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    People who go on music quizzes but know feck all about music......specifically Popmaster on Radio 2.

    Today's contestant got 0 points. 10 questions & the top score is 39.

    Q..."Who was the lead singer of 80's band Altered Images"

    A..."don't know, it was before my time"

    So were The Animals but I know Eric Burdon was their lead singer.

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    Having a discussion with an idiot.

    On facebook just now, a friend posted something about being able to disable receiving BBC broadcasts so you don't have to pay the licence for "a load of repeats".

    I wrote: "...yes, why not. And the fine for being caught watching should be £10'000."

    Response from friend of friend: "You work for the BBC ?"

    Me: " No - just appreciate how good it is. I did say that I agreed with the sentiment Trev. As long as people who claim they never watch, never do, then what's the problem?"

    FOF: "£10.000 fine for watching repeats is a bit steep...shame they don't make TVs that can't receive the BBC Be no problem then ."

    Me: "No it ain't mate. If they really don't watch BBC, then there's no fine to be paid. Trouble is I see this kind of thing all the time. Next thing the person is going on about how great Only Fools and Horses was, or how angry this week's Question Time made them, or how the missus is blubbing at Call the Midwife, or what a wanker Steve Wright is on Radio 2..."

    FOF: "Could sit n argue all day so let's agree to disagree".

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    Having a discussion with an idiot.

    On facebook just now, a friend posted something about being able to disable receiving BBC broadcasts so you don't have to pay the licence for "a load of repeats".

    I wrote: "...yes, why not. And the fine for being caught watching should be £10'000."

    Response from friend of friend: "You work for the BBC ?"

    Me: " No - just appreciate how good it is. I did say that I agreed with the sentiment Trev. As long as people who claim they never watch, never do, then what's the problem?"

    FOF: "£10.000 fine for watching repeats is a bit steep...shame they don't make TVs that can't receive the BBC Be no problem then ."

    Me: "No it ain't mate. If they really don't watch BBC, then there's no fine to be paid. Trouble is I see this kind of thing all the time. Next thing the person is going on about how great Only Fools and Horses was, or how angry this week's Question Time made them, or how the missus is blubbing at Call the Midwife, or what a wanker Steve Wright is on Radio 2..."

    FOF: "Could sit n argue all day so let's agree to disagree".

    So you are arguing with a stranger on Facebook and posting the argument on here?

    Must be raining in the Algarve today :wink:
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    Motorway gantry speed limit signs 50mph - info board to the side says "Workforce on the carriageway", traffic slows significantly. So far so unremarkable.
    400 yds later one traffic womble standing on edge of hard shoulder on the solid white line bordering lane 1, ludicrously endangering himself so close to the passing vehicles, 200 yds further up broken down car on hard shoulder fully off the carriageway hazard lights flashing. Next 2 gantry signs over next couple of miles 40 mph limit "Workforce on Carriageway"! The suicidally complacent lunatic was 2 miles back down the road for pete's sake. The road is completely covered by cameras, what possible justification can the faceless traffic bunglers have for slowing the busiest road in the land to a crawl for miles after one of their own morons in hi-vis decides to dither about at his own risk to no useful purpose whatsoflippinever? That orange jacketed dullard and the gantry sign meddler should be dismissed on the spot for dereliction of duty and norsing up the morning for hundreds if not thousands of others.
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    The ‘Driver fatigue, rest recommended’ warning coming up on my dash.

    I’d been driving 8 minutes ffs.
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    People who go on music quizzes but know feck all about music......specifically Popmaster on Radio 2.

    Today's contestant got 0 points. 10 questions & the top score is 39.

    Q..."Who was the lead singer of 80's band Altered Images"

    A..."don't know, it was before my time"

    So were The Animals but I know Eric Burdon was their lead singer.

    If the 80s are before your time you shouldnt be listening to Radio 2
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    Not been on this thread for ages and p745 about the tellies was gold.

    Fuck you, Samsung... & good luck with the results @soapboxsam !
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    Not been on this thread for ages and p745 about the tellies was gold.

    Fuck you, Samsung... & good luck with the results @soapboxsam !

    Cheers Yoni,
    That reminds me didn't Yoni Buyens have a 100% penalty record of 9/9 ?

    If we had a 100% record this season with the 2 Lyle missed and the 1 Karlan missed in League matches a potential 5 more points may have been accrued.
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    Not been on this thread for ages and p745 about the tellies was gold.

    Fuck you, Samsung... & good luck with the results @soapboxsam !

    Cheers Yoni,
    That reminds me didn't Yoni Buyens have a 100% penalty record of 9/9 ?

    If we had a 100% record this season with the 2 Lyle missed and the 1 Karlan missed in League matches a potential 5 more points may have been accrued.
    The only deadline day signing I was looking out for, to be honest. Pwopa Charlton.
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    I keep clicking "like" instead of "quote" now that the buttons have been moved along. Winding me up!
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    Wilma said:

    I'm sure this is already in here somewhere, but inconsiderate nobbers eating microwaved fish in an open plan office.

    Yeah I've definitely seen that, doesn't make it any less true though. Any smelly or loud-to-eat food is a straight red, any kind of fish is an extended ban.
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    Wilma said:

    I'm sure this is already in here somewhere, but inconsiderate nobbers eating microwaved fish in an open plan office.

    Literally just had the same conversation in my office! Someone has come up from the floor below to use the kitchen which is on our floor. By the smell of the filthy fecker has cooked up some rank, rotten fish dish and now we are all sitting here for the rest of the day with the windows open.
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    Wilma said:

    I'm sure this is already in here somewhere, but inconsiderate nobbers eating microwaved fish in an open plan office.

    Literally just had the same conversation in my office! Someone has come up from the floor below to use the kitchen which is on our floor. By the smell of the filthy fecker has cooked up some rank, rotten fish dish and now we are all sitting here for the rest of the day with the windows open.
    You're lucky you can open windows! We have fixed, closed windows so no chance of any fresh air.
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    Wilma said:

    I'm sure this is already in here somewhere, but inconsiderate nobbers eating microwaved fish in an open plan office.

    Literally just had the same conversation in my office! Someone has come up from the floor below to use the kitchen which is on our floor. By the smell of the filthy fecker has cooked up some rank, rotten fish dish and now we are all sitting here for the rest of the day with the windows open.
    To be fair I thinking using a kitchen on a other floor is the correct proecedure. Otherwise you would have the smell hanging around your desk all day.
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    Bloke I used to work with used to microwave kippers in the site canteen and eat em with Uncle Ben's rice and Reggae Reggae sauce and stink the place out. I got in there one Monday morning after a particularly long weekend "On it" and said to him, "Russ, please don't tell me you're gonna start stinking the place out with your kippers later" to which he said "Dont be fuckin stupid, I have kippers on a Wednesday"
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    What the flip is the new formatting of the comment box on this site? Hate it.

    Hate all change in fact

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    *LinkedIn, edit button has done a runner.
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    The fact you can't just buy WiFi cheaply. Companies like virgin, sky etc still trying to sell packages including a land line and TV channels to make it sound like you're getting Alot for your money.  No one uses landlines and surely we're at the point where everything can be done via an Internet cable
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    How quickly every tribute act does Wonderwall.

    It’s not the cha cha.
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    Ben18 said:
    My wife likes watching 'Eat Well for Less' so unfortunately I end up watching it too. Despite every episode being identical to the last, featuring the following;

    - Fat baldy Gregggg scoffs and gurns when the working mother of 5 dares to microwave something.
    - Other less annoying one outraged at family for daring to eat a takeaway.
    - "You liked this swap we made that will save you 34 pence per week, although you'll now have to travel to a different supermarket to get it"
    - "we didn't even swap this thing, and you thought it was a cheaper version you idiots. We've proved nothing"
    - "we saved them £20 a week on their shopping"
    - No revisit to the family a few weeks later to see if they have continued where they were left. Because they haven't. We all know they're devouring their third kebab of the day in front of the tv. Meanwhile Gregggg and his mate are giving each other high fives, as they save the UK from convenience.

    But the thing that winds me up for no real reason;

    Every week at the start of the show, we get to see Tony and Louise go around Tesco popping all sorts of disgusting/offensive food in their trolley (like branded ketchup, or a bag of ready grated cheddar cheese), while talking more than any couple does round the supermarket, and the voiceover chimes in with "They have no idea they're being watched"

    How stupid do you think we are? There are cameramen waiting for them as they leave the aisle, and a flipping Go-Pro attached to the front of the trolley. Wankers.
    There's a great sketch by micky Flanagan on that, look on YouTube 
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    David Cameron getting an £800.000 book deal for f f f f fu making a right old mess of everything. 
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    David Cameron getting an £800.000 book deal for f f f f fu making a right old mess of everything. 
    He is such a cunservative 
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    Being bitten by an insect or spider last Sunday morning when out with Magnus, getting an reaction to it, now on antibiotics 
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