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General things that Annoy you



  • Having a telephone conversation when the person at the remote end is interrupted.  They then have a conversation with them while you are left tapping your fingers.  

  • A £60,000+ cab f*cked and someone out of work for a while all because that's the way we have to celebrate a win now days 🤦‍♂️
    That's rugby fans for you.
  • Stig said:
    Prompted by the BBCvITV thread:  Danny Murphy co-commentating. First there's the issue on hearing his voice, of momentarily thinking it's Ron Atkinson. Then I'm snapped back to reality when I remember that Big Ron was sacked from Sky donkey's years ago for being the sort of person that doesn't fit in with modern broadcasting ethics. Then all I can hear is "Mwa, mwa, mwa, mwa, I'm a selfish greedy bastard, mwa, mwa, mwa, mwa, I'm under the thumb, mwa, mwa, mwa, mwa...". Then, when I finally atune my ears to the idea that he's not actually saying that, I realise that he's not actually got any insights to add.  All he does is repeat the one idea in his head over and over again. I could be that some player is indispensable because they are playing so well or it could be that some unfortunate should be off because they aren't contributing. Whatever Murphy's opinion du jour, we'll just get it repeated every time the player concerned is on the screen regardless of what they are actually doing. There is nothing else. He is utterly, utterly hopeless.

    Ahhh, and breath.
    He's rapidly becoming the new Mark Lawrenson. Just needs to add a few terrible quips and awkward one-liners to his already well-honed talent for stating the bleedin' obvious.

    They shouldn't even have scousers commentating on England matches, what with them being "scouse not English".

    They should team him up with Matterface on ITV in the hope that they drown each other out.

  • Dazzler21 said:

    A £60,000+ cab f*cked and someone out of work for a while all because that's the way we have to celebrate a win now days 🤦‍♂️
    That's rugby fans for you.
    If they were rugby fans, they'd have been trying to shove the car up each others arses.
    Well the lad in the rugby shirt is prepping something in his hand to go in white bandana lad
  • Hoovers. Is it just me or all modern ones shit? Had a Dyson, fucking hopeless, then a G-Tech which is even worse, both the upright and hand held and now been given another brand new dyson after my wife’s Nan died which is just as bad as the first one we had. All the bloody thing does is push anything larger than a grain of sand around in front of it. 

  • In all seriousness, Henry hoovers are great but a bit heavy to lug about on stairs.
    I can recommend Shark. Very good and cheaper than Dyson.
  • Hoovers. Is it just me or all modern ones shit? Had a Dyson, fucking hopeless, then a G-Tech which is even worse, both the upright and hand held and now been given another brand new dyson after my wife’s Nan died which is just as bad as the first one we had. All the bloody thing does is push anything larger than a grain of sand around in front of it. 
    Shark recommended here.
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  • Dont know if it's just me when they interview someone with the reference England fan , I'm English.
  • Returned from holiday Friday after a week in a cottage in Tenby, Wales. So peaceful. 

    Currently have shut all windows in house as neighbour is having a party since 5pm. Still can hear them screeching and their loud shit music. They had fireworks about 11. Sweet Caroline 7 times and it’s coming home on a loop. It’s not even a big birthday. Got one of those balloon arch things. Completely pointless. None of them can hold a tune.  Worst of all, it’s 1am and they’ve just put on Shania Twain - man I feel like a woman. 
    Want to go back to Wales. I am so tempted at 7am tomorrow to wake them up firing sharp objects at the balloons so they feel under attack with their hangovers. 
    It’s a bit late now, but suppress your mobile phone number and ring them every 30 minutes from 7am onwards.
    Something to keep in mind for next time!
  • Returned from holiday Friday after a week in a cottage in Tenby, Wales. So peaceful. 

    Currently have shut all windows in house as neighbour is having a party since 5pm. Still can hear them screeching and their loud shit music. They had fireworks about 11. Sweet Caroline 7 times and it’s coming home on a loop. It’s not even a big birthday. Got one of those balloon arch things. Completely pointless. None of them can hold a tune.  Worst of all, it’s 1am and they’ve just put on Shania Twain - man I feel like a woman. 
    Want to go back to Wales. I am so tempted at 7am tomorrow to wake them up firing sharp objects at the balloons so they feel under attack with their hangovers. 
    Should be on the getting old thread this post.
  • People running HGVs in this condition
  • Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
  • Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
    Fair play for appealing. Far to many people just hand over their hard earned to the councils giving them an easy £65. Always appeal as you have nothing to lose.
  • Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
    Fair play for appealing. Far to many people just hand over their hard earned to the councils giving them an easy £65. Always appeal as you have nothing to lose.
    Far too many people think the roads are just for them and ignore anything that inconveniences themselves.
    In fairness @guinnessaddick probably made a  genuine mistake but there are so many others who are too lazy to walk more than 10yards from their car and then just park wherever they please. Ignoring how this effects others.
  • edited July 2021
    iainment said:
    Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
    Fair play for appealing. Far to many people just hand over their hard earned to the councils giving them an easy £65. Always appeal as you have nothing to lose.
    Far too many people think the roads are just for them and ignore anything that inconveniences themselves.
    In fairness @guinnessaddick probably made a  genuine mistake but there are so many others who are too lazy to walk more than 10yards from their car and then just park wherever they please. Ignoring how this effects others.
    Parking, I agree. But in Guinnessaddicks case always worth appealing.
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  • iainment said:
    Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
    Fair play for appealing. Far to many people just hand over their hard earned to the councils giving them an easy £65. Always appeal as you have nothing to lose.
    Far too many people think the roads are just for them and ignore anything that inconveniences themselves.
    In fairness @guinnessaddick probably made a  genuine mistake but there are so many others who are too lazy to walk more than 10yards from their car and then just park wherever they please. Ignoring how this effects others.
    Parking, I agree. But in Guinessaddicks case always worth appealing.
    The thing is there are parking bays in the bus lane and there were cars parked in them. I pulled into the last bay and travelled about 5-8 metres in the bus lane  to get into the space.She jumped out, I then pulled back into the normal flow of traffic.  
  • iainment said:
    Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
    Fair play for appealing. Far to many people just hand over their hard earned to the councils giving them an easy £65. Always appeal as you have nothing to lose.
    Far too many people think the roads are just for them and ignore anything that inconveniences themselves.
    In fairness @guinnessaddick probably made a  genuine mistake but there are so many others who are too lazy to walk more than 10yards from their car and then just park wherever they please. Ignoring how this effects others.
    Parking, I agree. But in Guinessaddicks case always worth appealing.
    The thing is there are parking bays in the bus lane and there were cars parked in them. I pulled into the last bay and travelled about 5-8 metres in the bus lane  to get into the space.She jumped out, I then pulled back into the normal flow of traffic.  
    Fingers crossed you get away with it. They make millions for silly little things like what you've done which hasn't affected anyone else on the road.
  • iainment said:
    Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
    Fair play for appealing. Far to many people just hand over their hard earned to the councils giving them an easy £65. Always appeal as you have nothing to lose.
    Far too many people think the roads are just for them and ignore anything that inconveniences themselves.
    In fairness @guinnessaddick probably made a  genuine mistake but there are so many others who are too lazy to walk more than 10yards from their car and then just park wherever they please. Ignoring how this effects others.
    Parking, I agree. But in Guinessaddicks case always worth appealing.
    The thing is there are parking bays in the bus lane and there were cars parked in them. I pulled into the last bay and travelled about 5-8 metres in the bus lane  to get into the space.She jumped out, I then pulled back into the normal flow of traffic.  
    It looks like the parking bays were replaced with a bus lane, but the parkings bay lines were not removed.,0.051967,160.07h,1.46p,1z,awCZIeBQLydnaXX07A9KJQ
  • Does anyone have a missus who just leaves their phone on loud during the night?

    I get woken up by birds tweeting, that stupid BBC breaking news sound and her mates drunkenly whatsapping her at 3am.

    Of course she's fast asleep during all of this.
    I've had earplugs for 6 years now.
    They work at treat
  • iainment said:
    Getting a pcn in the post for going into a bus lane. Pulled into a parking space up by Eltham police station to drop Mrs GA off, then pulled straight out in to the normal lane. Have appealed, just have to wait and see. 
    Fair play for appealing. Far to many people just hand over their hard earned to the councils giving them an easy £65. Always appeal as you have nothing to lose.
    Far too many people think the roads are just for them and ignore anything that inconveniences themselves.
    In fairness @guinnessaddick probably made a  genuine mistake but there are so many others who are too lazy to walk more than 10yards from their car and then just park wherever they please. Ignoring how this effects others.
    Parking, I agree. But in Guinessaddicks case always worth appealing.
    The thing is there are parking bays in the bus lane and there were cars parked in them. I pulled into the last bay and travelled about 5-8 metres in the bus lane  to get into the space.She jumped out, I then pulled back into the normal flow of traffic.  
    It looks like the parking bays were replaced with a bus lane, but the parkings bay lines were not removed.,0.051967,160.07h,1.46p,1z,awCZIeBQLydnaXX07A9KJQ
    Grounds for an appeal.

    But more to the point, where's The Shining Pearl and the joke shop gone???
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