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General things that Annoy you



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    This is a controversial one:

    The McCann family annoy the he'll out of me. They seem to have made a cottage industry out of their daughters disappearance and are publicity mad. I know they say its to keep people looking for Maddie but for me there is far more to it than that.

    (Bedsaddick puts his hard hat on)


    As much as I feel sorry for them, someone needs to ask them why the f**k they left her and their other 2 kids on their own for so long. Rather than blaming the police investigation, they should take a long hard look at themselves.
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    "One aim" - The most boring and pointless mantra ever.
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    South Eastern Trains offering an Off-Peak service but charging Peak prices.
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    Women who insist on driving their pink fluffy cars whilst they put their mascara on. I mean, why the hell do they have to keep their mouths open to do it?
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    Ray Wilkins continually saying "my word"
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    people (under 50) at car parking machines with not a clue how to pay yet saying the whole procedure out loud to ty & divert my attention away from the fact that it actually takes @ 20 seconds to pay, not 5 f****** minutes-divs

    people (over 50) at  indoor building society cash machines paying in cash and taking so long that the queue for the cashiers actually moves quicker

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    Ray Wilkins continually saying "my word"
    Yes, he's a tad repetitive young man ;-)
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    RAy seemed to have learned the word 'splendid' as he seemmed to be using it a lot last night.
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    Blokes who wear scarves indoors. Got two here in my office. Ok one's a Frog so maybe you'd expect that but the other one's from Lewisham!
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    edited January 2012
    On long haul flights cabin staff will often turn off the lights and ask everyone to pull down their window blinds in order to darken the cabin so everyone can get a bit of shut eye, this is when you are going through different time zones and everyones body clocks are arse about face.
    You always get some prat who will decide to open their blind at some point and flood the entire cabin with dazzling sunlight making it impossible to sleep or indeed quite often it will actually wake you up.
    I get up usually and ask them (in not too a polite way I have to say) to close their blind and use their overhead light if they need to read etc..........more often than not they look at you like you're from outer space, the selfish thoughtless twats!!
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    Old people who make a lot of groaning noise first thing in the morning when they try and do tough physicals acts such as sitting down. We know you're tired but don't make a big song and dance about it!

    The best one has been the facebook posts. I'll inbox you hun!
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    FoD,Gumbo & Plaaaayer; WTF ?
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    FYI FOD I make such noises because my back is killing me, not because I'm tired. ;-)
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    Nicknames for football clubs (unless you are a 12 year old)

    Spanners, Nigels, Wendies, Manure etc.

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    People who are obsessed with Sheffield Wed.
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    people who ski in jeans
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    People who are obsessed with other peoples obsessions.
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    People who are obsessed with people who are obsessed with other peoples obsessions :)
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    The phrase ''Oh! my God'' Usually said loudly for emphasis.

    People who eat using only a fork and leaning on the table with their redundant other arm.
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    supermarket cashiers casually reading the newspaper you've just bought as they're scanning your other items
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    People that shout "AWAY" when a corner is swung into the box, as if the defenders didn't know what to try and do with it.
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    edited January 2012
    Ha im guilty of that wwwaddickson. Along with other pearls of wisdom gained from a prestigious junior sunday league career such as "Out" and "Hit it"!

    Think its more a case of hoping rather than instructing!
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    Shouting tactical advice at players in general, bloke used to sit behind me in the middle of the East Stand & would shout tactical advice at players who were somewhere near the JS stand at the time....
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    SoundAsa£ January 19
    On long haul flights cabin staff will often turn off the lights and ask everyone to pull down their window blinds in order to darken the cabin so everyone can get a bit of shut eye, this is when you are going through different time zones and everyones body clocks are arse about face.
    You always get some prat who will decide to open their blind at some point and flood the entire cabin with dazzling sunlight making it impossible to sleep or indeed quite often it will actually wake you up.
    I get up usually and ask them (in not too a polite way I have to say) to close their blind and use their overhead light if they need to read etc..........more often than not they look at you like you're from outer space, the selfish thoughtless twats!!
    As someone who cannot sleep on long haul flights I find the people who want the lights turned off for the whole journey are selfish thoughtless twats. Its a two way thing.
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    edited January 2012
    As someone who rarely gets the chance to fly, I want to savour every minute. Anyone who isn't so excited that they want to spend every second gazing out of the window in sheer awe of being able to see our amazing planet from +30k feet doesn't deserve to be on a plane. If you're so devoid of emotion that you don't enjoy it, you should get off and take the long route.
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    edited January 2012
    Spot on Stig and Brunello.

    Why do these blinds fascists think they put sodding eye patches in every seat pouch?
    Dont like the most stunning views possible to mere mortals? - then put the patch on rather than getting aggressive with other passengers!

    Anyway, ignorant comments on news items such as the one below, annoy me mildly.

    Teen spared jail so he can club baby seals
    Tuesday 17th January 2012

    I always feel that the world is a sadder place after reading them. I mean the article itself is shocking, but the comments just drain the will to live!
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    Everyone who lives in Canada
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    White trainers
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