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General things that Annoy you



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    Philip Bastard Scofield
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    When you wait patiently till the end of a movie to see who the hot Doris was only for the channel to shrink the credits down to half screen and play it at lightspeed.
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    Hope you don't mind me bumping, it's not really worth a new thread: I have just watched an oldish film on the telly and spent over an hour of it trying to remember the name of one of the actors. I gave myself 'til the end of the film rather than spend all night on it but when the credits started rolling THEY shrunk the picture to a miniscule size in order to advertise another programme. I know my eyes are dodgy at the moment but you'd have needed perfect 20/20 vision and a magnifying glass to read it! Do They really have to do this? So I don't know the name and to make it worse the missus reckons she got it straight away!
    With you there Vinnie, wrote this back in December 2010: they're still doing it!
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    Capital Bloody Radio. I have to listen to it all day at work. The same RnB/pop songs played every hour and deejays reading out bits from gossip mags. It makes my blood boil.
    Co-sign. And how about radio DJs in general? Maybe it's just me but I remember when I was young I thought DJs were quite cool. Yet now I listen to them and shake my head, cringe or put a CD on. the overplaying off awful lowest common denominator commercial songs, the hooks that aren't hooks (ie. "keep listening for some gossip on NDubz' new album" a) who cares and b) it's the communication age, if I wanted to know I would look it up, I don't need to wait by the radio in anticipation), the constant requests to "hit us up on facebook and twitter" and "let us know what you're up to today" - why do I want to hear what some stranger is doing and why does he care that I hear about it? the desperation from them to sound 'down with the kids' by saying things like "did you have a heavy night last night, let us know" - unless you're 16 and have just been to your first house party, no one will be impressed that you managed to consume some alcohol. the made up stories to fill time and the unnecessary suggestions on what you might like to spend your winnings on, should you win their latest joke of a competition. Who could forget Kiss 100's classic "my nan says" presented by Charlie, who incidently is also a complete moron. How she got a job on radio unless she slept her way there, is beyond me.
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    When you wait patiently till the end of a movie to see who the hot Doris was only for the channel to shrink the credits down to half screen and play it at lightspeed.
    Just Google it, that's what I do.
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    When you wait patiently till the end of a movie to see who the hot Doris was only for the channel to shrink the credits down to half screen and play it at lightspeed.
    Just Google it, that's what I do.
    But then I'd have to know the name of the film. I've usually only just woken up!

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    pedestrians who don't say thank you at zebra crossings

    singers who clasp a microphone and let their fingers randomly pop up and then slap back down on the mike (think Steps started this)
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    Insincere overreactions in sport.
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    People who move near airports then complain about the noise.
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    Two advertising campaigns that make me want to put my foot through the telly,the bloke on the phone having a giraffe and all those adverts with that twat with curly hair selling insurance to various characters.I will set myself on fire before I purchase anything off those adverts!!!
    That bloke with curly hair posts on here as WSS

    I wouldnt care if he was my best mate/brother I still wouldnt buy anything cos his character and the others on that advert drive me mad!!
    The curly haired bloke was hilarious in The Thick Of It, and apparently has an excellent stand up show that involves him using his massive brain (he's a right know it all on QI). But he's blown it with those ads.

    He is the most overrated comedian to ever appear on TV, that is including Tim Vine. I've seen funnier turds.

    Growing old
    Not being good looking
    Being as white as a ghost
    The size of my nose
    The lack of cash in my wallet
    Rising damp
    Working for a living
    People who support Premiership clubs, discuss it like a religion on Monday morning and never go or even know how much a ticket costs
    Didier Drogba
    Never mind the buzzcocks
    The news
    Press 1 to speak to helpdesk
    Being told to turn it off and on again

    That's it for now, be back shortly.

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    The banner BREAKING NEWS on news channels, especially Sky News when it's about a story that "broke" 2 days before! I think the headline Witney Houston dead was one that apperared under breaking news 3 days after she was found.
    BREAKING NEWS! That bloke in Toulouse is dead. Still!!

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    People who have nothing to say on CL subjects but " here we go" when they think things are about to kick off. Charlton Life's Rubber neckers
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    Admin closing threads just as it kicks off and I've only just got involved....... Pass the Ralgex!
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    Women who get two yards from the ticket barriers before looking in their handbags for their tickets.
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    pedestrian traffic light crossings that turn red when nobody's pressed the button.
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    edited March 2012
    Pedestrians who step out on a Zebra crossing when you are the only car in sight!
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    The simpleton who was standing behind me at Dartford last night who made it clear he did not like Jason Euell by calling him a F***ing C*** for all of the second half.
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    People who stand in the middle of doorways/hallways/entrance to carriages
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    People who stand in front of me when I'm voicing my opinion of Jason Euell
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    People who stand in supermarket aisles with their trolley and chat to their neighbours!
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    People panic buying fuel...arrrghhhhh!
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    People who stand in supermarket aisles with their trolley and chat to their neighbours!
    People who think that a supermarket is an appropriate place to bring their kids. It's quite simple, once they are too big to ride in the trolley-seat thingy they should not be allowed back in the shop until they are old enough to pay for the weekly shop.
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    People doing their weekly food shop in a petrol garage whilst I'm trying to panic buy some fuel
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    try living in France where all the older people still insist on paying at the supermarket checkout using a cheque!
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    The bloke sitting in front of me on the 261 bus that reeks of puff.
    Ha, I often get that bus!

    People who walk down the carriage as soon as the train departs from the penultimate stop to theirs.
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    anyone that suddenly changes their direction of walking just to get a shitty free newspaper
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    People who have cases or bags on wheels and are not going on holiday. I have lost count of the amount of times i have tripped up on these poxy bags when they stop.
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    People who trip over my case just becasue I stop to pick up a free newspaper. Why do they follow me anyway?
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