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Sport in the aftermath - What should happen? (EFL fixtures resume Tues 13th Sept - p20)



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    If ALL football fans could have been relied upon to act impeccably, like we saw at The Oval today, then there would have been no need to cancel today's football fixtures.

    However, they couldn't be replied upon.

    You can't then start choosing fixtures that can go ahead and those that can't.
    It's as simple as that for me.

    However, I do acknowledge the contradiction that there will now quite likely be two sets of fixtures that go ahead before the funeral on Monday 19th.
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    Vincenzo said:
    Yeah, but I'm bored, why can't I have my football match, it's so unfair?
    I know there isn't enough police available today, but you wouldn't have needed any at football games.
    ALL football fans are respectful, they don't abuse people, they don't disrespect the minute's silence (ok we stopped doing it and had to applaud instead), but let's ignore that.
    Ok we sing songs about incest and how every club we play is a shithole and we have to all be kept apart but we really are ALL respectful.
    You OK hun?
    I'm not sure he's living his best life.
    I'm absolutely fine. 
    I'm not whinging because football was cancelled for one game after The Queen died.
    Some people need to get a grip.
    No, well you are not an Exeter fan who shelled out more than £100 to come up for the match, and has not a cat in hell’s chance of getting reimbursed, certainly not train tickets. The same problem applies to fans of 46 other clubs. 

    Nor are you the “CEO” of a non-league club, possibly a volunteer, faced with a load of non- retrievable costs for the cancelled match that your club, still recovering from the pandemic, can ill afford to bear. And then there are all the kids games. 

    You are none of them, so you are alright, Jack. But it’s not all about you.
    They are reimbursing train tickets, although with vouchers. 
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    Correct decision
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    "Concern that tributes to the Queen may not have been universally respected, and the potential for global embarrassment if fans were disrespectful, was a factor in the decision to call off all football in the U.K. this weekend."
    Is this not a type of censorship? 
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    I'd like to thank our Prague correspondent for telling the UK how they should be organising their football. 
    You really think your shits are full of diamonds don't you
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    The Queen was head of the Church of England have they cancelled services today as a mark of respect 🤷‍♂️
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    If ALL football fans could have been relied upon to act impeccably, like we saw at The Oval today, then there would have been no need to cancel today's football fixtures.

    However, they couldn't be replied upon.

    You can't then start choosing fixtures that can go ahead and those that can't.
    It's as simple as that for me.

    However, I do acknowledge the contradiction that there will now quite likely be two sets of fixtures that go ahead before the funeral on Monday 19th.

    CE, dear chap, do you expect that there will be no minutes silence and no tribute at the next home game each club plays? I think you and I would both find that wrong, no?

    Addicks Addict already wrote that disruption can take place whenever the next games are played earlier in the thread. If disruption is the only issue that you have with it, then it does not matter when the next game is played. To quote your good self, it's as simple as that for me.  

    I acknowledge your acknowledgement, and hope that we can agree to disagree as I respect your view and opinons.  
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    se9addick said:
    If ALL football fans could have been relied upon to act impeccably, like we saw at The Oval today, then there would have been no need to cancel today's football fixtures.

    However, they couldn't be replied upon.

    You can't then start choosing fixtures that can go ahead and those that can't.
    It's as simple as that for me.

    However, I do acknowledge the contradiction that there will now quite likely be two sets of fixtures that go ahead before the funeral on Monday 19th.
    Why on earth would we give into scum bags? That’s really not what I think this country is about.
    Plus Liverpool/Celtic will just show their disdain at the next fixture.  
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    cabbles said:
    clb74 said:
    So we should crack on as normal?
    Put the football to one side.
    On the day of the funeral hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people will be losing a days money because of the funeral.
    So should we let the Queens funeral pass by so no one loses any money
    As always, it’s somewhere in the middle.  I’m not sure how this thread has descended into one upmanship re; principles and standards.  If the Queen’s death brought you to tears and you feel that a prolonged period of mourning and sporting events should be cancelled as a mark of respect then so be it.  If she was someone that you had a respect for, but don’t feel the need for football to be stopped, equally acceptable.  

    I’m in the latter camp.  I can see how much she means to people.  The response on here has been quite emphatic in that respect.  But to some people, this won’t mean anything.  How you can state that one view over the other is better is beyond me.  

    My views are no better than anyone else's.
    Prague posted about some fans being £100s out of pocket due to the game being called off.
    I've posted saying hundreds of thousands will be £100s down on the day of the funeral.
    With that in mind what's the be best thing to do?
    The Queen passing means more to some than it does other.
    Ian Botham was on the telly last night saying he wouldn't of wanted to play for a  few days and reflect on the Queen.
    I honestly thought with the queen being 96 and that national mourning to be in place at least 10 days sports/football would of been more prepared.
    If the Queens death had happened during the football season like has occurred it was more than likely to cover 2 weekends.
    Plans should of already been in place as to what happens next.
    I think football was waiting for the government to take control and tell the Football associations what to do.
    If Football had made a statement on the day of the Queens death expressing sympathy followed by this weekend's games are now postponed in respect of the queen, a few more would of accepting of the postponement.
    Also if sport had come together collectively in a joint statement ir would of felt like the whole of sport was standing together.
    I do get the frustrations , we have a round of fixtures in 2 days time and no decision has been made as to wether these go ahead.
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    edited September 2022
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    edited September 2022
    Dave2l said:
    I don't want to put this on the other discussion as its best to have this one as a light Royal moan chat

    1. If you can't beat em, join em

    2. What the hell was Tony Blair doing at the proclamation speech. He's a sociopath

    3. Why are some royal family members considered to be stand up comedians. If you have a sense of humour like every average Joe, it doesn't make you special. 

    4. Boris Johnson needs to get rid of his hair.

    Have a beer and a chat with jonjo shelvey. He will inform you, its not that bad

    5. I'm guessing the crown season (the newest upcoming one) is gana be an emotional event 

    Not relevant for this thread so let’s move on 
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    clb74 said:
    cabbles said:
    clb74 said:
    So we should crack on as normal?
    Put the football to one side.
    On the day of the funeral hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people will be losing a days money because of the funeral.
    So should we let the Queens funeral pass by so no one loses any money
    As always, it’s somewhere in the middle.  I’m not sure how this thread has descended into one upmanship re; principles and standards.  If the Queen’s death brought you to tears and you feel that a prolonged period of mourning and sporting events should be cancelled as a mark of respect then so be it.  If she was someone that you had a respect for, but don’t feel the need for football to be stopped, equally acceptable.  

    I’m in the latter camp.  I can see how much she means to people.  The response on here has been quite emphatic in that respect.  But to some people, this won’t mean anything.  How you can state that one view over the other is better is beyond me.  

    My views are no better than anyone else's.
    Prague posted about some fans being £100s out of pocket due to the game being called off.
    I've posted saying hundreds of thousands will be £100s down on the day of the funeral.
    With that in mind what's the be best thing to do?
    The Queen passing means more to some than it does other.
    Ian Botham was on the telly last night saying he wouldn't of wanted to play for a  few days and reflect on the Queen.
    I honestly thought with the queen being 96 and that national mourning to be in place at least 10 days sports/football would of been more prepared.
    If the Queens death had happened during the football season like has occurred it was more than likely to cover 2 weekends.
    Plans should of already been in place as to what happens next.
    I think football was waiting for the government to take control and tell the Football associations what to do.
    If Football had made a statement on the day of the Queens death expressing sympathy followed by this weekend's games are now postponed in respect of the queen, a few more would of accepting of the postponement.
    Also if sport had come together collectively in a joint statement ir would of felt like the whole of sport was standing together.
    I do get the frustrations , we have a round of fixtures in 2 days time and no decision has been made as to wether these go ahead.
    Yes, sorry, when I said ‘how you can state’ I was talking more generally, not you personally.  Should’ve made that clearer 
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    I'm pleased that the Great North run will go ahead today and 60k runners take to the streets and so many thousands of charities will benefit.

    I'm also pleased for all the local businesses that will benefit from food outlets to Florists in the local area.

    How to pay respect is subjective.

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    edited September 2022
    Let’s be honest, the cricket probably only went ahead because the ECB and Surrey would have lost all the revenue if they’d cancelled it. Unlike the football it couldn’t be rearranged.

    Once the Test was on they could hardly stop recreational and other cricket. I doubt if the ECB was worried about ticket holders.
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    Dave2l said:
    I don't want to put this on the other discussion as its best to have this one as a light Royal moan chat

    1. If you can't beat em, join em

    2. What the hell was Tony Blair doing at the proclamation speech. He's a sociopath

    3. Why are some royal family members considered to be stand up comedians. If you have a sense of humour like every average Joe, it doesn't make you special. 

    4. Boris Johnson needs to get rid of his hair.

    Have a beer and a chat with jonjo shelvey. He will inform you, its not that bad

    5. I'm guessing the crown season (the newest upcoming one) is gana be an emotional event 

    Not relevant for this thread so let’s move on 

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    What’s the likely hood of football being played next weekend?
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    To be clear the Fa's official reason for cancelling fixtures was out of respect for their patron:

    The reason that fans might misbehave is one made up by the Daily Mail:

    "Concern that tributes to the Queen may not have been universally respected, and the potential for global embarrassment if fans were disrespectful, was a factor in the decision to call off all football in the U.K. this weekend."

    I think I'm one of a bulk of football fans who don't agree with the FAs decision and had no intention to behave disrespectively. So 'up yours' Daily mail and anyone acting as their mouthpiece.
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     We have an U21 game tomorrow.
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    edited September 2022
    I think it would have been a memorable moment and a chance for football fans all over the country to collectively pay their respects as football fans in much the same way the cricketers did. There is no point going on about it so this is my last post on the subject as it has happened but I note the unsavoury digs and nastiness is not coming from people who wanted the football to go ahead.  I think football is good at showing its respects and it can be very moving when it happens. That is exactly what it would have been up and down the United Kingdom.
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    I think it would have been a memorable moment and a chance for football fans all over the country to collectively pay their respects as football fans in much the same way the cricketers did. There is no point going on about it so this is my last post on the subject as it has happened but I note the unsavoury digs and nastiness is not coming from people who wanted the football to go ahead.  I think football is good at showing its respects and it can be very moving when it happens. That is exactly what it would have been up and down the United Kingdom.
    They can still do all of that at the next match.
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    I think it would have been a memorable moment and a chance for football fans all over the country to collectively pay their respects as football fans in much the same way the cricketers did. There is no point going on about it so this is my last post on the subject as it has happened but I note the unsavoury digs and nastiness is not coming from people who wanted the football to go ahead.  I think football is good at showing its respects and it can be very moving when it happens. That is exactly what it would have been up and down the United Kingdom.
    They can still do all of that at the next match.
    Is there not an element of the moment being "lost"? Just a thought, not an assumption, Emme. 
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    clb74 said:
    cabbles said:
    clb74 said:
    So we should crack on as normal?
    Put the football to one side.
    On the day of the funeral hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people will be losing a days money because of the funeral.
    So should we let the Queens funeral pass by so no one loses any money
    As always, it’s somewhere in the middle.  I’m not sure how this thread has descended into one upmanship re; principles and standards.  If the Queen’s death brought you to tears and you feel that a prolonged period of mourning and sporting events should be cancelled as a mark of respect then so be it.  If she was someone that you had a respect for, but don’t feel the need for football to be stopped, equally acceptable.  

    I’m in the latter camp.  I can see how much she means to people.  The response on here has been quite emphatic in that respect.  But to some people, this won’t mean anything.  How you can state that one view over the other is better is beyond me.  

    My views are no better than anyone else's.
    Prague posted about some fans being £100s out of pocket due to the game being called off.
    I've posted saying hundreds of thousands will be £100s down on the day of the funeral.
    With that in mind what's the be best thing to do?
    The Queen passing means more to some than it does other.
    Ian Botham was on the telly last night saying he wouldn't of wanted to play for a  few days and reflect on the Queen.
    I honestly thought with the queen being 96 and that national mourning to be in place at least 10 days sports/football would of been more prepared.
    If the Queens death had happened during the football season like has occurred it was more than likely to cover 2 weekends.
    Plans should of already been in place as to what happens next.
    I think football was waiting for the government to take control and tell the Football associations what to do.
    If Football had made a statement on the day of the Queens death expressing sympathy followed by this weekend's games are now postponed in respect of the queen, a few more would of accepting of the postponement.
    Also if sport had come together collectively in a joint statement ir would of felt like the whole of sport was standing together.
    I do get the frustrations , we have a round of fixtures in 2 days time and no decision has been made as to wether these go ahead.
    You make some good points there which I fully respect. 

    I didn't quite understand what this means: "hundreds of thousands will be £100s down on the day of the funeral." 

    You also wrote "
    The Queen passing means more to some than it does other". That is obviously true, but I don't think it follows that those who believe cancellation was a mistake are all somehow "the others". That's just another artificial division at a time when the nation should be coming together. I just believe that nowadays people have various ways to mourn, and to show their own respect, and it isn't necessary to do so at a time and place of anyone else's order. Certainly it is not necessary to turn up to anything communal , just to prove how much you care - alhough at the same time I would have loved to have been at the Valley yesterday alongside everyone there, and I would certainly have stopped everything to "join in" on the stream. The other side of that coin too is that I seriously doubt that many of those who would have gone to the match but supported the cancellation, instead spent any time reflecting on the Queen's passing, any more than they did on, say Friday night. 

    Anyway the most absurd thing is the cancellation of football down the pyramid from League 2. I still cannot get my head around what a colossally stupid decision that was.
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    edited September 2022
    clb74 said:
    cabbles said:
    clb74 said:
    So we should crack on as normal?
    Put the football to one side.
    On the day of the funeral hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people will be losing a days money because of the funeral.
    So should we let the Queens funeral pass by so no one loses any money
    As always, it’s somewhere in the middle.  I’m not sure how this thread has descended into one upmanship re; principles and standards.  If the Queen’s death brought you to tears and you feel that a prolonged period of mourning and sporting events should be cancelled as a mark of respect then so be it.  If she was someone that you had a respect for, but don’t feel the need for football to be stopped, equally acceptable.  

    I’m in the latter camp.  I can see how much she means to people.  The response on here has been quite emphatic in that respect.  But to some people, this won’t mean anything.  How you can state that one view over the other is better is beyond me.  

    My views are no better than anyone else's.
    Prague posted about some fans being £100s out of pocket due to the game being called off.
    I've posted saying hundreds of thousands will be £100s down on the day of the funeral.
    With that in mind what's the be best thing to do?
    The Queen passing means more to some than it does other.
    Ian Botham was on the telly last night saying he wouldn't of wanted to play for a  few days and reflect on the Queen.
    I honestly thought with the queen being 96 and that national mourning to be in place at least 10 days sports/football would of been more prepared.
    If the Queens death had happened during the football season like has occurred it was more than likely to cover 2 weekends.
    Plans should of already been in place as to what happens next.
    I think football was waiting for the government to take control and tell the Football associations what to do.
    If Football had made a statement on the day of the Queens death expressing sympathy followed by this weekend's games are now postponed in respect of the queen, a few more would of accepting of the postponement.
    Also if sport had come together collectively in a joint statement ir would of felt like the whole of sport was standing together.
    I do get the frustrations , we have a round of fixtures in 2 days time and no decision has been made as to wether these go ahead.
    You make some good points there which I fully respect. 

    I didn't quite understand what this means: "hundreds of thousands will be £100s down on the day of the funeral." 

    You also wrote "
    The Queen passing means more to some than it does other". That is obviously true, but I don't think it follows that those who believe cancellation was a mistake are all somehow "the others". That's just another artificial division at a time when the nation should be coming together. I just believe that nowadays people have various ways to mourn, and to show their own respect, and it isn't necessary to do so at a time and place of anyone else's order. Certainly it is not necessary to turn up to anything communal , just to prove how much you care - alhough at the same time I would have loved to have been at the Valley yesterday alongside everyone there, and I would certainly have stopped everything to "join in" on the stream. The other side of that coin too is that I seriously doubt that many of those who would have gone to the match but supported the cancellation, instead spent any time reflecting on the Queen's passing, any more than they did on, say Friday night. 

    Anyway the most absurd thing is the cancellation of football down the pyramid from League 2. I still cannot get my head around what a colossally stupid decision that was.

    I think it was because they could and the power they have to make decisions like that makes them feel very important.
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