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General things that Annoy you



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    Lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour.

    (Just kidding.)
    That's funny, my comment, are yours ?

    I realise that knocking out lazy dismissive cheap responses masquerading as humour would masively cut general forum traffic !
    people who get easily offended...
    Hmmm, that was meant as a joke , and Newbie's sharpish comment did make me laugh.
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    Why do people who order the vegetarian option on flights always get served first?
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    'coz we're worth it !
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    people that add .com on to any sentence, usually referring to themselves in third person.


    (also people that say 'it was all very')
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    people who spell the word cool, kool.
    only acceptable if your talking about or a part of Kool and the gang.

    Likewise in Britains got Talent (which it plainly hasn't) they are now "Dance Krews" call it what you like it's still f*****g boring!
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    Swearing on internet forums.
    The mob mentality.
    Door bell thiefs.
    People who use 'is' instead of 'are'.
    Early mornings before I've had my coffee.
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    People who say thiefs instead of thieves :-)
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    edited May 2012
    When you have done your washing and are trying to put tshirts on a coat try and fit the hanger through the neck hole as a short cut but it ends up getting stuck and the tshirt gets all wrapped up like a mangled car wreck and you have to then fiddle about with it to get the hanger back out again and do it the long way ie go through the bottom of the tshirt which you should have done first off instead of being cocky.
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    Thieves. Doh. Thanks for the correction.
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    Members who create multiple profiles on cl.
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    Florida Addick _ Mr Inappropriate (just don't get him at all).
    I didnt read this post
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    People who say "minister", instead of" minster".

    ie. calling Westminster - Westminister! Grrrrrrrrrrr
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    Clare Balding being everywhere. It's not that I dislike her personally, it's just symptomatic of the way the t.v. companies fall in love with one individual and stick their pan everywhere. Keep Clare with the nags where she belongs and let someone else have a look in. She's even spoiled the inspirational Chris Powell list now.
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    People who don't/won't answer their phone, be it their mobile or landline.

    and the word GOTTEN.... From

    The form gotten is not used in British English but is very common in North American English.
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    That mong of a woman advertising Activia on the TV. God, even her voice just annoys me, so I mute the TV, and then all I can see is her freckin' annoying face. AAAAARRRGGGHHH. Nuff said.
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    Spitting, is their own spit so disgusting that they can't stand to swallow it? Got on a bus the other day and was just about to sit down when I noticed a large pool of spit on the floor.

    Gangsta talk. WHY?? Thought we were British.

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    People who say (as Gary Neville has just said) "A Ribbery or a Luiz" - why the "a" ffs?!!!
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    'personalities' the media get obssessed with:
    eg Tracey Emin (ugly, talentless, good pr agent)
    bass player / cheese bloke from Blur; why?
    Kate Moss; rubbish parent; liked by women for being thin.
    Tom Jones. retire.
    Elton John (see Tom Jones) and his bloody 'film director' husband
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    MAD FACT: All of Alan Pardew's four previous clubs - Reading, West Ham, Charlton & Southampton - were promoted this year
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    Dog lovers
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    edited May 2012
    People who prefer kids to dogs.
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    Blokes who wear earrings
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    Ear-ring ! Singular !!
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    People supporting chelsea "cause they're an English team" ! Yeah, right, and their training ground in Cobham is in London !!
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    People supporting chelsea "cause they're an English team" ! Yeah, right, and their training ground in Cobham is in London !!
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    People who call you fella or chap.
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    Cold calls from Accident Helplines that even leave messages on the answer phone to ring them back, why? I haven't had an accident!
    People who don't finish a sentence before starting the next one - do they not know what they want to say!
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    People who call everyone john. Used to work in various bookies and got it all the time. Especially confusing as my name is john.
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    Adverts on youtube, and the incredibly loud ticking of a clock I put up.. right above my desk.. when I'm snowed under with work and study, and it reminds me that every second that passes is another second I'm behind. Doh!
    People who call everyone john. Used to work in various bookies and got it all the time. Especially confusing as my name is john.
    Did you have to wear a name tag by any chance? ;-)
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    The 3 or 4 Automated messages I receive a day from firms asking me if I have been mis sold PPI!!!!!!!!!
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