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Summer 2022 transfer rumours (Gilbey loan confirmed p513, a signing falls through last minute p541)



  • “We decided not to sign any free agents because we didn’t see any that make our team better”
  • Kirk needs for things to be going well to look half arsed, he goes into hiding and wimps out of tackles when the going gets tough. 
    He Rarely tracks back and was massively caught out on that front on Saturday. This issue has been on going throughout the season but was evident on ore on Saturday. He really  isn’t the sort of footballer you want in your team.
    After 20 minutes of play you know what sort of performance he’s going to put in. If things aren’t seen to be going well for him he just disappears, he’s not up for the challenge.
    He then continues with a sulky ‘hang dog’ air about him, which in turn doesn’t encourage his team mates.
    The complete antithesis of Johnny Robinson……if ever there was one.
    Sorry but he’s not for me. 😕
    Every time he does that thing with his hair I think of Stan Laurel, Laurel and Hardy.   Oops, showing my age.
  • We have needed a left footed LB with pace for two years. When we get Steven Sessegnon fit we will have a right footed Player who can cover at LB. Clayden obviously will be shown up as a defending LB considering he is an attack minded Left sided player.

    *Clayden would have been better as a wing back in a 3-5-2 with Clare as the right sided Wing back but as that was so last season...

    * Until we get a specialist Left footed LB with pace ! Ok I know that's not going to happen unless a kid comes from the academy.
    Just looked back at 2-2 draw at Fulham in Championship season. JFC played on left of 5 in 3-5-2 formation according to Sky and did that that wonderful long pass to Solly who headed into the penalty box for Conor G to finish.
    OK I know its few years on plus another serious injury but I wondered if JFC could cover at left back? OK -no pace but a cool  experienced head perhaps until injured players return? As many pointed out Clayden suffered last week and any team seeing that will surely target him from now on?
    I know fitness maybe an issue with him too.
  • Kirk needs for things to be going well to look half arsed, he goes into hiding and wimps out of tackles when the going gets tough. 
    He Rarely tracks back and was massively caught out on that front on Saturday. This issue has been on going throughout the season but was evident on ore on Saturday. He really  isn’t the sort of footballer you want in your team.
    After 20 minutes of play you know what sort of performance he’s going to put in. If things aren’t seen to be going well for him he just disappears, he’s not up for the challenge.
    He then continues with a sulky ‘hang dog’ air about him, which in turn doesn’t encourage his team mates.
    The complete antithesis of Johnny Robinson……if ever there was one.
    Sorry but he’s not for me. 😕
    I noticed this at Wycombe, a player was injured, the ball was dead and there was a break in play. Kirk had the ball, the Wycombe player gestured for him to pass it towards him because play would restart with a Wycombe throw. Kirk deliberately kicked it in the other direction, and when the Wycombe player went towards it, he kicked it away again.  For no other reason than to be awkward, when the ball was dead, while the ref was away tending to an injured player. All the time with a sulky smirk on his face that wouldn't look out of place on a stroppy teenager.  He just comes across as a moody individual who is unlikely to put his body on the line for the team. I want to like him, but he just seems so unlikeable. 
  • Didn't JF-C have a couple of games at left wing back? Seem to remember he did ok (unless the mind is playing tricks again).
  • cabbles said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Didn't JF-C have a couple of games at left wing back? Seem to remember he did ok (unless the mind is playing tricks again).
    He covered there against Fulham at Craven Cottage in our 2-2 draw in the Championship and did quite well.  This has then snowballed on here in terms of his performance and I’ve watched this grow into ‘he was excellent’ and ‘we should play him at LWB’ - last season.  We do this all the time.  Not you personally, but generally.  One good game and I thought we’d found Roberto Carlos’ replacement based on some of the hype I read last year 
    It was going forward that he excelled that day Iirc.He made a cross field pass in the build up for Gallagher's goal. I don't recall him being outstanding defensively. To be fair to Clayden he also looked good going forward on Saturday. It was defensively he was lacking.
  • edited September 2022
    Did JFC get motm as a rb?
  • Jac_52 said:
    Southbank said:
    Billy_Mix said:
    There seems to be a lot of chat about Clare , who personally I think is an excellent player and rumours of championship clubs being interested but our problem is left back , we have tried to make Clayden into a full back who was a winger - he was at fault for the first 2 goals on Saturday - watch the highlights carefully - he is still young but he is not a full back and the goals are coming down that side - we need to sort that out first - it’s great having a left back who can get forward but he needs to be a defender first . 
    Unfortunately, he was at fault for all 3 goals.
    The 3rd goal he was marking their player who received the short free kick.
    Their player ran and received the ball and Clayden was far too slow to simply run with him.
    Next thing the ball is in the net.
    Apologies to Clayden a young lad thrown in at the deep end, but all 3 goals were mainly down to him (obviously not totally down to him).
    In Clayden's defense he has very little experience at all, virtually none at full back and worst of all gets zero protection from the wage stealing pisstaker in front of him Charlie The Shirk Kirk
    Charles has been callously thrown to the dogs and left to fend for himself - on that context his performances are remarkable - better a team of eleven Claydens than ever see Kirk in Charlton red again
    Clayden looks more effective as a winger than Kirk. Once Sessignon/Egbo are back I would kick Kirk out and put Clayden on the wing.

    He might look it on the basis he runs up and down the line a lot, but he certainly isn't.
     :s running up and down the line is about 75% of what a winger is there to do - i.e. Kirk doesn't even offer 25% of what's required
    Clayden's Grandad is a better option than the shameless shirker 
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  • Kirk needs for things to be going well to look half arsed, he goes into hiding and wimps out of tackles when the going gets tough. 
    He Rarely tracks back and was massively caught out on that front on Saturday. This issue has been on going throughout the season but was evident on ore on Saturday. He really  isn’t the sort of footballer you want in your team.
    After 120 minutes of play you know what sort of performance he’s going to put in. If things aren’t seen to be going well for him he just disappears, he’s not up for the any challenge.
    He then continues with a sulks  with a ‘hang dog’ air about him, which in turn doesn’t encourage his team mates. justify paying him a damn penny
    The complete antithesis of Johnny Robinson……if ever there was one.
    Sorry but he’s not for me. 😕
    no apology required SoundAs  you're too generous by half
  • Billy_Mix said:
    Jac_52 said:
    Southbank said:
    Billy_Mix said:
    There seems to be a lot of chat about Clare , who personally I think is an excellent player and rumours of championship clubs being interested but our problem is left back , we have tried to make Clayden into a full back who was a winger - he was at fault for the first 2 goals on Saturday - watch the highlights carefully - he is still young but he is not a full back and the goals are coming down that side - we need to sort that out first - it’s great having a left back who can get forward but he needs to be a defender first . 
    Unfortunately, he was at fault for all 3 goals.
    The 3rd goal he was marking their player who received the short free kick.
    Their player ran and received the ball and Clayden was far too slow to simply run with him.
    Next thing the ball is in the net.
    Apologies to Clayden a young lad thrown in at the deep end, but all 3 goals were mainly down to him (obviously not totally down to him).
    In Clayden's defense he has very little experience at all, virtually none at full back and worst of all gets zero protection from the wage stealing pisstaker in front of him Charlie The Shirk Kirk
    Charles has been callously thrown to the dogs and left to fend for himself - on that context his performances are remarkable - better a team of eleven Claydens than ever see Kirk in Charlton red again
    Clayden looks more effective as a winger than Kirk. Once Sessignon/Egbo are back I would kick Kirk out and put Clayden on the wing.

    He might look it on the basis he runs up and down the line a lot, but he certainly isn't.
     :s running up and down the line is about 75% of what a winger is there to do - i.e. Kirk doesn't even offer 25% of what's required
    Clayden's Grandad is a better option than the shameless shirker 
    A winger in a 433 is 100% there to create chances and contribute to our attacking play, which Kirk does. Clayden can't even cross a ball FFS, no way would he be a more effective winger than Kirk.

    Anyway let's just agree to disagree.
  • edited September 2022
    cabbles said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Didn't JF-C have a couple of games at left wing back? Seem to remember he did ok (unless the mind is playing tricks again).
    He covered there against Fulham at Craven Cottage in our 2-2 draw in the Championship and did quite well.  This has then snowballed on here in terms of his performance and I’ve watched this grow into ‘he was excellent’ and ‘we should play him at LWB’ - last season.  We do this all the time.  Not you personally, but generally.  One good game and I thought we’d found Roberto Carlos’ replacement based on some of the hype I read last year 
    That's partly because he wasn't available/not being picked.  How many people were 105% convinced Lavelle was different gravy compared to Inniss until 3.35 last Saturday?

    Is JFC the answer to our left back issue?  Of course he isn't.  Would him playing anywhere make us significantly weaker?  Probably not although I wouldn't fancy him in goal.  Is he such an awful footballer that he deserves to be "frozen out"?

    His par is better than Morgan's.  He has a much higher floor, maybe, maybe Morgan has a higher ceiling though.
  • He has more goals in him than Morgan I would say. 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    cabbles said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Didn't JF-C have a couple of games at left wing back? Seem to remember he did ok (unless the mind is playing tricks again).
    He covered there against Fulham at Craven Cottage in our 2-2 draw in the Championship and did quite well.  This has then snowballed on here in terms of his performance and I’ve watched this grow into ‘he was excellent’ and ‘we should play him at LWB’ - last season.  We do this all the time.  Not you personally, but generally.  One good game and I thought we’d found Roberto Carlos’ replacement based on some of the hype I read last year 
    That's partly because he wasn't available/not being picked.  How many people were 105% convinced Lavelle was different gravy compared to Inniss until 3.35 last Saturday?

    Is JFC the answer to our left back issue?  Of course he isn't.  Would him playing anywhere make us significantly weaker?  Probably not although I wouldn't fancy him in goal.  Is he such an awful footballer that he deserves to be "frozen out"?

    His par is better than Morgan's.  He has a much higher floor, maybe, maybe Morgan has a higher ceiling though.
    Not frozen out, but I wouldn’t fancy him at left back.  The two injuries can’t have helped his mobility and he could get torn apart a bit up against pace.  I think whilst he’s here if he can force his way back into the team then fair enough.  Morgan is a good comparison because although he has started under BG and showed some promise, will he do it consistently and step up?  We just don’t know.  

    It was more the off the cuff reaction I seem to remember reading after that one game against Fulham.  I saw so many comments assuming he could just play there.  Steve Brown did a few stints in goal and performed quite adequately, but you wouldn’t have given him the keeper’s jersey for the season.  Extreme example I know, and I’m not being facetious, just pointing out we have a tendency to big players up quite easily.  

    Remember when everyone was up in arms that TS only got £1.6m for Burstow and all of a sudden we had these hard ball negotiators on twitter saying it was a disgrace to let him go for that much and they’d have gotten more.  We take such a reactionary view on here a lot of time (myself included), I think I’m just tiring of the over inflation of what is mainly mediocre talent over the last 10 years or so (bar a few seasons).  I’m turning into Golfie’s protege :-) 

    it wears you down 😂
  • CafcSCP said:
    Chunes said:
    Any rumours?  :)
    Gallen said he’d already spoken to some free agents in his interview following the close of the window.
    we can only assume that  negotiations are taking or have taken place.
    In the past Gallen has said if there’s nobody worth considering .
    Probably just a sound bite to keep the punters happy. What do you expect him to say...."nah, no point looking at the out of contract players as there's a reason why they didnt sign for someone in the 4 months they had before the window shut - they want too much money and now unfit".
    He’s said in the past that they’ve looked and didn’t believe there were players to strengthen. One of the Bowyer windows 
  • So with Gallen now on holiday I assume no free agents signing?

    Any truth to the rumour re Stockley injured? I seriously hope not.
  • So with Gallen now on holiday I assume no free agents signing?

    Any truth to the rumour re Stockley injured? I seriously hope not.

    Still waiting to hear more on that myself. Hope not given our lack of bodies but I back Leaburn to do well tbh, and we may even see Garner mix it up and put Rak-Sakyi up there, which I'd be interested to see.
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  • Jac_52 said:
    So with Gallen now on holiday I assume no free agents signing?

    Any truth to the rumour re Stockley injured? I seriously hope not.

    Still waiting to hear more on that myself. Hope not given our lack of bodies but I back Leaburn to do well tbh, and we may even see Garner mix it up and put Rak-Sakyi up there, which I'd be interested to see.
    I wouldn't, far too lightweight to play centrally, especially against older and more experienced centre half pairings.

    A front 3 of Kirk, Rak-Sakyi and CBT would get absolutely ruined by a dilligent defence

  • Any truth to the rumour re Stockley injured? I seriously hope not.
    According to some on here bad news is good news!
  • cabbles said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Didn't JF-C have a couple of games at left wing back? Seem to remember he did ok (unless the mind is playing tricks again).
    He covered there against Fulham at Craven Cottage in our 2-2 draw in the Championship and did quite well.  This has then snowballed on here in terms of his performance and I’ve watched this grow into ‘he was excellent’ and ‘we should play him at LWB’ - last season.  We do this all the time.  Not you personally, but generally.  One good game and I thought we’d found Roberto Carlos’ replacement based on some of the hype I read last year 
    So true ….. anyway back to the manager we’ll be lucky to keep junior Pep at this rate 
  • Whether he remains a starter or plays from starting off the bench, Garner will decide, but we can really ill afford to lose Stockley to injury. Hope is fit and it’s an incorrect rumour.

    Would not be surprised if Gallen is now on hols, he would have been working all summer - suspect he is overdue a new phone and dependent on his ambitions, wouldn’t surprise me if he was exploring options elsewhere either. Been with us a fair while and can’t be so much fun, negotiating with pennies while others in his field are playing with pounds.

    On the free agents list, combined with what Garner has said since the window closed, would not surprise me if Garner has told T&MS no to freebies and asked them to source fee based reinforcements for January. I may have misinterpreted what Garner was trying to get across, but my take away was that he was expecting transfer fees to be paid, they weren’t and so would like to see these materialise in the next window. Suspect he was sold the job on us being competitive, Pope money was being bandied about internally etc etc 
  • Whether he remains a starter or plays from starting off the bench, Garner will decide, but we can really ill afford to lose Stockley to injury. Hope is fit and it’s an incorrect rumour.

    Would not be surprised if Gallen is now on hols, he would have been working all summer - suspect he is overdue a new phone and dependent on his ambitions, wouldn’t surprise me if he was exploring options elsewhere either. Been with us a fair while and can’t be so much fun, negotiating with pennies while others in his field are playing with pounds.

    On the free agents list, combined with what Garner has said since the window closed, would not surprise me if Garner has told T&MS no to freebies and asked them to source fee based reinforcements for January. I may have misinterpreted what Garner was trying to get across, but my take away was that he was expecting transfer fees to be paid, they weren’t and so would like to see these materialise in the next window. Suspect he was sold the job on us being competitive, Pope money was being bandied about internally etc etc 
    I'm sure he would have been told what the budget was before he accepted the job. The question is whether anything has changed in regards to what he was told. I strongly suspect it has. Clues are in the way we have gone about our business when I am sure a striker and even a centre back may have been prioritised more over midfielders if funds were as limited as they seem to be.
  • Whether he remains a starter or plays from starting off the bench, Garner will decide, but we can really ill afford to lose Stockley to injury. Hope is fit and it’s an incorrect rumour.

    Would not be surprised if Gallen is now on hols, he would have been working all summer - suspect he is overdue a new phone and dependent on his ambitions, wouldn’t surprise me if he was exploring options elsewhere either. Been with us a fair while and can’t be so much fun, negotiating with pennies while others in his field are playing with pounds.

    On the free agents list, combined with what Garner has said since the window closed, would not surprise me if Garner has told T&MS no to freebies and asked them to source fee based reinforcements for January. I may have misinterpreted what Garner was trying to get across, but my take away was that he was expecting transfer fees to be paid, they weren’t and so would like to see these materialise in the next window. Suspect he was sold the job on us being competitive, Pope money was being bandied about internally etc etc 
    I'm sure he would have been told what the budget was before he accepted the job. The question is whether anything has changed in regards to what he was told. I strongly suspect it has. Clues are in the way we have gone about our business when I am sure a striker and even a centre back may have been prioritised more over midfielders if funds were as limited as they seem to be.
    Yep, totally as I am interpreting it. 
  • Obviously Stockley shows in training why he should start, but if it’s our defence he’s training against surely that not an accurate picture?
  • Even if Stockley is shite in training he is still going to start. He’s the only fit senior striker at the club…..that’s a large part of the problem. He has no competition at all (bar Leaburn who is not ready to start many games).

    We desperately need Chuks back to avoid this being another wasted season.
  • Even if Stockley is shite in training he is still going to start. He’s the only fit senior striker at the club…..that’s a large part of the problem. He has no competition at all (bar Leaburn who is not ready to start many games).

    We desperately need Chuks back to avoid this being another wasted season. 
    Don't be so sure!
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