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General things that Annoy you



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    On the lift theme.......
    You are standing in a lobby waiting to go up in a lift. You have pressed the UP button and it has brightly illuminated. Then some twat strolls along and goes up and presses the same UP button. He is basically saying to you "The lift won't come if you don't press the button mate."
    Apparently it's a bloke thing. A woman on my psychology course made a study of button pushing behaviour at pelican crossings and found that males are far more likely to press a button regardless. She put it down to alpha-maleness and a need for blokes to be in control. I put it down to blokes having more stressful lives, always going somewhere important and not having the time to leave anything to chance ;-)

    Yep, I do that. I also tap the button like im playng track n field on an old arcade machine as it changes the light quicker (well, not really.. but I like to think it does)
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    Tourists in totnes where I live, walking as slow as a snail and stopping outside everyshop they pass.
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    On the lift theme.......
    You are standing in a lobby waiting to go up in a lift. You have pressed the UP button and it has brightly illuminated. Then some twat strolls along and goes up and presses the same UP button. He is basically saying to you "The lift won't come if you don't press the button mate."
    Apparently it's a bloke thing. A woman on my psychology course made a study of button pushing behaviour at pelican crossings and found that males are far more likely to press a button regardless. She put it down to alpha-maleness and a need for blokes to be in control. I put it down to blokes having more stressful lives, always going somewhere important and not having the time to leave anything to chance ;-)

    Yep, I do that. I also tap the button like im playng track n field on an old arcade machine as it changes the light quicker (well, not really.. but I like to think it does)
    I used to think when I was little that the more times it was pressed, the lights knew that more people were waiting so they would change quicker.

    Lifts at Tube stations are equally annoying, as people 'don't' press the button and the lift comes up and goes down again without opening the doors, even though there is a crowd of 30 odd people there because the one person by the lift button hasn't pressed it!

    annoying thing - people that press the 'open door' button on a tube train. They don't work.
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    Charlton supporters moaning, in the best season results wise, that they will probably ever see in their lifetime :-(
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    slow walking people and especially those that suddenly stop in the middle of the pavement. I get walking rage rather than road rage
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    Having a thread closed
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    slow walking people and especially those that suddenly stop in the middle of the pavement. I get walking rage rather than road rage
    3 or 4 times a day I have to refrain myself from punching the person in front of me in the back of the head. I also do a mock leg trip/sweep to ease the stress as I realise that punchin people in the head is not the best idea.
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    And worse slow walkers who have humungous golf umbrella which blocks all the pavement.
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    celery in soups.
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    thick as feck stewards standing at the top of the steps at full time knowing full well that hundreds of fans need to GET OUT THAT WAY
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    Scum bags Human Rights! Should lose their rights when they stop behaving like a human. Suppose you could call it A*******s Rights.
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    Scum bags Human Rights! Should lose their rights when they stop behaving like a human. Suppose you could call it A*******s Rights.

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    slow walking people and especially those that suddenly stop in the middle of the pavement. I get walking rage rather than road rage
    People who are reading their phone/texting on their phone whilst walking through busy streets. Particularly streets that only allow single files of pedestrians due to so many fecking building/road works.

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    Deal or No Deal when they dress up.
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    edited February 2012
    New one for me,
    talksports insistance that a quote from the last person they interviewed is in some ways news and repeat it in their sports bulletin, case in point today...
    Sports headlines - George Graham tells talk sport that oxlade chamberlain reminds him of a young wayne rooney....then Rangers administration, last nights scores, Lee Clarkes sacking and the ODI score....

    Self indulgent twats!

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    those ray winstone betting adverts are bloody annoying
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    Bexley Council. We do all the work for them seperating everything out and leaving it where they tell us to for collection. The binmen arrive and proceed to chuck your various bins, dropped rubbish etc everywhere except back on your property. Carnage every Thursday.
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    Threads about Ben Hamer.
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    Clicking on a thread to see a bit of forum handbags has just occurred but seconds too late so the comments have been modded suggesting it was popcorn time.
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    being warned that we could experience "drought conditions".

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    Unsubscribe from receiving emails ...... only then to receive another email telling you your unsubscribe has been successful.
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    Pulling out a bogie only to discover it was attached to a nose hair.
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    pulling out a poo crumb only to discover it's attached to a bum hair
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    People that stand so close to you at the checkout, that you can almost feel them breathing down your neck.

    Cars that stay in the middle lane on a motorway at 68 mph regardless of inside lane being empty, or more annoying, when i'm driving my landrover, that has a top speed of about 60 (50 uphill) when cars flash me/ beep horn when im on the inside lane on a dual carriageway/motorway.

    Tradesmen that state a daily rate to work, then turn up 1 hour late and leave an hour early, and still expect to get paid for a full day. Grrrrr

    Having to pay the returns cost for an item bought on ebay, when the item is not as described, and the postal cost is as much as the refund.

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    Seeing a pig ugly woman in a 'look at me' top marque sports car. So disappointing!

    People that drive their convertable with the roof down when it's around +2'C.
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    99% of drivers on Falconwood - Black Prince stretch of the A2, in either direction.

    Bloody hell!!!!

    The speed limit is 50mph, if you want to be naughty you can drive at 55mph, you won't get flashed. You won't get flashed at 58mph either, nor 60!

    So don't drive at a steady 53mph inbetween cameras and then SLAM on your brakes as soon as you get to one and drop down to 42mph. Above all it's very dangerous.
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    Clothing with pictures of animals on
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    People who insist on showing me you tube videos on thier I phone in the pub or on Twatter. If I wanted to surf the net I would have stayed at home and watched Porn tube.

    I don't care and if you try to show me one more video your precious I Phone is going in your pint.
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    Oh and while we're at it turn the 'kin key tone off you .......
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    People that have to put on an "I'm about to drop dead at any moment" voice when ill.

    Man up and stop attention seeking.

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