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General things that Annoy you



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    People who quote television or radio adverts. Particularly "simples".

    And I'll say it again as people are still doing it and clearly not paying enough attention to me -writing THIS on forums like one's agreement makes them the judge and jury of the debate.
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    "And I'll say it again as people are still doing it and clearly not paying enough attention to me -writing THIS on forums like one's agreement makes them the judge and jury of the debate".

    This! (sorry Jimmy, someone was going to do it, might as well be me)
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    To be honest, these days most things and most people annoy me......
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    David Platt's moon face.
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    ..and the massive boil he has on his chin at the moment
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    Thats his head!!!!
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    People that right "are" instead of "our"

    Tom Jones
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    wetproofed my deck with thompsons waterseal (he hasnt noticed its missing yet)
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    rubbish sausages
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    The stupid bloody expression "Be careful what you wish for"

    I want EVERYTHING I wish for thank you very much!
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    On the expressions theme "Nothing's impossible".
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    People who refuse to wear flags and do the robot. Selfish
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    In small sided team sports (volleyball, tennis doubles and basketball in between free-throws etc) I hate it when the team mates hi-five after every single point. I suppose I can accept it if it was done after every winning point but they do it all the time even when they completely muck it up and miss a shot losing the point.

    While we are at it, the screaming/grunting/howling tennis players are doing my head in. I saw Sharapova the other day and her screams were over 95 decibels. There is no need for it Maria (assuming you are reading this of course) it's gamesmanship of the most ridiculous proportions and it's hard to concentrate on watching the match when you sound like you are getting murdered every time you hit the ball. Stop doing it.
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    What else would a young fit female tennis player be doing Zin? Of course she's reading this. If you are Maria, you can have me if you play your cards right. ;-)
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    People who say "My bad" Just say sorry.
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    Florida Addick _ Mr Inappropriate (just don't get him at all).
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    "The following item contains flash photography"
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    "The following item contains flash photography"
    Chirpy.......I assume you realise why this information is given out?

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    any further news about Amanda Holdens (who is she anyway?) baby ?
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    "The following item contains flash photography"
    Chirpy.......I assume you realise why this information is given out?

    FFS! I didn't even get to 10!

    Read the title of the thread.

    It annoys me.

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    Scarves as well as hats, gloves and sunglasses indoors.

    Linemen who clearly aren't paying attention.
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    Coming on here after we haven't won.
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    People at bars - and Barts seems to be particularly bad for this - that can't order everything they want.

    2 pints of Fosters - barman gets them, and rings it up
    And a coke please - barman gets that
    Oh, no ice in that please - barman gets another
    And a bag of nuts.

    Idiots shouldn't be served.
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    People at bars - and Barts seems to be particularly bad for this - that can't order everything they want.

    2 pints of Fosters - barman gets them, and rings it up
    And a coke please - barman gets that
    Oh, no ice in that please - barman gets another
    And a bag of nuts.

    Idiots shouldn't be served.
    When I worked a bar I hated those people. If you can remember the whole order so can I.

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    People who tell the same boring story/anicdote over and over again to anybody who will listen .......

    And people who tell a story or gossip about someone you do not know, nor want to know .....

    Rant over - Back to work
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    "The following item contains flash photography"
    Chirpy.......I assume you realise why this information is given out?

    FFS! I didn't even get to 10!

    Read the title of the thread.

    It annoys me.

    Chirpy.......what is fing wrong with you you plumb.....I try asking a reasonable question......some folk don't know the reason why this info is given may or may not be one of them. If you can't answer a reasonable question then pizz off.
    FFS....that's all!!
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    "The following item contains flash photography"
    Chirpy.......I assume you realise why this information is given out?

    FFS! I didn't even get to 10!

    Read the title of the thread.

    It annoys me.

    Chirpy.......what is fing wrong with you you plumb.....I try asking a reasonable question......some folk don't know the reason why this info is given may or may not be one of them. If you can't answer a reasonable question then pizz off.
    FFS....that's all!!
    No need to have a fit mate.....
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    "The following item contains flash photography"
    Chirpy.......I assume you realise why this information is given out?

    FFS! I didn't even get to 10!

    Read the title of the thread.

    It annoys me.

    Chirpy.......what is fing wrong with you you plumb.....I try asking a reasonable question......some folk don't know the reason why this info is given may or may not be one of them. If you can't answer a reasonable question then pizz off.
    FFS....that's all!!
    No need to have a fit mate.....
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