and is just going through the motions! 


    know for a fact Sandgaard will get pelters, but I don’t think it’s down to him too much 
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    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    I was more than happy to wait until the end of the season and see how it went,there was no rush. the players are the problem, fucking it up for the third manager in a row, although Bows didn’t help himself to a certain extent .
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    edited January 2022
    Dazzler21 said:
    And now people turning on Jackson... Some of our fans really are classless. 

    You clamour for him to be made permanent then turn on him when we're under his first bad patch. 
    Not all of us clamoured for him. 
    No I'll be fair and say some were against it, as was I to be fair, but Jackson's caretaker reign showed he had something and was probably worth the cheap gamble. If we get relegated though... Different story.

    Not sure why it's falling apart now but 3 managers running have struggled with whoever we have playing. 

    Probably too many changes today from the last game. 
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    How can a team look good a few weeks ago and now look so poor ? We are so predictable just hoofing the ball forward and their defence will deal with that all day long. Losing every second ball ! We really look like we have no idea how to break teams down. This isnt over but we cant expect to turn this around if we keep playing this way
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    Southbank said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    P.s Agree with getting Harness on. That save should have been simple.
    Henderson has made 3 good saves.
    But he has also cost us with the easier of those 4 chances.
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    Well if Jacko made changes to the midfield to freshen it up, he's properly thinking that it's now stinking worse than ever. Get Gilbey back on and put Leko out wide.
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    Only one that's looked any good is Dobson. Burstow anonymous, Aneke done next to nothing. Defence all over the place. Jacko polished a turd for a while but the stench is coming through again. 
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    Decent opening 10 minutes, then awful. Morgan has been decent and Lee had a few good moments, but not much else.

    Defence has been terrible, Inniss having a mare and Famewo not much better.

    I've no idea what the tactics are meant to be, but far too much hoofball.
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