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General things that Annoy you



  • Amen ooohaah, Amen.
  • Only two things annoy me

    People, who are intolerant of other peoples cultures

    And the Dutch
  • It's annoying when I tell someone that we are top of the league, and then they reply with a sarcastic, "Yeah, of league 1".
  • Nicknames for football clubs (unless you are a 12 year old)

    Spanners, Nigels, Wendies, Manure etc.

    add MASSIVE to that.
  • People who don't say Wet Spam and Spuds
  • People who say Wet Spam. It should be Wet Sham.
  • Very funny thread....

    Unexpected item in the bagging area... lol...
  • Prolly said it earlier but I'll say it again
    People who get as close to the luggage carousel at the airport as they can , step back you thick bastards then everyone can see and get their cases off without having to bump you goons out the way
    If you get closer it doesn't arrive any quicker
    And move your trolleys back and you don't need the whole family around there
    Back off perleeeeease
  • People who write - Posted before reading thread....
  • Sponsored links:

  • People who leave rubbish in lifts
    People trying to get in the lift before you get out
    People being surprised that there is someone in the lift when they try to get in
    People drinking coffee in lifts
    People with rucksacks in lifts
  • People who moan about people having the courtesy to mention that they are posting before reading the thread

  • Trying to get an appointment at the doctors.
  • People who dont takke there rucksack off and put them by their feet so everyone can fit when on a tram/tube...

    That common sense idea has NOT taken off here in OZ...
  • People still wishing you a "happy new year" in the middle of February.
  • fat people on the train that take up more than 1 seat.
  • People still wishing you a "happy new year" in the middle of February.
    Is this an anti-Chinese thing? ;-)
  • On the lift theme.......
    You are standing in a lobby waiting to go up in a lift. You have pressed the UP button and it has brightly illuminated. Then some twat strolls along and goes up and presses the same UP button. He is basically saying to you "The lift won't come if you don't press the button mate."
  • People that gloat on Owlstalk
  • On the lift theme.......
    You are standing in a lobby waiting to go up in a lift. You have pressed the UP button and it has brightly illuminated. Then some twat strolls along and goes up and presses the same UP button. He is basically saying to you "The lift won't come if you don't press the button mate."
    Apparently it's a bloke thing. A woman on my psychology course made a study of button pushing behaviour at pelican crossings and found that males are far more likely to press a button regardless. She put it down to alpha-maleness and a need for blokes to be in control. I put it down to blokes having more stressful lives, always going somewhere important and not having the time to leave anything to chance ;-)

  • Sponsored links:

  • Arriving at a crossing where several people are already waiting, leaving it a couple of minutes, then realising no fecker has pressed the button!
  • When there are flags all around at the match but not the one you really want to see.
  • People talking in acronyms or abbreviations so they can appear superior.
  • edited February 2012
    you beat me to it Chirpy btw!
  • On the lift theme.......
    You are standing in a lobby waiting to go up in a lift. You have pressed the UP button and it has brightly illuminated. Then some twat strolls along and goes up and presses the same UP button. He is basically saying to you "The lift won't come if you don't press the button mate."
    Apparently it's a bloke thing. A woman on my psychology course made a study of button pushing behaviour at pelican crossings and found that males are far more likely to press a button regardless. She put it down to alpha-maleness and a need for blokes to be in control. I put it down to blokes having more stressful lives, always going somewhere important and not having the time to leave anything to chance ;-)

    Yep, I do that. I also tap the button like im playng track n field on an old arcade machine as it changes the light quicker (well, not really.. but I like to think it does)
  • Tourists in totnes where I live, walking as slow as a snail and stopping outside everyshop they pass.
  • On the lift theme.......
    You are standing in a lobby waiting to go up in a lift. You have pressed the UP button and it has brightly illuminated. Then some twat strolls along and goes up and presses the same UP button. He is basically saying to you "The lift won't come if you don't press the button mate."
    Apparently it's a bloke thing. A woman on my psychology course made a study of button pushing behaviour at pelican crossings and found that males are far more likely to press a button regardless. She put it down to alpha-maleness and a need for blokes to be in control. I put it down to blokes having more stressful lives, always going somewhere important and not having the time to leave anything to chance ;-)

    Yep, I do that. I also tap the button like im playng track n field on an old arcade machine as it changes the light quicker (well, not really.. but I like to think it does)
    I used to think when I was little that the more times it was pressed, the lights knew that more people were waiting so they would change quicker.

    Lifts at Tube stations are equally annoying, as people 'don't' press the button and the lift comes up and goes down again without opening the doors, even though there is a crowd of 30 odd people there because the one person by the lift button hasn't pressed it!

    annoying thing - people that press the 'open door' button on a tube train. They don't work.
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