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General things that Annoy you



  • Number recognition car parks.What could be simpler,you drive in ,no ticket needed,you drive out,your fee is displayed you pay and off you go.Do you bollocks,today I spent a pleasant few hours in Whitstable,I parked in said car park,returned to my vehicle,drove to barrier,I was informed by machine,my number was not recognised,when the number appeared on screen,i noticed that a C had been read as a E(There is a screw in the middle of the C ).I had to ask about a dozen people to reverse so i could let them through.I tried paying on a manual machine without success,I was about to get my golf driver from the car and do some serious damage to this machine,I felt a tap on my shoulder,a kindly looking old asian lady politely asked me if I knew where the disabled bays where,my wife totally collapsed in hysterics.Finally a fellow sufferer pointed out that there was a help button,I pushed this and the gentleman sorted out the problem,I was at last on my way.Why not just take a ticket and pay at a machine when leaving.
  • Bexley Council refuse collectors going on strike. Could last a month.

  • Macronate said:
    Bexley Council refuse collectors going on strike. Could last a month.

    Ahh makes sense as to why my bins haven't been collected. 
  • People who queue up in pairs before the escalators at main train stations then wait until 2/3 steps then form single queue, look i want to use the left side to get to my destination about 20 seconds before you. Just move.
  • BBC's coverage of the Olympics 
  • Reading this article on sancho

    and then got to this part

    “Sancho's reasoning was sound - and the outcome justifies him snubbing City's contract offer, and the brief time he spent refusing to train at City as his path away was plotted.”

    i don’t think there is any justification in players refusing to train or play just to get their own way and they shouldn’t be praised for it because it worked out for them 
  • IKEA instructions!!
  • People who think there’s a price tag on my dogs, not for the first time a car stops earlier today and the driver ask how much I want! 

    “You haven’t got enough money so kindly **** off”

  • T_C_E said:
    People who think there’s a price tag on my dogs, not for the first time a car stops earlier today and the driver ask how much I want! 

    “You haven’t got enough money so kindly **** off”

    Sounds like it’s your body they’re after mate 
  • edited July 2021
    Shit weather forecasting apps that tell you your Cotswold weekend will be completely washed out so you make no plans to do outdoor stuff then have to improvise when it turns out absolutely fine. 
    Bit of phone memory being freed up this evening.
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  • IdleHans said:
    Shit weather forecasting apps that tell you your Cotswold weekend will be completely washed out so you make no plans to do outdoor stuff then have to improvise when it turns out absolutely fine. 
    Bit of phone memory being freed up this evening.
    Deleting Pornhub?
  • A bit of memory, not terrabytes!
  • Philip Schofield. 
  • Macronate said:
    Bexley Council refuse collectors going on strike. Could last a month.

    They aint tossers mate. they have every right to strike. If not you are a slave  - which is what the old witch wanted when she made everyone mortgage owners  
    They certainly do have every right to strike, but I’m not sure how much effect this is going to have, as unlike with other professions’ strike action, aren’t they just making it worse for themselves? The bins are a mess and overflowing etc so won’t they end up doing the same amount of work in less time?
  • I can’t blame them striking against Bexley Council. That place is a disgrace.
  • Amazing (my pet hate). 
  • clb74 said:
    Macronate said:
    Bexley Council refuse collectors going on strike. Could last a month.

    They aint tossers mate. they have every right to strike. If not you are a slave  - which is what the old witch wanted when she made everyone mortgage owners  
    She made everyone take a mortgage out?
    No - I was a tad over excited.  I just love a good strike and never ever understand when people get bothered by it
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  • I can’t blame them striking against Bexley Council. That place is a disgrace.
    The dispute is with their employer Serco. 

    Bexley council will not renew Serco's contract, a new 10 year deal with Countryside Recycling will begin on October 4th.  As part of the contract requirement, the Council stipulated that all staff should receive the London Living Wage as a minimum.
  • Was playing football last night. Went into a 50/50 tackle. Came out of it on the floor clutching my knee and feeling sick.

    Just one of those days. Can't walk now and my right elbow is killing me so I can barely type.
  • Sorry if it’s been mentioned but I’ve got 1.4 unread posts on here. 

    The almost endemic use in the last year or so of the word “super” as an adverb.  I’m super excited. It’s super delicious. I’m super happy etc etc.  Drives me feckin livid.  Nearly as much as the equally endemic use by the younger generations of the word “So” to begin a sentence, especially in response to a question.  Annoys the feck out of me. 
    So I also find that super annoying but not sure I should mention. 
  • iaitch said:
    Amazing (my pet hate). 
    Wowsers! is mine. At least amazing is a real word.
  • The phrase "clear his lines". 10-15 years after is slipped into common parlance, I still don't know where it come from or what it means. As far as I know it's the ball that you clear. Why does everyone go on about lines? Are they a figment of someone's imagination or is their some footballing theory I'm missing out on? Perhaps they are like the mythical "phases in play" which in a continuous game don't actually exist other than in the reified world of referees and lawmakers.
  • Sorry if it’s been mentioned but I’ve got 1.4 unread posts on here. 

    The almost endemic use in the last year or so of the word “super” as an adverb.  I’m super excited. It’s super delicious. I’m super happy etc etc.  Drives me feckin livid.  Nearly as much as the equally endemic use by the younger generations of the word “So” to begin a sentence, especially in response to a question.  Annoys the feck out of me. 
    As well as “I mean”. A few culprits on here guilty of this. 
  • Sorry if it’s been mentioned but I’ve got 1.4 unread posts on here. 

    The almost endemic use in the last year or so of the word “super” as an adverb.  I’m super excited. It’s super delicious. I’m super happy etc etc.  Drives me feckin livid.  Nearly as much as the equally endemic use by the younger generations of the word “So” to begin a sentence, especially in response to a question.  Annoys the feck out of me. 
    People who don’t say what they really want to say…feck being a prime example…. Just say fuck, we know what you mean, just be brave. 😁
  • Unbelievably I am in complete agreement with @golfaddick

    When talking scores, the home team is ALWAYS quoted first.

    It is right, it has always been thus & anyone who fecks about with this standard will be visited by me in the wee small hours, where I will put a bat up their nightdress.

    DISCLAIMER before Golfie moans about me again, of course I won’t actually do this, I’m a fecking middle aged woman ffs 🙄
  • Greenie said:
    Sorry if it’s been mentioned but I’ve got 1.4 unread posts on here. 

    The almost endemic use in the last year or so of the word “super” as an adverb.  I’m super excited. It’s super delicious. I’m super happy etc etc.  Drives me feckin livid.  Nearly as much as the equally endemic use by the younger generations of the word “So” to begin a sentence, especially in response to a question.  Annoys the feck out of me. 
    People who don’t say what they really want to say…feck being a prime example…. Just say fuck, we know what you mean, just be brave. 😁
    Reminds me of when first started going to games with my dad, kid in front obviously wasn’t allowed to swear, so used to shout fudge, instead of fuck. Even though we were similar age, it used to drive me mad. 
  • Greenie said:
    Sorry if it’s been mentioned but I’ve got 1.4 unread posts on here. 

    The almost endemic use in the last year or so of the word “super” as an adverb.  I’m super excited. It’s super delicious. I’m super happy etc etc.  Drives me feckin livid.  Nearly as much as the equally endemic use by the younger generations of the word “So” to begin a sentence, especially in response to a question.  Annoys the feck out of me. 
    People who don’t say what they really want to say…feck being a prime example…. Just say fuck, we know what you mean, just be brave. 😁
    But feck is an actual thing.
    Its not a polite alternative to fuck.
    If I wanted to say fuck I would.
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