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Is Thomas Driesen Gone? - he popped in on p16, and back out on p26



  • Fumbluff said:
    Rubbershoes isn’t that bad, he was only doing his job/following (crap) orders....
    I believe he, along with Keohane, was instrumental in taking charlton fans to court for comments on social media.
    Wasn't he given the full time Charlton job around the time the Meire was busy whitewashing her google presence. I always though he was instrumental to that. I could be wrong though and am happy to be corrected. 
  • It seems that Tone is still in the programme as COO. 
  • Chunes said:
    @el-pietro Vetokele is often cited as proof Driesen once signed a decent player but he was signed by Bob Peeters, having played for him at Cercle Brugge and Gent. Not a scout signing. 
    And not actually that good in my opinion...
  • Stig said:
    Fumbluff said:
    Rubbershoes isn’t that bad, he was only doing his job/following (crap) orders....
    I believe he, along with Keohane, was instrumental in taking charlton fans to court for comments on social media.
    Wasn't he given the full time Charlton job around the time the Meire was busy whitewashing her google presence. I always though he was instrumental to that. I could be wrong though and am happy to be corrected. 
    That ings a bell too. Perhaps it was that I was thinking of. It all merges into one now.

    I do know that he was here for a long time as a contractor first and knew the situation (cub vs fans) and still willingly took the full time job and got involved with all that.
  • Chunes said:
    @Grapevine49 and others, I really don't buy this logic that, having been responsible for the worst prolonged period of recruitment the club has ever seen, to farcical standards, that Driesen is then somehow to thank for the success of the recruitment of the past two years after the club changes tact and puts more power back to the manager and Gallen.

    As Bowyer himself said, he and Gallen looked at the fact they'd have to work with Driesen and said "You either fight it and probably lose, or you work with it, and hopefully win." That is to say they do not agree or appreciate the structure and have  worked to succeed in spite of it.

    It must be a byproduct of the bizarre years we've just gone through that anyone could jump to Driesen's defense and even suggest that an amateur data analyst could actually be a positive addition at the very top of a professional football scouting team in one of the toughest leagues in the world.

    What other successful clubs have one of these?

    Let me rephrase, does any other club in the world have one of these?

    An amateur data analyst at the very top of their scouting heirarchy.

    This was a farce. A boy given a top job in football at a historic football club because he sent an email analysing Balotelli's penalty kicks from his bedroom. 

    This was nothing but the doings of an owner who is best described as bonkers and whose every business decision defied belief.

    For fans to now sit here and suggest Driesen might actually have been a positive I can only put down to some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. 
    I didn't say that Tommy deserved credit for anything. 

    What I took issue with is confidence that was used to argue that any "bad" transfer must be down to Tommy yet any good one can't have anything to do with him.  That maybe true but it's based on guessing.

    I mentioned on another topic that I find it strange how people are so happy to talk in absolutes when the truth isn't fully known. 

    Without knowing, as fact who Tommy was 100% responsible for signing and what players he vetoed it's impossible to draw the proper conclusion on his overall effect. 

    Remember before Bonne had a run in the first team there was rumour and innuendo that Tommy had signed him against Bowyer's wishes. 

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  • edited January 2020
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    @Grapevine49 and others, I really don't buy this logic that, having been responsible for the worst prolonged period of recruitment the club has ever seen, to farcical standards, that Driesen is then somehow to thank for the success of the recruitment of the past two years after the club changes tact and puts more power back to the manager and Gallen.

    As Bowyer himself said, he and Gallen looked at the fact they'd have to work with Driesen and said "You either fight it and probably lose, or you work with it, and hopefully win." That is to say they do not agree or appreciate the structure and have  worked to succeed in spite of it.

    It must be a byproduct of the bizarre years we've just gone through that anyone could jump to Driesen's defense and even suggest that an amateur data analyst could actually be a positive addition at the very top of a professional football scouting team in one of the toughest leagues in the world.

    What other successful clubs have one of these?

    Let me rephrase, does any other club in the world have one of these?

    An amateur data analyst at the very top of their scouting heirarchy.

    This was a farce. A boy given a top job in football at a historic football club because he sent an email analysing Balotelli's penalty kicks from his bedroom. 

    This was nothing but the doings of an owner who is best described as bonkers and whose every business decision defied belief.

    For fans to now sit here and suggest Driesen might actually have been a positive I can only put down to some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. 
    I didn't say that Tommy deserved credit for anything. 

    What I took issue with is confidence that was used to argue that any "bad" transfer must be down to Tommy yet any good one can't have anything to do with him.  That maybe true but it's based on guessing.

    I mentioned on another topic that I find it strange how people are so happy to talk in absolutes when the truth isn't fully known. 

    Without knowing, as fact who Tommy was 100% responsible for signing and what players he vetoed it's impossible to draw the proper conclusion on his overall effect. 

    Remember before Bonne had a run in the first team there was rumour and innuendo that Tommy had signed him against Bowyer's wishes. 

    Your point implies that an amateur data nerd (I regret the term 'analyst,' since he has no qualifications I can see) can have any positive positive effect on the transfer policy of a professional football club, which I reject with full confidence.
  • edited January 2020
    Chunes said:
    @Grapevine49 and others, I really don't buy this logic that, having been responsible for the worst prolonged period of recruitment the club has ever seen, to farcical standards, that Driesen is then somehow to thank for the success of the recruitment of the past two years after the club changes tact and puts more power back to the manager and Gallen.

    As Bowyer himself said, he and Gallen looked at the fact they'd have to work with Driesen and said "You either fight it and probably lose, or you work with it, and hopefully win." That is to say they do not agree or appreciate the structure and have  worked to succeed in spite of it.

    It must be a byproduct of the bizarre years we've just gone through that anyone could jump to Driesen's defense and even suggest that an amateur data analyst could actually be a positive addition at the very top of a professional football scouting team in one of the toughest leagues in the world.

    What other successful clubs have one of these?

    Let me rephrase, does any other club in the world have one of these?

    An amateur data analyst at the very top of their scouting heirarchy.

    This was a farce. A boy given a top job in football at a historic football club because he sent an email analysing Balotelli's penalty kicks from his bedroom. 

    This was nothing but the doings of an owner who is best described as bonkers and whose every business decision defied belief.

    For fans to now sit here and suggest Driesen might actually have been a positive I can only put down to some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. 

    We have more qualified people and dare I suggest data analysts at that on this forum than Mr Driesen!

    I go on - league position when he came on board and league position when we got lucky and Bowyer and Gallen came together.

    I go by years wasted and money spent by our previous owner on bad transfers and on the whole poor use of the loan system (in comparison to our current use of it).

    Driesen harps on about transfer "success".  I'm certain 99% of Charlton fans would not consider our transfer policy under Roland a success.

    And I do legitimately question how much Driesen knew about the loan players brought in under Gallen and Bowyer.

  • Ross said:
    Remember that on the day we were told Powell had been sacked and Riga had taken over Driesen was stood at Sparrows Lane alongside Riga overseeing training.
    Are you sure, because Katrien told us that he was not involved at Charlton.  Ohh wait a minute....    
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Chunes said:
    @Grapevine49 and others, I really don't buy this logic that, having been responsible for the worst prolonged period of recruitment the club has ever seen, to farcical standards, that Driesen is then somehow to thank for the success of the recruitment of the past two years after the club changes tact and puts more power back to the manager and Gallen.

    As Bowyer himself said, he and Gallen looked at the fact they'd have to work with Driesen and said "You either fight it and probably lose, or you work with it, and hopefully win." That is to say they do not agree or appreciate the structure and have  worked to succeed in spite of it.

    It must be a byproduct of the bizarre years we've just gone through that anyone could jump to Driesen's defense and even suggest that an amateur data analyst could actually be a positive addition at the very top of a professional football scouting team in one of the toughest leagues in the world.

    What other successful clubs have one of these?

    Let me rephrase, does any other club in the world have one of these?

    An amateur data analyst at the very top of their scouting heirarchy.

    This was a farce. A boy given a top job in football at a historic football club because he sent an email analysing Balotelli's penalty kicks from his bedroom. 

    This was nothing but the doings of an owner who is best described as bonkers and whose every business decision defied belief.

    For fans to now sit here and suggest Driesen might actually have been a positive I can only put down to some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. 
    I didn't say that Tommy deserved credit for anything. 

    What I took issue with is confidence that was used to argue that any "bad" transfer must be down to Tommy yet any good one can't have anything to do with him.  That maybe true but it's based on guessing.

    I mentioned on another topic that I find it strange how people are so happy to talk in absolutes when the truth isn't fully known. 

    Without knowing, as fact who Tommy was 100% responsible for signing and what players he vetoed it's impossible to draw the proper conclusion on his overall effect. 

    Remember before Bonne had a run in the first team there was rumour and innuendo that Tommy had signed him against Bowyer's wishes. 

    Your point implies that an amateur data nerd (I regret the term 'analyst,' since he has no qualifications I can see) can have any positive positive effect on the transfer policy of a professional football club, which I reject with full confidence.
    I have no idea what qualifications he has got.  I have no idea what data models he uses.  I don't know which players we signed based purely on his say so.  Do you?

    I think that "data nerds" do have a place in the recruitment policy of professional football clubs.  Does that mean I think Tommy was any good at it?  Well I don't know.

    What was wrong, as with many things under RD, is it was back to front.  A "data nerd" should be part of the scouting mix and make recommendations to the chief scout/head of recruitment who then suggests players to the manager.  He should never have been the final yes/no authority. 

    Back in March, former Charlton head coach Guy Luzon told News Shopper Driesen always had the final say on transfers.

    He said: “I was not the one who chose how to do the recruitment – the last say was from the network scout, not from me.

    “The transfers were done through the scout in Belgium and he was the person who had the last say about players at Charlton.

    “I would give him my opinion on a certain player but the last say was from the network scout.”

    Now, under Gallen and Bowyer they choose the players and sell them to Driesen (this comes from Gallen), and look at the difference in the quality of players. So how do I know which players are Driesen players and which are Gallen/Bowyer? I'm not going to help you any more than that, @cafc43v3r, you can put the rest of the breadcrumbs together yourself. 
  • Instead of football, liken Driesen's presence in a medical scenario ...

    The hapless Mr Charlton is lying in a hospital bed with a group of vastly experienced medical staff around him discussing the best course of action. 

    Suddenly the swing doors burst open and up rocks a 20 year old kid donned in a white coat and carrying a clipboard. He elbows his way through to the front because he has all the answers.  He has spent no time at medical school or indeed at the pit face working with patients. No matter though, this kid has watched every episode of Grey's anatomy, Casualty and House.

    Given the choice Mr Charlton would undoubtedly go with the qualified medical team. Unfortunately for him though, due to another re-org bought about by the new head honcho he is left with Hobson's choice.   

    Consequently, Mr Charlton goes through a long period of pain, he even thinks he could be dying.  Mr C is hoping for a miracle 🙏.     
  • edited January 2020
  • Chunes said:
    Which request can only have originated from Driesen because RD wouldn’t have a clue what it meant. 
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  • If anybody is still in any doubts about Driesen's first-hand role in our destruction, here's Matt Wright's expose.
  • se9addick said:
    I’m actually kind of excited to see the “evidence” that he reckons he has 
    He is genuinely just gonna list those players who havent had an impact as being Gallen's suggestions

    His on the other hand will be little known players having storming seasons in Slovakia and Bulgaria
  • Would like to borrow his crystal ball so we know who's going to be on the end of a bad challenge like Cullen against Cardiff.
  • He is probably going to print out an email of him recommending the one good player he ever recommended.
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