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General things that Annoy you



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    Fiiish said:

    cabbles said:

    A work quiz and curry night (last night) which in itself was a great way to spend a Tuesday evening, I really did enjoy it. What I didn't enjoy was my boss demanding the night carry on until 1am just to talk about what people are 'talking about' in the office. 'what are people saying?' 'why are people negative?'

    I work in a company of 8 people. Work is work. People will talk about, moan and bitch about work up and down the country. The fact we are a company of 8 people probably makes it a lot worse, but it did do my nut!

    Oh my God this. One of our managers is massively obsessed with 'office negativity'. This obsession is probably the source of 90% of all office negativity.
    Have you got evidence for that 80% or is it just your opinion? Oops wrong thread.
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    edited April 2015
    Night watchmen in cricket - something England in particular love to do.

    Overused far too much by England, they often get out and end up having to send in the batsman you wanted to protect and sometimes that batsman gets out as well anyway.

    If your star batsman is going to get dismissed to an in-swinging yorker first ball it doesn't matter if it's at 11.01am or 5.25pm it's still a golden duck.

    Annoys me even more when a night watchman is sent out a good 20 minutes or so before the close of play. I can understand if you need to bat out Day 5 of a Test and there's a good chance it will rain but just about any other circumstance, no, just send the next proper batsman in.
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    When after a taxing day at work and all you want to do is relax and watch a bit of telly and your wife and daughter decide to have a huge f**k-off row.
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    Losing your huge Charlton COSG flag a few days before St Georges Day!!
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    When after a taxing day at work and all you want to do is relax and watch a bit of telly and your wife and daughter decide to have a huge f**k-off row.

    Have you ever considered getting a shed?
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    ads said:

    When after a taxing day at work and all you want to do is relax and watch a bit of telly and your wife and daughter decide to have a huge f**k-off row.

    Have you ever considered getting a shed?

    I've got one. It's where I keep my whippets.
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    Spanish footballers and the way they roll around on the floor.
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    Any sport that stops for 'tea' - do me a favour!
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    Losing your huge Charlton COSG flag a few days before St Georges Day!!

    How did you manage to lose that mate ?!
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    Not reading the general things that please you read before posting on the general things that annoy you thread
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    Fiiish said:

    It annoys me that so many people have no idea how to merge when two lanes become one.

    There's a video doing the rounds on Facebook/Twitter congratulating a driver in Liverpool who deliberately blocked an empty lane when a lane merge was approaching hundreds of yards ahead of the merging point.

    Both the Highway Code and highway engineers recommend that you fill all empty lane space and merge in a 'zipper' style, as this link suggests.

    Just watched that video after reading your post, and various peoples comments under the video on the newspaper sites/twitter.

    Genuinely baffles me how people think that Renault driver (the one who did the blocking) is in the right.
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    Someone said a while back on this thread, people on games shows who are as thick as pig shit. How about people on Millionaire who are 16 grand risking 15 grand on something they don't know and going back down to just a grand.

    For example imagine you had 16 grand in bank account and somebody asked you a question and if you got it wrong you had to pay 15 grand. You wouldn't do it.
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    Airlines that start boarding long before the plane is ready, leaving their customers standing awkwardly in stairwells or pathways or outside waiting for doors to open etc. Especially annoying if these airlines operate a priority system for additional charge (though I never pay for this)

    Special mention to EasyJet who once announced boarding was closed before anyone had got on the plane.
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    The people who completely bypass the very obvious queue for the escalator at Angel tube station.

    People who stand in the (much shorter) queue to walk up the escalator, and then switch to the standing side once at the front.

    The way the "Please keep left whilst walking around the blind bend" announcement at Angel is said.

    Angel tube station.
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    People who get annoyed at you when you ask them to move their rubbish from a chair so that you can sit down.

    People who proceed to throw this rubbish on the floor.
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    People who bully me into moving other people's rubbish so they can sit down then give me daggers for putting it on the floor.......... ☺
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    People who throw my rubbish on the floor after they had to move it for some one else to sit down

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    Having to share a train carriage with other people. Any of 'em.....................................
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    People who bully me into moving other people's rubbish so they can sit down then give me daggers for putting it on the floor.......... ☺

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    Constant clapping from the audience in TV shows.
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    7.31 southern service from forest hill to London bridge cancelled. Packed train guaranteed on the 7.42 that actually turned up at 7.45

    The Kevin Pieterson returning for England debate raging on. Is this how bad it's got for England? We keep giving it airtime

    Misplaced fat fingers hitting the wrong letter as I type

    A dream last night that Millwall beat Derby 1-0 and Rotherham lost at home to Norwich by the same score line. The FA had earlier applied the 3pt penalty prior to the kick offs. Millwall were outside of the relegation zone come 5pm 2mo :(
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    People that use emojis in EVERY sentence they write on the internet.
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    People that use emojis in EVERY sentence they write on the internet.

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    People that use emojis in EVERY sentence they write on the internet.

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    Daytime television.

    Took today off as yet another birthday has come around and sitting here watching Madhur Jaffrey deep frying cauliflower.

    Heaven help me if I do manage to reach retirement age and finish working.

    Off to the seaside with Mrs P in a minute so can escape.
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