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General things that Annoy you



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    Drivers who brake when they go from a 50 to 40 or 40 to 30 zone, its as if they will instantly be in trouble if they pass the sign doing a mile of two over the top

    No need to brake, just ease off the acelerator and the car will slow on its own
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    People who eat food on trains stinking the place out, Burger King, Macdonalds and Cornish Pasties and then leave the empties all over the seat or on the floor
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    People who use terms like "closure"... what is this - a scene from "Friends"?
    I would like to add "let's touch base" to this. STOP IT!
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    People who use terms like "closure"... what is this - a scene from "Friends"?
    I would like to add "let's touch base" to this. STOP IT!
    "I have a window free, I will pencil you in"
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    People who go into the countryside, be it to walk, cycle or just drive and throw their rubbish onto the road and verges. Presumably they come into the countryside for its beauty, so why spoil it. Take your rubbish home, who do you think will pick it up?
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    People who go into the countryside, be it to walk, cycle or just drive and throw their rubbish onto the road and verges. Presumably they come into the countryside for its beauty, so why spoil it. Take your rubbish home, who do you think will pick it up?
    Ditto the seaside. I'd flog the scummy, selfish twonks to within an inch of their life*.

    *thanks go to the Daily Mail book of cliches.

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    agreeing to pick people up and when you get there they're running a few minutes late. GET READY A FEW MINUTES EARLIER THEN.
    Got a mate who is/was notorious for this, always late and everyone hanging around for him. We were going water skiing in Wales one year, we waited for over an hour (pre mobile phones) then went without him. When we got back he had the right 'ump, didnt do it again though!
    Drivers who brake when they go from a 50 to 40 or 40 to 30 zone, its as if they will instantly be in trouble if they pass the sign doing a mile of two over the top

    No need to brake, just ease off the acelerator and the car will slow on its own
    Sorry Mike but tell that to my neighbour, the A227 near Meopham has a 40 limit in places on Wednesday evenings in the summer (its bike meet night around our way, they try and catch the motorbike riders) they position a camera van just inside the 30 as you come out of the 40 to catch these monsters who speed. My neighbour got caught in his car. Nice stealth tax!
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    Cases like that Greenie are fine, I live just down the hill from you so I know exactly what and where you mean.
    However a vast majority are not like this.
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    Whilst waiting in a queue at Sidcup Station during rush hour to re-new a season ticket you can bet your life there will be someone in front that gets to the window and proceeds to ask for the most complex route advice/multi change ticket purchase in the history of rail travel....

    ...drives me InSaNe!@#!!
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    People who don't understand that a mini roundabout works exactly the same as a big roundabout i.e. you give way to the right......tossers!
    Those train line adverts with the two geeky dancers...Aggggh
    Walking texters its been said before but it's like a modern plague....look where you are f*****g going FGS
    People with all day who dawdle everywhere usually in the middle of the pavement/supermarket aisle etc.
    Cyclists who don't obey any of the rules of the road.....nick em large I say
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    This bloody thread as every time someone replies I get a pop up message that repeats itself ad nauseam until I come to this thread.

    Rant over ;-)
    Welcome back to this thread :)

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    Somebody shoot him please.
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    hand , foot and mouth ;(
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    hand , foot and mouth ;(
    People whinging on every thread about hand, foot & mouth :-) Sorry John, hope you feel better soon.
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    Other people on public transport:

    People chewing gum (or other food) open mouth noisly in the seat behind you, it is disgusting. People eating smelly, cheap nasty meaty takeaway that stinks the bus or carriage out. People having a loud personal conversation with too much detail (like being forced to listen to an real life Eastenders episode). Loud non stop conversation on the mobile in any language. People subjecting you to their non essential work or client discussions. Very large people sitting on the seat next to you, squashing you in yours and not having the courtesy to acknowledge that you are there, people spreading themselves across a seat and not giving an inch, like its some sodding virility contest, sod casting tinnie crappy garage or whatever on teenagers mobiles. People who start rucks on the bus with the bus driver causing the bus to grind to a halt, people who stand on the stairs or block the exit when a million people are getting off, mothers who ignore their wailing kids and do nothing to placate them subjecting the whole bus to the noise. Creepy blokes who squash themselves next to girls / woman (even when other seats are free) to get a cheap thrill. People with coughs and cold who don't cover their mouths when coughing. People clearing their throats and spitting. People who clip their finger nails are disgusting. Noisy swearing school kids. People who have fights with other passengers causing the bus to come to a stop.

    Bus drivers, who run way ahead of schedule then insist on stopping and waiting at every single bus stop (particularly in the morning rush hour), bus drivers who argue with their passengers because they hate their job (don't be bus drivers), bus drivers who make people wait outside in the cold or rain when only one or two people are getting off the bus, drivers who don't use the brake or clutch and ease on and off the accelerator so the vehicle constantly lurches, so you feel like throwing up by the end of the journey, drivers who let on an older person with a stick, get on the bus and then drive off quickly before allowing them to sit down or find a place where they can hold on safely. Bus companies that stop a bus, two or three stops before the final stated destination.
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    People who moan about buses.
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    People who start their sentences with 'look'.
    Those 2 ozzie wnkers in the Fosters Ad.
    Fosters lager.
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    Oh, and 'My Bad' - i mean, WTF !!!!
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    People who moan about buses.
    People who moan (or make lazy cheap responses) about people making astute observations of annoying people on buses.
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    Lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour.
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    Lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour.

    (Just kidding.)
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    people who spell the word cool, kool.
    only acceptable if your talking about or a part of Kool and the gang.
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    People who start a facebook status with 'That awkward moment when'

    If the moment was that awkward you would not be telling the world about it!!!!
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    Lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour.

    (Just kidding.)
    That's funny, my comment, are yours ?

    I realise that knocking out lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour would masively cut general forum traffic !
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    Oh, and 'My Bad' - i mean, WTF !!!!
    I always thought this was "Am I bad?" until I saw it written down. "Epic fail" is another one that bugs me.
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    Lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour.

    (Just kidding.)
    That's funny, my comment, are yours ?

    I realise that knocking out lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour would masively cut general forum traffic !
    people who get easily offended...
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    people who spell the word cool, kool.
    only acceptable if your talking about or a part of Kool and the gang.
    Or if talking about a Sonic Youth song
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    People who are too lazy and selfish to get out of their cars and knock on the door of the person they want to see and insist on disturbing the whole neighbourhood by hooting their horns repeatedly until said person arrives.
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    Parking on pavements, forcing you to walk round their cars in the road.
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    Dust. Gets everywhere. Causes laptops and projectors to overheat. Turns my hair into a giant brillo pad! Makes contact lenses irritable and painful.
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