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General things that Annoy you



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    Remembering different passwords.
    Having to re-enter my email address.
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    When Charlton Life goes
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    Down .....
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    Paddy Ashdown.
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    Dog owners inviting you into their house saying "They'll be alright, they'll settle down in a few minutes".

    Then, as you walk round the mutt smelling house, the owner makes no effort to prevent the stinking canines from smelling your bollox and brushing past you deliberately so you get dog hairs & mutt smell on your clothes. Lock 'em away until I'm gone.

    I like dogs & am not an estate agent.



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    House to House con men who don't wash their cheesy cobblers!
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    David Baddiel. I think this person anoys me more than anyone or anything else on the entire planet.
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    Previous hotel inmates who put drinking chocolate powder in the shower head...
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    The fake friendliness of charity muggers.
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    gok wan, lawrence bowen, louie spence and the lardarse from gavin and stacey (the bloke one)
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    Losing on football manager.
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    students from lewisham college at the one near the dlr station in deptford who think its its smart to try and cross the road in the middle of the junction instead of walking the 10 yards to the pedestrian crossing whilst dressed as andy murray and not seeing a fellow lifer waving furiously at him as he drove past said student...
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    Having a shower and then wanting a shit immediately afterwards.  Some things should never happen in reverse order.
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    Ed Milliband
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    The Karashians
    Katie Price
    ANYONE who mentions CP

    and most of all........... the word ' Abbreviation '

    Why is that so fkn long ????
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    see.........i'm fkn annoyed just writing it....... know...right??
    no......nout to do wiv star trek either...
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    Having a shower and then wanting a shit immediately afterwards.  Some things should never happen in reverse order.


    Anyway, having a post-shower shite and having unshakeable cling-ons, especially when you need to get off to work

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    TV shows that treat the audience like idiots by showing all the best bits of the show in a 30 seconds at the start then after every add break they show what happened before the adverts as if we have forgot!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!
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    "We are the Wood Preservation Society"...repeated.
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    I said you buy 1 get 1 free!
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    People who put the word "super" in front of a verb.  One friend is emailing and keeps saying things like "super excited" and "super busy" and "get on super well with".

    sod off it sounds completely poncy.

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    edited May 2011
    This is a controversial one:

    The McCann family annoy the he'll out of me. They seem to have made a cottage industry out of their daughters disappearance and are publicity mad. I know they say its to keep people looking for Maddie but for me there is far more to it than that.

    (Bedsaddick puts his hard hat on)
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    When in heavy traffic, you let a car in front of you, only to then see a Palace sticker on their rear window. Grrrrrrr!!!
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    People writing SCP for Chris Powell.

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    Films & TV plays etc. when the credits are shown at the beginning and last well after the start of the programme/film. How can you concentrate on what's going on when there's a seemingly endless list of assistant, executive, co-executive, deputy assistant, 2nd unit, directors and producers popping up on the screen. Not to mention the best boy , chief grip and focus puller!  

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    edited May 2011
    The confusion of verbs and adjectives - it's super annoying
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    The Sony Radio Awards. Awards presented from within the industry mean nothing and should not be reported to the general public.

    Just look at this years: Robbie Savage and Danny Baker win awards. I rest my case.

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    I agree with you Bedsaddick

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