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What will it take? - Your views on renewing next season



  • Really not sure if I will renew. I've been going with my son but he's now grown up and moved away and has only used his ticket 10 times this season. Those sitting near me are giving up and also have missed several games this year and i've been sitting on my own quite a few times. I like the view from my seat. but it gets lonely at times
  • Undecided as it will depend on the price of tickets, the last year of financial turmoil has taken its toll.

    Nothing to do with my decision but making the point. Last year my ticket went up £25 whilst the football quality went down.

    I have stood with the other few thousand watching crap in the 3rd division before so that won't deter me.

    Although I have to say that the last 2 seasons in the Championship have left me more p[ss@d off going home from games than at any other time in all the time I have supported the club.

    It will take a good summer and some positive player moves in the close season to clear this season out of my mind.
  • I will probably renew next season, though not if they charge the same. I must of missed 10 home games this season as there seemed to be a lot of midweek and was away on hols at start of season. Living on the Kent coast I need the incentive to keep coming and a ST means I am more likely to. It has never really been just about the football, if it was we would not of supported cafc in the first place. It is more about seeing old friends and having a few beers and a laugh.
  • I will probably renew next season, though not if they charge the same. I must of missed 10 home games this season as there seemed to be a lot of midweek and was away on hols at start of season. Living on the Kent coast I need the incentive to keep coming and a ST means I am more likely to. It has never really been just about the football, if it was we would not of supported cafc in the first place. It is more about seeing old friends and having a few beers and a laugh.
  • [cite]Posted By: East Kent Addick[/cite]Depends on whether they keep the Valley Express service going - if not then I might just pick and choose which games to go to

    Interesting point. I currently use it as it saves on petrol/hassle plus i like to have a beer or two. Our coach still is pretty full each week, and there is long time season ticket holders on there who i'm sure will renew. My guess is that they would have to cancel some routes that aren't as popular.
  • I dont think there are any plans to disband the service at all...they may well join up two previously separate routes to save on costs due to reduced use of the service...thats only practicle.
  • Will renew (money permitting).
    Just because of the seats we have, and the general "leave the club at 5-to-3" and walk straight in.
  • I may just do more away games next season and leave the home games, the club really has to get back to where it was 10 years ago,
  • Feel a bit of a Fraud with all Season Ticket Threads as mine is Free each year, but even if it was not I would 100% renew, I have met & made some really good friends through going to Charlton & would miss it greatly if I decided not to bother, the Summer with no Charlton is bad enough. Whilst the Manager & how the club is run is an issue I would never not go out of some sort of protest as that just isn't me.
  • am still undecided.
    some of the matches this season have been a real chore, and if i hadn't had the season ticket probably wouldn't've gone.
    i'm considering making a decision about a dozen games in (if s/t's still available) based on if i'm missing going to every home game & how the team are performing.
    tbh, if the money i spend on two home matchdays frees up enough to attend an away game, i'd consider doing that (as long as the away day experience isn't completely taken over by the idiots that have spoiled a couple this season).
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  • Keeley Hazel to cuddle me and me and say 'There, There' after evertime we concede a goal..

  • Probably. After 6 years with an S/T Id say I'm 60:40 likely to renew. Critical is the price. Like many I keep thinking I'll pay-as-I-go - we all know the ground will be half empty. However it'll probably be all too easy (if I'm honest) to decide not too bother - especially if its winter or whatever and I've got to go on-line or phone to get a ticket. If, on the other hand, the S/T ticket is reduced to a price where its attractive then I'm more likely to pay and go to more games - which helps the club and makes life easier for me...
  • I will renew..
  • The problem with pitching the price too low is that people will think "well i only paid £x so it doesnt really matter if I/we go today".

    Although cash in the bank is obviously important - so is bums on seats.

    Very fine line and i'm not envious of those who have to make the final decision.
  • Due to other commitments will probably have to miss the odd game next season but will probably be easier to get a ST still, so a nearly certain yes for me.
  • I was critisised on here before for saying that I don`t expect to be paying any more for my season ticket than what Millwall are paying this season. We will be getting third quality football next season and prices need to reflect that however hard it might be.
  • edited March 2009
    [quote][cite]Posted By: StrikerFirmani[/cite]

    I have stood with the other few thousand watching crap in the 3rd division before so that won't deter me.

    Although I have to say that the last 2 seasons in the Championship have left me more p[ss@d off going home from games than at any other time in all the time I have supported the club.

    It will take a good summer and some positive player moves in the close season to clear this season out of my mind.[/quote]

    Same here -- we must be of about the same vintage -- and I couldn't agree more about the need for some morale-boosting for supporters around the handling of players. How about some early announcements about contracts, acquisitions? This is undoubtedly the most miserable it's been in the last 40 odd years.

    But I'll be there (sigh).
  • We're still undecided, the price isn't too much of an issue. Its the drive up & back that is the killer, especially after watching some absolutely shocking home performances over the last couple of seasons. If we played some good football @ home yet still got relegated I'm sure we still would but the problem is we ain't!

    I know we're short on cash but I think the only way we will once relegated is if the board do what they can to keep some key players like Racon, Shelvey, Bailey. Ship out some of the old rubbish & give Parky or whoever is in charge some money to get a squad together that'll play some nice entertaining football & get us back into the Championship! ALL before the start of the season as well, so we have enough time to renew & to show us they mean business!
  • What will it take for me to renew my ST?

    Charlton to still be in Business!

    That's all.
  • [cite]Posted By: L Block JT[/cite]
    I'm going to have to swap seats if the bloke/kid behind me don;t move. Every game he comes in late, clearly smashed, and just should at every player ''you're a f**ing MUG i could do better'' Which is fair enough on the occasion to someone like Youga, but when it's everytime a cafc player gets the ball it gets very annoying.

    I'm sure there will be plenty of seats to choose from.

    do you by any chance sit around seat 188 row HHish and the kid in question wears boots, trackie bottoms and has short dark hair and wears a JD sports plastic bag over one shoulder? I sit in front and to the right of him, but barely sit there for a whole game as he does my head in. he called the guy i sit next to a w@nker for clapping when we made a good move (it was a few months ago) and then cos I turned round he saw me, at half time he stood in my way on purpose when i was trying to get to the bar. loser.

    having said that, when I move to sit elsewhere with my fella and his mates, there are idiots that sit behind him too. can't get away from em.
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  • yeah there was a rowdy bunch to my right in the upper north last of them kept singing these ancient songs about someone called Robbo on the wing...looked like he'd been a bit of a lad in his day (many years ago).
    Ban them now!
  • I will more than likely renew my ST but of course price will play a big factor in my final decision. Of course if the worst manager ever is sacked or does the decent thing that too will sway my decision.

    If the useless w@nk@ stays in charge for next season then I really do fear for the survival of Charlton.

    All together now................... We want Parky out say we want Parky out
  • If he does leave what will you call yourself then Parkinson out ?
  • When I reached 40 I changed my life around, stopped working Saturdays, got STs for CAFC with a young Ms Lat. Even though she is at Uni she is still very keen that we both keep going to watch CAFC, so yes I will be renewing both.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]If he does leave what will you call yourself then Parkinson out ?

    Parkinson'sOut ;-)
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