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General things that Annoy you



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    Cyclists who don't stop at red lights and who nearly cut you in half at zebra crossings.
    Kids on rush hour trains during the school holidays.
    Picking up the phone and a recorded voice says 'don't hang up...' click.
    And one which has just happened, opening a pint of milk and the little tab to pull the plastic cover getting stuck in the lid which means you've got to prise the bloody thing off with your nails.
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    joggers that continue to run on the spot at junctions or when waiting to cross a road! what's that all about?
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    oh!!! when queuing at the checkout in tesco's (today) and the woman in front asked the checkout bloke if they sell sundried tomoato's, then he asks another member of staff to go and have a look for some and bring a selection for the said customer to chose from.......all while i'm stood behind her waiting (feckin idiots)
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    Don't get me started on supermarkets.

    What I hate the most is that people are not rude enough.....let me explain.....

    I live in an area which is very tourist populated. I think it's reasonably obvious what a queue is, no matter
    whether you are from England, USA or f##### Pluto. You get these tourists just walking ahead of
    "hi, I am standing here". Another absolute P### me off is when you are being served at a counter and the next
    customer is no more than 1 millimetre away from you. Or they start putting their items down when you have barely
    F##### finished. "er hi, can I have time to finish before you shove me out of the way." I am not racist but the Asian culture
    is worse for this, no question.
    Now my original gripe about not being rude enough is the people who just accept this and do not say a thing!! Me, I WOULD!!!
    Does that make me a bad person???
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    People who say "I'm not racist,but.......".
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    old people who pop to the shops at lunchtime and rummage in their purses for hours for coppers and vouchers cut out of the paper.
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    edited April 2011
    [cite]Posted By: buckshee[/cite]eople at bus stops who step into the road so they can see further down it to see if the next bus is coming

    Taxis that wait illegally in bus stops so that people HAVE step into the road in order top do this

    People not having a clue when Easter Saturday is:
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    Spending five minutes giving someone who has asked for help explicit instructions on where they need to go, them saying thank you, only for you to catch up with them less than 10 yards later asking somebody else.
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    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Spending five minutes giving someone who has asked for help explicit instructions on where they need to go, them saying thank you, only for you to catch up with them less than 10 yards later asking somebody else.

    People who give you incomprehensible directions.
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    threads about things that annoy you, because after you read it you just realise just how much stuff does annoy you that you dont think about.
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    People who think there is such thing as Easter Saturday!
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    Cling film
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    "Hello, Buddy !"
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    As the easter season is the 50 days from Easter Sunday could the following Saturdays legitimately be called Easter Saturday?
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    People on radio phone ins who say "as I just said to your researcher". Did you? Did you? Really?
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    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ishgit[/cite]"Hello, Buddy !"

    Followed by "How's your day going?"
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    An obvious one that's probably been mentioned before: people that 'lose' the end on a roll of Sellotape and you have to scrape around to find it. Ruins your nail polish!
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    One for the facebookers.

    The drama loving bitches who put some attention seeking status, followed by numerous replies from dosy birds saying stuff like "u ok hun? x" , "whats up babe" etc. Usually followed up by the original person who put the status up saying "i will inbox you xx"

    F*CK OFF
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    facebook and twatter
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    [cite]Posted By: Dizzle[/cite]One for the facebookers.

    The drama loving bitches who put some attention seeking status, followed by numerous replies from dosy birds saying stuff like "u ok hun? x" , "whats up babe" etc. Usually followed up by the original person who put the status up saying "i will inbox you xx"

    F*CK OFF

    I don't FB myself but this really made me LOL.
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    This morning M20 London bound - The obligatory twat doing 60 in the middle lane, thats bad enough, I noticed the driving was a bit irratic, so I thought driver must be on the mobile, again bad form that, but no she was putting her mascara on while looking at herself in the riew view mirror!! Lets hope she only splats herself when she has the accident!!!
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    [cite]Posted By: Dizzle[/cite]One for the facebookers.

    The drama loving bitches who put some attention seeking status, followed by numerous replies from dosy birds saying stuff like "u ok hun? x" , "whats up babe" etc. Usually followed up by the original person who put the status up saying "i will inbox you xx"

    F*CK OFF

    I have had to delete several people for committing this crime, it really is inexcusable.

    Example: "Kathryn is very frustrated....."

    Attention seeking of the highest order. Goodbye.
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    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Dizzle[/cite]One for the facebookers.

    The drama loving bitches who put some attention seeking status, followed by numerous replies from dosy birds saying stuff like "u ok hun? x" , "whats up babe" etc. Usually followed up by the original person who put the status up saying "i will inbox you xx"

    F*CK OFF

    I have had to delete several people for committing this crime, it really is inexcusable.

    Example: "Kathryn is very frustrated....."

    Attention seeking of the highest order. Goodbye.

    Makes me pleased I don't use FB
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    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Dizzle[/cite]One for the facebookers.

    The drama loving bitches who put some attention seeking status, followed by numerous replies from dosy birds saying stuff like "u ok hun? x" , "whats up babe" etc. Usually followed up by the original person who put the status up saying "i will inbox you xx"

    F*CK OFF

    I have had to delete several people for committing this crime, it really is inexcusable.

    Example: "Kathryn is very frustrated....."

    Attention seeking of the highest order. Goodbye.

    spot on this. committed by the same people that continuosly post pictures of themselves....usally taken on a camera phone in a mirror.
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    Unexpected item in the baggage area.
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    Everything Twitter
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    On a motorway, people who indicate to pull out even when you're just overtaking them. Truck drivers started this bad habit. Whatever happened to 'mirror, signal, manoeuvre'?
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    Constant requests on tv and radio programmes to phone/text in etc. No! I pay my licence fee, I want to hear the views of experts not some bloke who's too lazy to get himself down the pub. Stop this interactive nonsense and get back to your remit which is to entertain and inform.
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    Cosmetics adverts that pretend to use science.
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