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General things that Annoy you



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    Thursday is not mid-week. Its the new Friday.
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    FoD,Gumbo & Plaaaayer; WTF ?
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    People pressing the wrong button in lifts
    People leaving empty coffee cups in lifts
    People listening to music in lifts
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    People who spend too much time in lifts...
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    People pressing the wrong button in lifts
    People leaving empty coffee cups in lifts
    People listening to music in lifts
    Change lifts to trains and we've got another set!
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    As you get older everything seems too annoy you!!!!!
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    The walk to work from Cannon Street to my office is a constant annoyance at the moment. The amount of flipping building works is doing my nut in as you dodge debris being chucked off roofs. complete flipping nuisance.
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    edited March 2012
    The walk to work from Cannon Street to my office is a constant annoyance at the moment. The amount of flipping building works is doing my nut in as you dodge debris being chucked off roofs. complete flipping nuisance.
    Think back to the days of 1940/44 would have had a lot more than the odd bit of debris to dodge on your way to work in that neck of the woods.
    Honestly, you youngsters!!!

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    Every single person who works for Southern. You have to be a special kind to work for that company and truly believe you and your colleagues haven't put a foot wrong.
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    This bloody thread as every time someone replies I get a pop up message that repeats itself ad nauseam until I come to this thread.

    Rant over ;-)
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    The walk to work from Cannon Street to my office is a constant annoyance at the moment. The amount of flipping building works is doing my nut in as you dodge debris being chucked off roofs. complete flipping nuisance.
    Going to look good once it's all done though, although I'm not sure what they're doing with the road. The drop from pavement to tarmac is so great that they've built a ramp!
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    Solicitors. Grrrr.
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    The walk to work from Cannon Street to my office is a constant annoyance at the moment. The amount of flipping building works is doing my nut in as you dodge debris being chucked off roofs. complete flipping nuisance.
    Think back to the days of 1940/44 would have had a lot more than the odd bit of debris to dodge on your way to work in that neck of the woods.
    Honestly, you youngsters!!!

    That is very true. Mustn't grumble I suppose.

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    Garth Crooks on TV
    use of LOL in texts
    the phrase 'to die for'
    Noel Edmonds
    people who say 'that's hilarious' rather than laughing
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    Pulling out a bogie only to discover it was attached to a nose hair.
    pulling out a poo crumb only to discover it's attached to a bum hair
    Having snot come out of my nose due to reading something amusing on the internet, then having my colleagues bother me saying "what's so funny?" when I know it just won't tickle them as it did me.

    Thanks AFKA and ValleyGary!
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    People that know you're just about to go home but stop you with, ''I know you're about to go home but......''
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    People that know you're just about to go home but stop you with, ''I know you're about to go home but......''
    Someone said to me last week, "everything before the 'but' is bull5hit."
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    having poo contractions on the drive into work, diving into the bog to find some monster already warming the seat up

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    "I'm not racist, BUT..............."
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    Trying to log on to Nat West's on line banking this morning. Was down overnight for essential maintenance and should have been accessible by 7.30 this morning. It is still unavailable and they haven't bothered to change the message on the log in page.
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    Annoying things
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    Those BT ads
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    edited March 2012
    The banner BREAKING NEWS on news channels, especially Sky News when it's about a story that "broke" 2 days before! I think the headline Witney Houston dead was one that apperared under breaking news 3 days after she was found.
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    Haha they do tend to do that on Sky don't they?

    Did you know Michael Jackson was dead, btw.?
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    Ade Edmonson
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    Anyone who says 'simples' after making a statement and then does the funny noise as well!
    Try something original please, everyone's at it, 'simples' this 'simples' that, its not funny!
    It gets right on my tits!
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    That bloody advert with the tosser on the railway station playing the ukelele prattling on about the girl on the platform. Jeez that makes me really want to throw the tele through the window. Where are the railway police when you need them?
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    That bloody advert with the tosser on the railway station playing the ukelele prattling on about the girl on the platform. Jeez that makes me really want to throw the tele through the window. Where are the railway police when you need them?
    This is the most annoying advert! if I done that I would get a slap and told to piss off 'ya dirty perv'
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    The man on go compare adverts gives me murderous thoughts i guess you could say it makes me go 'crazy'
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    People that tell stories about punching celebs......
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