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Soccer AM



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    Atleast we know why Dicko was so late now..
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    DiscoCAFC: "I bet your jealous because you never had the chance to go on soccer am!"

    LMFAO!!!!!! - Tbh I only recognise the lad top right but it don't do us any favours really!
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    probably best not to be personal about peoples looks etc. I mean how many of us can claim to be oil paintings?
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    let the poor bloke in the front row with the long hair go for a pee, i bet he is counting down the minutes for the ad break
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    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]probably best not to be personal about peoples looks etc. I mean how many of us can claim to be oil paintings?
    You should see what Suze said about you last week. ;-)
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    On saturday at the game my mate says" did you see that group of doughnuts on soccer am? jesus what a bunch of wa**ers it was spine cringing". Guy in front turns round and says " i was one of them" FFS 25,000 in the crowd and that happens. My mate went to say something im sure would have been even harsher but just said "mate it was embarassing". The young lad says "i scored one".

    Please please please dont do it no more.
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    must of been the one with glasses.
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    By the sounds of his blog he had a more hardcore Friday night than me
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    We're all jealous according to this
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    edited March 2008
    FAO Rothko

    Thicker skins ? , your the one who got all upset when people slated the Hales flag so shut it
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    edited March 2008
    [cite]Posted By: Alan_Pardew[/cite]FAO Rothko

    Thicker skins ? , your the one who got all upset when people slated the Hales flag so shut it
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    it will all end tears
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    [cite]Posted By: Alan_Pardew[/cite]FAO Rothko

    Thicker skins ? , your the one who got all upset when people slated the Hales flag so shut it you girly voiced mug

    You confuse upsetness with coming back and answering a point. I can't say I feel emotion for a flag, but hey ho young man, you know better
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    alan whats with every thing you say ending with a insult,the flag thing is pretty decent,unlike the fools on soccer am.
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    Blimey Nolly, we see eye to eye for once.

    Look, I'm quite happy for the flag to get slagged off, as long as you suggest something better or reason your arguement, but then don't not expect me to come back and question your views and opinions when you make a point.
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    i like the flag idea,like to see it flow around the stand a bit more,but i like the idea,and my daughter enjoys it when i take her to games,so its a yes from me,regarding the soccer am debacle please please never i REPEAT never represent our club again.
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    edited March 2008
    Careful, Rothko, you're having a go at Alan Pardew ;-) ;-)

    PS I love the flags
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    ask him about the clappers,or the clap ?
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    I'm sinking this.

    To be honest, i've been embarrassed with this thread whole way through. Not every supporter cut their teeth on the tough streets of wannabee geezerland from the 80s, football fans come in all forms, particularly nowadays.

    Soccer AM is a prime example of the post-Euro 96 change in the game. Its aimed at students, post-grads and family football fans, and the fans they get on the show will mirror that.

    Whether you can relate to those that were on the show on Saturday or not, and i'm a not, i always think its sad to see Charlton fans coated off by their own.

    If you're one of the young lads that were on the show on Saturday and reading this, then on behalf of Charlton Life i apologise for some of the crap comments you've had to read.
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    Especially as Carter - one of our own was on it.

    Agreed though - accept it for what it is, whether you like it or not.
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    they were a laugh and they go to away games(apparently) so good luck to them......
    i thought the soccerette was one of the ropier ones they've had this season
    but scott mcleish hit the bar in the crossbar challenge
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    Well sunk, and for the record I was not on it!! I was not even concsious!!
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    isnt it about opinions, you are sinking it because you dont like it, did you used to take your ball home with you if you was losing over the park......
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    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]isnt it about opinions, you are sinking it because you dont like it, did you used to take your ball home with you if you was losing over the park......
    Personally insulting fellow Charlton fans (in whatever shape or form) is a bit underhand in my opinion.
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    I thought they looked like a bunch of misfits on there, but then most of the fans that are on there do. I just read the guys blog on the other site, and it sounds like he had such a great day and experience and on top of things a great laugh, fair play to the fella, thats all that matters.
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    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]isnt it about opinions, you are sinking it because you dont like it, did you used to take your ball home with you if you was losing over the park......

    I'm sinking it because i don't think its nice seeing fellow Charlton fans being branded as 'a bunch of tossers' and getting personally insulted, for nothing more than being young and what they think is having a laugh. It wouldn't be for me or you, but that's not the point.

    And the worry about reputation and street cred thing that others have been saying is all very Milwall.

    If i was sinking it because i didn't like it, then i'd probably sink about 50% of the current stuff on here to be honest.
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    I might have been a tad harsh, but some of it is fair comment
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    Beat me to it, AFKA doesn't like anything so he'd be u-boating left right and centre!! So would I though given the happiness and joy that is residing here at present

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    and what this thread proves is, I'm getting old
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