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General things that Annoy you



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    Cryptic thread titles. Usually just a name so you have no idea whether it’s going to be inane, if someone has died, or somewhere in the middle.
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    PopIcon said:
    When you got to touch something on your screen and ad advert pops and in that split second it takes your brain to process where to press the screen has moved and you 'inadvertently' press BBW.

    Happens all the flipping time...

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    PopIcon said:
    When you got to touch something on your screen and ad advert pops and in that split second it takes your brain to process where to press the screen has moved and you inadvertently press something else.

    Happens all the flipping time...

    Me an all mate, but that's what happens surfing the net with only one hand available

    ; )
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    PopIcon said:
    When you got to touch something on your screen and ad advert pops and in that split second it takes your brain to process where to press the screen has moved and you inadvertently press something else.

    Happens all the flipping time...

    You need Adblocker Ultimate.
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    PopIcon said:
    When you got to touch something on your screen and ad advert pops and in that split second it takes your brain to process where to press the screen has moved and you inadvertently press something else.

    Happens all the flipping time...

    You need Adblocker Ultimate.
    Does that work in stopping YouTube ads?
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    PopIcon said:
    When you got to touch something on your screen and ad advert pops and in that split second it takes your brain to process where to press the screen has moved and you inadvertently press something else.

    Happens all the flipping time...

    You need Adblocker Ultimate.
    Does that work in stopping YouTube ads?
    I believe so. It stops ads on everything as far as I'm aware.
    (Someone will no doubt say otherwise).
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    PopIcon said:
    When you got to touch something on your screen and ad advert pops and in that split second it takes your brain to process where to press the screen has moved and you inadvertently press something else.

    Happens all the flipping time...

    You need Adblocker Ultimate.
    Does that work in stopping YouTube ads?
    Yes, but that then means you can't access some sites that rely on ads to pay for their running. A link last week to a local  Sunderland newspapers online site being one as I couldn't read because of my ad blocker
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    I’m a subscriber so I can rely on my posted copy
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    edited June 2019
    Going to a wake (which is terrible anyway) and they have a memory book. So being a complete blockhead I write in in it as if I'm talking to the guy. What I failed to grasp is that his family are going to read it not him. So I put something that's a bit riskay (nothing personal)now i feel like crap about it. Not like I didn't before but this just adds to it. It's not that anoying I know but I don't know if there's a thread that describes my feelings. 
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    Pretty much everything. If the sea at Scarborough wasn’t so bloody cold I’d be seriously considering doing a Reggie Perrin.
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    Don't usead
    Going to a wake (which is terrible anyway) and they have a memory book. So being a complete blockhead I write in in it as if I'm talking to the guy. What I failed to grasp is that his family are going to read it not him. So I put something that's a bit riskay (nothing personal)now i feel like crap about it. Not like I didn't before but this just adds to it. It's not that anoying I know but I don't know if there's a thread that describes my feelings. 
    Don't beat yourself up about it. His family might actually appreciate you writing to him rather than them, it's more personal.
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    parents who constantly argue with their children
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    Going to a wake (which is terrible anyway) and they have a memory book. So being a complete blockhead I write in in it as if I'm talking to the guy. What I failed to grasp is that his family are going to read it not him. So I put something that's a bit riskay (nothing personal)now i feel like crap about it. Not like I didn't before but this just adds to it. It's not that anoying I know but I don't know if there's a thread that describes my feelings. 
    as long as you weren't reminiscing about him cheating on his wife with rent boys i think his family will quite like you talking to him rather than just writing that they have your sympathies 
    Oh dear......the lack of clarification here has me worried.....
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    The last person to sit down on an aeroplane 🛫, especially if they are also the first one to stand up when the seat belt sign goes off 🛬.
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    Following on from adblocker is there anyway of getting rid of always agreeing cookie policies? I'd hoped once you did it for a newspaper etc that was it, but seemingly not!
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    Following on from adblocker is there anyway of getting rid of always agreeing cookie policies? I'd hoped once you did it for a newspaper etc that was it, but seemingly not!
    I can just about forgive Newsthump because their 'Whatever' button amuses me. Well, it did once. Probably. The others drive me mad, especially the ones that have a statement saying that it's to protect my privacy or some other such nonsense. How can consistently asking me the same inane question possibly protect me from anything?
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    parents who constantly argue with their children
    You man you always have to agree with them? 

    So pleased we swerved the offspring thing... ;):D
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    parents who constantly argue with their children
    You man you always have to agree with them? 

    So pleased we swerved the offspring thing... ;):D
    no, it's just this particular poor parenting where the child has successfully dragged the parent to their level and their relationship seems to be continual tit for tat squabbling and said parent trying to assert authority using a louder voice.  If you have an intelligence advantage, use it.
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    edited June 2019
    People (usually kids), who go into a local mini supermarket or corner shop to buy a cold drink.
    Now.........the cold drinks cabinet has a glass front on it so you can see what’s inside, that’s the bloody why the feck do they find it necessary to open the door whilst they stand there looking into the fridge cabinet whilst making their choice and letting all the cold air out, mind bogglingly ridiculous......the dopey TWATS!!!!
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    People queuing up overnight to buy a pair of trainers at an inflated price because they are associated with some celebrity. And people paying others to then buy those trainers off them at an even more inflated price. 

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    Suits and ties at football matches. I've never thought to myself, "I'm going to a football/baseball/cricket/other game, I think I'll put on a suit". Director's boxes full of them. When I win the lottery and buy Charlton, I'll ban them from the director's box.  
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    Ties. Silliest garment ever invented and worn by humans. (for men, anyway)
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    limeygent said:
    Ties. Silliest garment ever invented and worn by humans. (for men, anyway)
    if i'm wearing a suit i always wear a tie and will keep the tie on until im taking the suit off (ie wont take the tie off as soon as i leave the office/get to the pub/the church bit is done). it looks so much smarter  
    Not really. A tie on or off in itself makes no difference.
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