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General things that Annoy you



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    Anyone who says 'simples' after making a statement and then does the funny noise as well!
    Try something original please, everyone's at it, 'simples' this 'simples' that, its not funny!
    It gets right on my tits!
    By extension of that, any catchphrase that comes from a marketing campaign. Especially: blank blank blank... priceless/ should have gone to specsavers.../...simples.../
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    Why cant they share?
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    Women walking around with bags on their arms, doing an impression of Bob Carolgees holding spit the dog.
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    The bloke sitting in front of me on the 261 bus that reeks of puff.
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    Two advertising campaigns that make me want to put my foot through the telly,the bloke on the phone having a giraffe and all those adverts with that twat with curly hair selling insurance to various characters.I will set myself on fire before I purchase anything off those adverts!!!
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    Two advertising campaigns that make me want to put my foot through the telly,the bloke on the phone having a giraffe and all those adverts with that twat with curly hair selling insurance to various characters.I will set myself on fire before I purchase anything off those adverts!!!
    That bloke with curly hair posts on here as WSS

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    Seeing the initials CL elsewhere and disappointedly discovering its related to some nonsense called the Champions League :-(
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    Most annoying thing for me at the moment is that burke in the tesco advert who speaks increadibly fast. Really f**ks me off
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    every time i see/hear it i get angrier
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    Two advertising campaigns that make me want to put my foot through the telly,the bloke on the phone having a giraffe and all those adverts with that twat with curly hair selling insurance to various characters.I will set myself on fire before I purchase anything off those adverts!!!
    That bloke with curly hair posts on here as WSS

    I wouldnt care if he was my best mate/brother I still wouldnt buy anything cos his character and the others on that advert drive me mad!!
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    Stephen Hawkings.
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    People who say 'I'm going down' to somwhere when they're going North and the same for South/Up. I don't go down to London from Sussex, I go up! Just a silly thing, but it always annoys me.
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    edited March 2012
    People who say 'I'm going down' to somwhere when they're going North and the same for South/Up. I don't go down to London from Sussex, I go up! Just a silly thing, but it always annoys me.
    I know where you're coming from VF but I had an English teacher who would insist on no use of the words 'up' or 'down'
    The world is round so it should be 'to'!
    he would scrawl on an essay.
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    Capital Bloody Radio. I have to listen to it all day at work. The same RnB/pop songs played every hour and deejays reading out bits from gossip mags. It makes my blood boil.
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    Muslim wormen that wear them Burka
    if a old person get on the bus and no one offfers them a seat
    Self check out any where

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    We buy any car, we buy any car...

    Arsenal supporters

    John terry

    Being woken up with 'are you asleep?', well thanks a lot I WAS.

    People sitting down watching you run yourself ragged and asking when you're nearly done, do you want some help?

    Slim people that go on and on about needing to shred a few pounds.

    Kids who have season tickets at charlton for a year or 2 who think they have the right to judge supporters on the number of games they can attend.

    People that never take their kids out during the holidays and moan about them driving them mad.
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    How on the M6 nr Birmingham the signs always tell you that the toll road is traffic free. Of course it is, it costs £6; How's the traffic on the toll free section is all people care about.

    Toll roads.

    Birmingham in general.
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    People doing their weekly shop in petrol garages
    The crowd 'cheering' noise on dancing on ice
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    People confusing me playing my imaginary banjo on the train for me doing something else.
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    Two advertising campaigns that make me want to put my foot through the telly,the bloke on the phone having a giraffe and all those adverts with that twat with curly hair selling insurance to various characters.I will set myself on fire before I purchase anything off those adverts!!!
    That bloke with curly hair posts on here as WSS

    I wouldnt care if he was my best mate/brother I still wouldnt buy anything cos his character and the others on that advert drive me mad!!
    The curly haired bloke was hilarious in The Thick Of It, and apparently has an excellent stand up show that involves him using his massive brain (he's a right know it all on QI). But he's blown it with those ads.

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    Muslim wormen that wear them Burka
    English people who can't speak/ write like an adult.
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    cases (especially small ones on wheels )that people drag behind them on station concourses and people who txt as they are walking along a crowded street ...i saw a fantastic collision between these 2 yesterday and it pleased me no end

    re the cases ...i have probably mentioned this on a diffeent thread in the past and its becoming almost an obsession ...everytime i see one i almost growl !! i need help any advice welcome
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    Television programmes which play music in the background whilst someone is talking. It isn't necessary and makes it hard to hear what the person is saying.
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    cases (especially small ones on wheels )that people drag behind them on station concourses and people who txt as they are walking along a crowded street ...i saw a fantastic collision between these 2 yesterday and it pleased me no end

    re the cases ...i have probably mentioned this on a diffeent thread in the past and its becoming almost an obsession ...everytime i see one i almost growl !! i need help any advice welcome
    Try clipping the wheels as you walk behind so they flip over.
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    people who walk away mid film and don't even ask to pause it..
    then come back and ask questions.
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    edited March 2012
    people who walk away mid film and don't even ask to pause it..
    then come back and ask questions.
    I'll have to try that at Cineworld Bexleyheath.
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    Typing your email address in to a website ..... then being asked to do it again to confirm.
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    Eateries when they ask you 'Is everything okay' and you reply along the lines of , 'Well, since you ask, no it isn't.........' then argue about your complaint. No wonder people don't complain: it's too much hassle and it's easier just not to go there again.
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    Why cant they share?
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