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  • Has to go down as one of the great banners of the modern era from Moan Utd dosnt it "Chelsea, fighting racism since Sunday".
  • edited November 2012

    The PGMO have issued a very strong statement in support of Mark Clattenburg today, suggesting that they're very confident that he has no case to answer. Surprising in the circumstances.

    Moreover, it is now being suggested that neither Mata nor Mikel heard the alleged remarks and that instead were informed by David Luiz and Ramires. I wonder how good their English is?

    Clattenburg will never referee again if he's found "guilty". On the other hand, if the allegations are found to be groundless, Chelsea could be in serious trouble - they certainly would be if the FA had any wotsits.

    You really couldn't make it up.

    All so very predictable. No evidence, but Chelsea say "we had an obligation....". Completely unacceptable. Let's indeed see if the FA have any wotsits. I'm not holding my breath.

    Meanwhile, the Society of Black Lawyers have not given up. They want Chelsea to provide any evidence they have to the police - what that means they have no idea of course. Do they really think they are helping here?

    As I said, you really couldn't make it up. The game is becoming a Madhouse run by people who are completely out of their depth.

  • Perhaps it's a double bluff Mundell, cos they're as sick of Chelsea's hypocrisy on this as everybody else is. After all if Chelsea have no evidence, they can't provide it to the police, can they?
  • What a monumental waste of time and reputation. Chelsea should be forced to say Solly, but they won't.
  • This Society of Black Lawyers are behaving terribly badly right now, in my opinion. I'm not sure who they think they're helping. They seem to be looking for anything remotely controversial that might get their name in the press. The stuff about Tottenham is just ridiculous - as Jewish Chelsea fan Andy Jacobs pointed out, what the hell's it got to do with Peter Herbert?
  • As people have said on here its all about vested intrest---they dont give a rats arse about this incident as such but its got them in the spot light .another knob head from the "race relations industry " Keith Jasper is a master at this and has been for years---its self promotion nothing more.
  • Goonerhater

    I'm one of your dreaded Guardianistas but I 100% agree with you on this.

    The police could hardly have made their situation clearer now, so what are the FA waiting for?
  • edited November 2012
    if i called the police and said along the lines of "i've heard from somebody that someone called someone else a so-and-so" and they spent time investigating it which came to nothing, then wouldn't i be threatened with a charge of wasting police time?
  • rikofold said:

    This Society of Black Lawyers are behaving terribly badly right now, in my opinion. I'm not sure who they think they're helping. They seem to be looking for anything remotely controversial that might get their name in the press. The stuff about Tottenham is just ridiculous - as Jewish Chelsea fan Andy Jacobs pointed out, what the hell's it got to do with Peter Herbert?

    No idea whether this is the Society of Black Lawyers as a body or it's being pushed by its approrpiately named chairman Herbert but it is embarassing nonetheless. They better hope that the old adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity still applies.

  • I'm another Guardianista turned Goonerhaterista.

    More harm than good. The whole thing has been a mess, Clattenburg, the world's worst ref ends up getting deserved sympathy and nut jobs do their best to set race relations back.
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  • Move along now, there's nothing to see here.

    (Well, somebody had to).
  • As a lawyer, before shouting about "cover ups" and other fanciful scenarios, I would have thought that the first couple of things Mr Herbert would be inclined to do would be to (1) show attention to detail and (2) justify every single thing you say or put in writing.

    Not a very good lawyer, but a brilliant exhibitionist, I would surmise (allegedly).
  • Having read Brucey B's interview in ES last night, when employment law and FA regulations are spouted along with quotes of "we were under an obligation" blah, blah, blah, it's clear that Chelsea know they've made an almighty cock-up, and as the police have done, the FA will chuck the claims out (albeit probably without much disclosure as to their merits, or lack thereof).

    As for the Society of Black Lawyers, agree with what's been said earlier in the thread, this Herbert fella is aptly named and since when is reading the papers and watching TV grounds for a police investigation. If there was a case to answer, then it's for those involved, not some ill-informed bunch of clowns. See them as no better than a race-related version of the PPI / ambulance-chaser brigade!!
  • I don't want to be seen like I'm defending Chelsea here but again I'm not sure what else they could have done. The only things I have read in the media is that they made a formal complaint. And like they said what else could they have done? If they had said nothing and Clattenberg had said something they are in the wrong for not raising the matter, if, as has happened, there is no proof he said anything then they are in the wrong for making the complaint on behalf of the players.

    If it is proved the Chelsea players who raised the matter are lying then they are the ones who should be punished.
  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't want to be seen like I'm defending Chelsea here but again I'm not sure what else they could have done. The only things I have read in the media is that they made a formal complaint. And like they said what else could they have done? If they had said nothing and Clattenberg had said something they are in the wrong for not raising the matter, if, as has happened, there is no proof he said anything then they are in the wrong for making the complaint on behalf of the players.

    If it is proved the Chelsea players who raised the matter are lying then they are the ones who should be punished.

    They could have waited a few hours to investigate and they could have made their complaint through proper channels not via the media.

    They have every right to complain and they should listen to their players' complaints and act accordingly.

    But they acted in the heat of the moment and in spite not in a search for justice.

  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't want to be seen like I'm defending Chelsea here but again I'm not sure what else they could have done. The only things I have read in the media is that they made a formal complaint. And like they said what else could they have done? If they had said nothing and Clattenberg had said something they are in the wrong for not raising the matter, if, as has happened, there is no proof he said anything then they are in the wrong for making the complaint on behalf of the players.

    If it is proved the Chelsea players who raised the matter are lying then they are the ones who should be punished.

    Chelsea did not need to give a very strongly worded press release before the ink was dry on most journos' match reports. It could have all been done formally and assertively but behind closed doors. An agreed statement regarding the investigation could have been made jointly with Chelsea, the FA, the Referees' Association etc. on Monday. They opened the situation into the public eye, drumming up the furore before they had any proof and before any meaningful correspondence was entered into behind the scenes.
  • DA9DA9
    edited November 2012
    The society of black lawyers, akin to the group/committee/body (whose name escapes me now) complained about racism at, of all things the Potters Bar rail crash, because apparently black victims on the train had different cultural needs and requirements, the fact that they would have received emergency medical care and no doubt offered counselling, the authorities acted in a racist manner, you couldnt make it up.

    These race industry ****wits are dangerous, they are permanently offended and will seak out anything to justify their own existence, wake up and smell the coffee.
  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't want to be seen like I'm defending Chelsea here but again I'm not sure what else they could have done. The only things I have read in the media is that they made a formal complaint. And like they said what else could they have done? If they had said nothing and Clattenberg had said something they are in the wrong for not raising the matter, if, as has happened, there is no proof he said anything then they are in the wrong for making the complaint on behalf of the players.

    If it is proved the Chelsea players who raised the matter are lying then they are the ones who should be punished.

    They could have waited a few hours to investigate and they could have made their complaint through proper channels not via the media.

    They have every right to complain and they should listen to their players' complaints and act accordingly.

    But they acted in the heat of the moment and in spite not in a search for justice.

    Hmmm...or possibly they used the Clattenburg incident to deflect the attention away from losing the game and the steward who was hurt and also from the missiles being hurled onto the pitch. Great piece of work by Chelsea, if that is the case.
  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't want to be seen like I'm defending Chelsea here but again I'm not sure what else they could have done. The only things I have read in the media is that they made a formal complaint. And like they said what else could they have done? If they had said nothing and Clattenberg had said something they are in the wrong for not raising the matter, if, as has happened, there is no proof he said anything then they are in the wrong for making the complaint on behalf of the players.

    If it is proved the Chelsea players who raised the matter are lying then they are the ones who should be punished.

    Chelsea did not need to give a very strongly worded press release before the ink was dry on most journos' match reports. It could have all been done formally and assertively but behind closed doors. An agreed statement regarding the investigation could have been made jointly with Chelsea, the FA, the Referees' Association etc. on Monday. They opened the situation into the public eye, drumming up the furore before they had any proof and before any meaningful correspondence was entered into behind the scenes.
    Spot on. It's a shame you weren't advising them. Instead, they acted emotionally and without any real thought or consideration for the impact. In the current circumstances that's completely unacceptable.

    Let's see what the deep thinking moral philosophers at the FA do in response.
  • said it from the start...Chelsea and Mikel & Co. have dragged an innocent mans name through the gutter. They should all be heavily fined imo.

    People finding it all too easy to play the race card at the moment.

    its getting just as tedious as the 'its not us its everyone else' gang down at the toolbox.
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  • So Clattenburg is in the clear, what about action against Mikel for threatening to break his legs.
  • edited November 2012


    I'm one of your dreaded Guardianistas but I 100% agree with you on this.

    The police could hardly have made their situation clearer now, so what are the FA waiting for?

    Isn't it awful Richard when we both agree with GH. The world has gone mad.

    The Society of Black Lawyers will put back race relations if they are allowed to wheedle their way into society. Black and Asian players need to stay away from them and work from within existing institutions to further improve the fight against racism. It would not surprise me if they were behind the idea if a separate black players union. Society cannot afford for it to be divided, racism must be fought by all on a united front
  • iaitch said:

    So Clattenburg is in the clear, what about action against Mikel for threatening to break his legs.

  • Looks like Herbert Nobhead is stirring it up again.

    Apart from trying to force the issue of a black footballers union, it would be interesting to know what their real agenda is, if any.

  • Kap / Prague thanks ---only here to spread enlightenment to you Lefties or failing that petrol and matches
  • Kap / Prague thanks ---only here to spread enlightenment to you Lefties or failing that petrol and matches

    We appreciate your efforts and as it gets colder and winter approaches the petrol and matches may come in useful.
  • DA9 said:

    iaitch said:

    So Clattenburg is in the clear, what about action against Mikel for threatening to break his legs.

    If that happened in Sunday football over the park, you know the FA would come down on the club involved like a ton of bricks.
    Bet they dont have the balls to do anything about Chelsea.

  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't want to be seen like I'm defending Chelsea here but again I'm not sure what else they could have done. The only things I have read in the media is that they made a formal complaint. And like they said what else could they have done? If they had said nothing and Clattenberg had said something they are in the wrong for not raising the matter, if, as has happened, there is no proof he said anything then they are in the wrong for making the complaint on behalf of the players.

    If it is proved the Chelsea players who raised the matter are lying then they are the ones who should be punished.

    They could have waited a few hours to investigate and they could have made their complaint through proper channels not via the media.

    They have every right to complain and they should listen to their players' complaints and act accordingly.

    But they acted in the heat of the moment and in spite not in a search for justice.

    Did they though? Everything I read was that there was a formal complaint to the FA, as far as I'm aware that wasn't through the media but directly to the FA. Quote from a club spokesman:

    “We have lodged a complaint to the Premier League match delegate with regards to inappropriate language used by the referee and directed at two of our players in two separate incidents in today’s match.

    “The match delegate will pass the complaint to the FA.

    “We will make no further comment at this time.”

    Other than that all I have read was that Di Matteo complained about the referee's performance in the game, which some would argue he had a point but nothing really out of order there.

    As for the police investigation that had nothing to do with Chelsea as far as I know. Unless there is a conspiracy going on between Chelsea and the Association of Black Lawyers which I'm sure plenty would like to believe.

    Far too many people want to criticise without properly reading anything that has been reported. I'm happy to be proved wrong on the above but from everything I have read it doesn't seem like Chelsea as a club have done too much wrong. The blame, as far as I can see, should be levelled at the individuals involved.
  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't want to be seen like I'm defending Chelsea here but again I'm not sure what else they could have done.

    They could have not made up a load of bollox knowing full well it could never be proved but that it would potentially damage the reputation and career of a respected referee just cos they had `the hump with him and the FA'.
    They knew full well there would be people like yourself saying `stop the world turning, we need to have an inquiry to establish all the facts'.
    Sometimes people just do things to cause trouble and to make some mud stick....this is exactly what Chelsea have done safe in the knowledge nothing will come back on them.
    Now you're saying more investigations should be done to establish if the Chelsea players and/or officials were lying.....good luck with that.

  • What could Chelsea have done ?

    * not supported JTerry
    * Published their "punishment" of him
    * Not gone straight to the front pages of the papers re the bollox of what Clattenberg said or not

    and lastley they could f++k off and ie taking the BLAs with em
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