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General things that Annoy you



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    BR3red said:

    Bit like the

    My watch bleeps -“MOVEMENT .”

    Whilst I’m having a shit !!

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    edited February 2019
    Carter said:

    Being told that having a transrectal ultrasound examination and biopsy yesterday would be uncomfortable and not painful if I had a local anaesthetic !

    The result was as soon as the Urologist rammed his hand up first to pave the way for the probe with the needles to take a biopsy I screamed out JESUS at the top of my voice despite being an Atheist.

    The next 12 minutes was surreal as the middle aged female Polish nurse came over and covered up my diminishing penis (where was the gown ?) and held my hand and we talked about how good a striker Robert Lewandowski is while my voice sounded like Joe Pasquale one second and Lee Marvin the next as the doctor and the male nurse were by the back passage and the Doctor was firing a staple gun(sounded like) where the sun don't shine.

    And relax and go back to worrying about CAFC until the next appointment in Two weeks time to be given good/bad news.

    That sounds fucking awful, I hope you are cured soon

    Being told that having a transrectal ultrasound examination and biopsy yesterday would be uncomfortable and not painful if I had a local anaesthetic !

    The result was as soon as the Urologist rammed his hand up first to pave the way for the probe with the needles to take a biopsy I screamed out JESUS at the top of my voice despite being an Atheist.

    The next 12 minutes was surreal as the middle aged female Polish nurse came over and covered up my diminishing penis (where was the gown ?) and held my hand and we talked about how good a striker Robert Lewandowski is while my voice sounded like Joe Pasquale one second and Lee Marvin the next as the doctor and the male nurse were by the back passage and the Doctor was firing a staple gun(sounded like) where the sun don't shine.

    And relax and go back to worrying about CAFC until the next appointment in Two weeks time to be given good/bad news.

    Thanks for sharing, best laugh for ages!
    Thanks for being there for me guys because it's 100% true and not embellished and have only shared that on CL because I havent got round to talking about it to family and friends, well not that true version anyway ! I just said I was brave and it was no bother.
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    The tired old phrase 'up close and personal'
    Dull, overused, meaningless, redundant, unimaginative.

    And people tell you that swearing signifies a lack of vocabulary. Wankers.
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    Trying to hum the tune to Ski Sunday, but only being able to produce Horse of The Year..
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    Trying to hum the tune to Ski Sunday, but only being able to produce Horse of The Year..

    Had exactly this conversation last week at work.
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    Trying to hum the tune to Ski Sunday, but only being able to produce Horse of The Year..

    Need to improve your dancing skills too

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    Feel naked without me 44 flag count on display. Anyone else?
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    Feel naked without me 44 flag count on display. Anyone else?

    Don't worry mate, if they were still about, I'd give you one
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    Feel naked without me 44 flag count on display. Anyone else?

    Don't worry mate, if they were still about, I'd give you one
    Probably a rainbow flag by the sounds of it.
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    People who spell it MAcDonalds.
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    Drivers who overtake, pull in right in front of you then drive at the same speed as you. Why??
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    Redskin said:

    I've no idea why these things annoy me - I can't justify it at all- they just do.

    Blokes walking around in this weather wearing shorts and flip-flops. You don't feel the cold, we get it.

    This with bells on.
    Last year neighbour of mine was out walking his dog in the pouring rain, with a rain jacket that that reached down over his shorts.
    Looked totally ridiculous.
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    Redskin said:

    I've no idea why these things annoy me - I can't justify it at all- they just do.

    Blokes walking around in this weather wearing shorts and flip-flops. You don't feel the cold, we get it.

    People - young women, invariably - walking round the supermarket with armfuls of groceries that reach up to their chin. You know those blue, plastic things with a handle you saw when you walked in? They're called 'baskets'. I know you don't play by society's rules, but give one a go.

    The sort of blokes that like to think to themselves "I'm a right character ain't I" with this ludicrous look at meism. Like shirtless northerners at football.

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    Redskin said:

    I've no idea why these things annoy me - I can't justify it at all- they just do.

    Blokes walking around in this weather wearing shorts and flip-flops. You don't feel the cold, we get it.

    People - young women, invariably - walking round the supermarket with armfuls of groceries that reach up to their chin. You know those blue, plastic things with a handle you saw when you walked in? They're called 'baskets'. I know you don't play by society's rules, but give one a go.

    Saw a bloke at petrol garage yesterday. 5pm and he's filling up his car wearing shorts, t shirt & sandals. It's been freezing all week. It's not like you've just popped out to get some milk unless you sit at home with the heating at 25°. I just don't understand it.
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    Redskin said:

    I've no idea why these things annoy me - I can't justify it at all- they just do.

    Blokes walking around in this weather wearing shorts and flip-flops. You don't feel the cold, we get it.

    People - young women, invariably - walking round the supermarket with armfuls of groceries that reach up to their chin. You know those blue, plastic things with a handle you saw when you walked in? They're called 'baskets'. I know you don't play by society's rules, but give one a go.

    Saw a bloke at petrol garage yesterday. 5pm and he's filling up his car wearing shorts, t shirt & sandals. It's been freezing all week. It's not like you've just popped out to get some milk unless you sit at home with the heating at 25°. I just don't understand it.
    Depends he may have been from Northern Canada over here on Holiday - I remember going to Sydney in their winter, amount of Aussies that were moaning about the cold yet thought it was lovely warm weather
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    Roofers sitting in their van outside my house because it's raining so they can't work.

    It's the rain that's annoying, not the roofers!
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    Redskin said:

    I've no idea why these things annoy me - I can't justify it at all- they just do.

    Blokes walking around in this weather wearing shorts and flip-flops. You don't feel the cold, we get it.

    People - young women, invariably - walking round the supermarket with armfuls of groceries that reach up to their chin. You know those blue, plastic things with a handle you saw when you walked in? They're called 'baskets'. I know you don't play by society's rules, but give one a go.

    The sort of blokes that like to think to themselves "I'm a right character ain't I" with this ludicrous look at meism. Like shirtless northerners at football.

    And invariably they are all chubbers with those great big red scabby calves/ankles.
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    This. invariably overweight guys as normal clothing make them uncomfortable. Even more ironic when wearing sports shorts.
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    Redskin said:

    I've no idea why these things annoy me - I can't justify it at all- they just do.

    Blokes walking around in this weather wearing shorts and flip-flops. You don't feel the cold, we get it.

    People - young women, invariably - walking round the supermarket with armfuls of groceries that reach up to their chin. You know those blue, plastic things with a handle you saw when you walked in? They're called 'baskets'. I know you don't play by society's rules, but give one a go.

    Even in the hot weather, specially when they're sporting toenails like Quavers
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    Redskin said:

    I've no idea why these things annoy me - I can't justify it at all- they just do.

    Blokes walking around in this weather wearing shorts and flip-flops. You don't feel the cold, we get it.

    People - young women, invariably - walking round the supermarket with armfuls of groceries that reach up to their chin. You know those blue, plastic things with a handle you saw when you walked in? They're called 'baskets'. I know you don't play by society's rules, but give one a go.

    Even in the hot weather, specially when they're sporting toenails like Quavers
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    Not many things can turn my stomach, but manky feet are foooking rank
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    Not many things can turn my stomach, but manky feet are foooking rank

    how much would you need paid to suck that big toe?
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    MrLargo said:

    When your TV warns you it's gonna switch itself off in 1 minute, after you've been watching it for a certain amount off time. It's like it's making a comment on my lifestyle - "You've been watching me for 6 and a half hours, why don't you do something useful with your life, you fat w*#ker". F*%k you Samsung!

    I think you'll find in the set up menu there's a way to disable this function.
    Thanks for that.
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