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Everyday things from back in the day that seem really weird now



  • Being put on a train at Crayford to go & babysit my nephew Sean.
    I was 12yrs old.
    They lived just outside Birmingham city centre.
    Getting to Victoria coach station to get on the National Express was a piece of cake.
    Trying to get across from Digbeth coach station to the bus that took me to my sisters was an awful experience.
    And then if you didn’t have the correct change to put in the slot on the bus, the driver wouldn’t let you on.
    Yep, they had sealed cabs in buses in 1982 for safety reasons 😳
  • Bunking in Upton Park as a peanut seller

  • fadgadget said:
    Having to smoke 500 packs of Cigarettes just so could use the Tokens to buy a Umbrella

    This really tickled me. 
  • Seeing kids at school in leg calipers due to Polio.
    Seeing people with a "club foot" and thinking it was the shape of their foot and not realising it was a reinforced shoe to counter stunted growth in one leg caused by Polio.
    Seeing Abbey Wood Comprehensive School built and seeing it demolished.

    Great thread @North Lower Neil
    Think I might have drifted off the original point a bit  :p
  • Buying a glass of cream soda at the sweet shop in Lee Green and drinking it in the shop.
    Buying single hooks and a scoop of maggots in Todd's Tackle Shop in Lee Green.
    Efgeeco fishing line.
    Paper rod licences.
    Returning glass bottles to collect the deposit.
    The cigarette machine outside the local shop.
    Halfpennies and farthings.
    Pounds, shillings and pence.
    10 shilling note.
    Postal orders in birthday cards.
    "Jumping jack" and "Bangers" fireworks. Both as dangerous as hell.
    As others have said "Jack Frost" painting ice pictures on your windows.
  • Being put on a train at Crayford to go & babysit my nephew Sean.
    I was 12yrs old.
    They lived just outside Birmingham city centre.
    Getting to Victoria coach station to get on the National Express was a piece of cake.
    Trying to get across from Digbeth coach station to the bus that took me to my sisters was an awful experience.
    And then if you didn’t have the correct change to put in the slot on the bus, the driver wouldn’t let you on.
    Yep, they had sealed cabs in buses in 1982 for safety reasons 😳
    That's crazy. I mean surely they could've found someone who lived a bit closer.
  • Being forced to attend Mrs Das computer science class.

    I left that school in 1987, there were still NO COMPUTERS.
    I Started Thomas Tallis in 1975 , there was a Computer room ............. never see inside it in 5 years , one them urban legends , i reckon they only had a pocket calculator .  
  • Sponsored links:

  • sawdust on the floor of the butchers.
    Sawdust on the floor of pubs !
  • Candy cigarettes
  • Getting the extra packet of chewing gum out of the machines on the fourth turn. 
    Exchanging the money off coupons out of magazines for cash at our local grocery store, without buying the products..... you legend Mr. Green 
    Pinball machines in the local cafe
    Post Office savings stamps
    Buying school clothes with Co-Op stamps that mum had to pay off weekly to the collector each Saturday morning
    The loan club in the local pub, which paid out just before Christmas each year
  • Carol Singing , knocking on peoples doors and threatening them with Encore if they dont cough up.
    Building the biggest Bonfire the South East has ever seen and the Fire Brigade turning up because it always got out of hand .
    KLACKERS , Guaranteed a trip to A&E With busted knuckles ( Top Kids Toy Of The 70`s)
  • Drink driving. My dad used to be the worst for it. 10 pints down the football club then drive me home. Then a big campaign come out and the whole attitude changed. Mental cos he was a fireman and always told us stories of a bloke getting decapitated and cutting people out of cars from doing it. Not one to be proud of but it was definitely worse 25-30 years ago.
    My old man did this his entire life and finally got caught and done about ten years ago, his response was “country’s gone”.
    PC Lee if I recall? 😄
  • Help The Spastics collection boxes 

    ……and it seemed perfectly acceptable that kids would poke their tongues behind their bottom lips whilst saying “eergh Joey” in reference to Joey Deacon.
  • Help The Spastics collection boxes 

    ……and it seemed perfectly acceptable that kids would poke their tongues behind their bottom lips whilst saying “eergh Joey” in reference to Joey Deacon.
    Whilst waving arms - unbelievable.
  • JiMMy 85 said:
    Calling Clubcall for football news.
    I was on the phone listening to Charlton Club Call (0898 12 11 46) when Danny Mills scored the goal that kept us up for a week. That game cost me about 50 quid in pocket money. 
    You know there was live commentary of that game on Capital Gold
  • "Penny for the Guy" 
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  • JiMMy 85 said:
    Calling Clubcall for football news.
    I was on the phone listening to Charlton Club Call (0898 12 11 46) when Danny Mills scored the goal that kept us up for a week. That game cost me about 50 quid in pocket money. 
    You know there was live commentary of that game on Capital Gold
    Was going to say I remember listening to that one on the radio!!
  • Taking my Charlton rattle to a game and swinging it with no complaints 
  • The girls in your 6th form class having 25 year old boyfriends that picked them up in their Fiesta.

    Weird one that, looking back.

    Bill Wyman having a 13 year old girl friend when he was 47 and he was never charged despite Mandy Smith saying they had sex from when she was 14 ! 
    They married when Mandy was 18 but divorced two years later as dirty Bill preferred younger women !
    Gary Glitter has always felt this wasn't fair.

    Nostalgia ain't what it used to be. 

    Park keepers and 12 grass Tennis courts that were always busy at the weekend 
    Seeing local bill on a bike
    Just the one bag lady or Tramp in the locality.
    Gypsy Tart and custard. 
    Chocolate pudding and chocolate sauce.
    Traveling to London before the IRA or any other terrorists spread their hatred.
    Going to Butlins with Parents, Brothers and Aunt, Uncle and cousins.
    The smell of the drains at the valley on occasions after entering the Sam Bartram entrance.
    Individual fruit pies and getting the classified newspaper on a Saturday evening with the football scores.
    The Coal man
    Rag and bone man.
    The insurance man. 
    Avon calling lady.
    Delivering papers and taking 15 minutes longer on 'girlie mag' morning.
    Drinking full cream milk at School.
    Being beaten by a psycho teacher when 8.

    Nostalgia ain't what it used to be. 
    Avon calling lady, didn’t max factor?
    Why did Nivea Cream?.. cos Max Factor :)
  • JiMMy 85 said:
    Calling Clubcall for football news.
    I was on the phone listening to Charlton Club Call (0898 12 11 46) when Danny Mills scored the goal that kept us up for a week. That game cost me about 50 quid in pocket money. 
    You know there was live commentary of that game on Capital Gold
    Was going to say I remember listening to that one on the radio!!
    Fond memories of Capital Gold, Jonathan Pearce and Tony Gale.
  • Being allowed a crafty fag in a Travelodge 
    Properly made me laugh that one. Very good. 
  • Drink driving. My dad used to be the worst for it. 10 pints down the football club then drive me home. Then a big campaign come out and the whole attitude changed. Mental cos he was a fireman and always told us stories of a bloke getting decapitated and cutting people out of cars from doing it. Not one to be proud of but it was definitely worse 25-30 years ago.
    My old man did this his entire life and finally got caught and done about ten years ago, his response was “country’s gone”.
    PC Lee if I recall? 😄
    I thought you may of been there, a whole 18 months of getting the 314 to the pub cos he was too tight to get a cab 😆 
  • Mail delivered 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day
    Milk delivered everyday and it cost the same at the supermarket.
    Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville on primetime kids TV
    Using the phrase 'in the past' to refer to days gone by.
  • Drink driving. My dad used to be the worst for it. 10 pints down the football club then drive me home. Then a big campaign come out and the whole attitude changed. Mental cos he was a fireman and always told us stories of a bloke getting decapitated and cutting people out of cars from doing it. Not one to be proud of but it was definitely worse 25-30 years ago.
    My old man did this his entire life and finally got caught and done about ten years ago, his response was “country’s gone”.
    PC Lee if I recall? 😄
     No DC Lee was in the Style Council

  • Hal1x said:
    Drink driving. My dad used to be the worst for it. 10 pints down the football club then drive me home. Then a big campaign come out and the whole attitude changed. Mental cos he was a fireman and always told us stories of a bloke getting decapitated and cutting people out of cars from doing it. Not one to be proud of but it was definitely worse 25-30 years ago.
    My old man did this his entire life and finally got caught and done about ten years ago, his response was “country’s gone”.
    PC Lee if I recall? 😄
     No DC Lee was in the Style Council

    See the day…….

    Married to Paul Weller wasn’t she?
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