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General things that Annoy you



  • Super Cup going to Extra Time. Go straight to pens ffs.
  • Nah - the more season-ending Chelsea get, the better health football is in.
  • edited August 2021
    Parents who let their young children listen to cartoons or play games on a phone whilst sitting in a café so everyone else can hear it. 
    I agree with this. 
    However, at 6.30 this morning, we were sitting in a cafe outside the train station waiting for our train and a middle aged couple sat two tables away from us. The husband then proceeded to watch video after video on his phone AT FULL VOLUME. I don’t mean “I could hear his phone”, I mean “You could’ve heard his phone in the next block along. Seriously, no exaggeration”. 
    And these were the type of videos that show crappy bloopers with a soundtrack of swannee whistles and ‘boing’s and some prick laughing too much. Neither of the couple thought this was in any way antisocial. Pair of fucking morons.
    So it’s not just kids. Sometimes it’s just that people are ignorant selfish pricks.
    I have that beat. I work with an old fellow who despite not being computer literate, (can’t open or respond to emails, log on to job lists, input info on various systems and generally blanks out when shown anything), still manages to watch endless cat video on YouTube with the volume turned up to 11 because he has selective hearing. He does this everyday of the week at least 3-4 hours a day and also finds time to get an hours sleep in, 2 x 30 minute tea breaks and 3/4 hour read of the paper after getting in which he insists reader parts to me as if I haven’t seen yesterday’s news or worthless gossip. He also sneaks off early everyday but that’s a bonus to me. 
    But the YouTubeing is the bit that annoys with it silly music / comments. His brain must be mushy. 
    4 hours watching videos, 1 hour asleep, 1 hour tea break, 45 mins reading newspaper = 6h 45m.
    What is this bloke's job and are there any others available?
  • Parents who let their young children listen to cartoons or play games on a phone whilst sitting in a café so everyone else can hear it. 
    I agree with this. 
    However, at 6.30 this morning, we were sitting in a cafe outside the train station waiting for our train and a middle aged couple sat two tables away from us. The husband then proceeded to watch video after video on his phone AT FULL VOLUME. I don’t mean “I could hear his phone”, I mean “You could’ve heard his phone in the next block along. Seriously, no exaggeration”. 
    And these were the type of videos that show crappy bloopers with a soundtrack of swannee whistles and ‘boing’s and some prick laughing too much. Neither of the couple thought this was in any way antisocial. Pair of fucking morons.
    So it’s not just kids. Sometimes it’s just that people are ignorant selfish pricks.
    I have that beat. I work with an old fellow who despite not being computer literate, (can’t open or respond to emails, log on to job lists, input info on various systems and generally blanks out when shown anything), still manages to watch endless cat video on YouTube with the volume turned up to 11 because he has selective hearing. He does this everyday of the week at least 3-4 hours a day and also finds time to get an hours sleep in, 2 x 30 minute tea breaks and 3/4 hour read of the paper after getting in which he insists reader parts to me as if I haven’t seen yesterday’s news or worthless gossip. He also sneaks off early everyday but that’s a bonus to me. 
    But the YouTubeing is the bit that annoys with it silly music / comments. His brain must be mushy. 
    4 hours watching videos, 1 hour asleep, 1 hour tea break, 45 mins reading newspaper = 6h 45m.
    What is this bloke's job and are there any others available?
    We work a 36.5 hour week, so if you take 6.75 from 7.3 it sort of says he works 0.8 hours a day which may sound a tad exaggerated but most weeks he doesn’t do a stroke. Believe it or not there’s more, we have another old fellow who sort of matches the same work rate but he just mostly reads weird websites, comes in later than everyone else and disappears early. 
    Most people would have the hump working while these pair don’t but my job is quite interesting, no pressure and not badly paid for what I have to do so I’m not going to rock the boat. If their jobs go, which I think is highly likely, it’s not going to be anything to do with me. I’d rather not say what and where I work for various reasons. 
  • Neighbours (next door but one) who don’t collect packages you’ve taken in for them. 

    They got a note from postie too as I saw him write and post it. The neighbour in between us doesn’t take her stuff in for her as they fell out. 

    I thought she was away at first but have seen her car back on drive. It’s been 10 days. We were away at weekend and each time we go out in day time her car isn’t there and I leave for work at 6am so too early to drop off then. Husband took a package we took in before for her at 10am and she looked so miserable and ungrateful that he’d disturbed her sleep he’s refusing to take this round. It’s a long curtain pole size tube leaning up against the wall in our hallway.  So annoying. 

  • Neighbours (next door but one) who don’t collect packages you’ve taken in for them. 

    They got a note from postie too as I saw him write and post it. The neighbour in between us doesn’t take her stuff in for her as they fell out. 

    I thought she was away at first but have seen her car back on drive. It’s been 10 days. We were away at weekend and each time we go out in day time her car isn’t there and I leave for work at 6am so too early to drop off then. Husband took a package we took in before for her at 10am and she looked so miserable and ungrateful that he’d disturbed her sleep he’s refusing to take this round. It’s a long curtain pole size tube leaning up against the wall in our hallway.  So annoying. 

    We always take stuff in for neighbours and then for us, my next door neighbour texted me as they are on holiday and asked if I would mind taking something in for him. Of course I wouldn't I replied 

    Couple of hours later a pair of motorcycle wheels turned up. Dafuq do I do with them!?!?! I've literally just cleared space in my garage now its taken up with those things whilst he gets his New Forest chill on! 

    And I put his bin out for him on Monday morning

    I like him though, the piss taking wannabe gypo has a good heart 
  • Public companies getting fined,every day we see,Water companies,police forces,NHS, getting fined for various mishaps,who pays the fines,not the directors or shareholders or the people who cocked up,no ,you and me who pay taxes to pay these fines,those responsible get off scot free.
  • Neighbours (next door but one) who don’t collect packages you’ve taken in for them. 

    They got a note from postie too as I saw him write and post it. The neighbour in between us doesn’t take her stuff in for her as they fell out. 

    I thought she was away at first but have seen her car back on drive. It’s been 10 days. We were away at weekend and each time we go out in day time her car isn’t there and I leave for work at 6am so too early to drop off then. Husband took a package we took in before for her at 10am and she looked so miserable and ungrateful that he’d disturbed her sleep he’s refusing to take this round. It’s a long curtain pole size tube leaning up against the wall in our hallway.  So annoying. 

    Leave a note in their letterbox saying she's got 1 day before you sell it on eBay. 
  • Neighbours (next door but one) who don’t collect packages you’ve taken in for them. 

    They got a note from postie too as I saw him write and post it. The neighbour in between us doesn’t take her stuff in for her as they fell out. 

    I thought she was away at first but have seen her car back on drive. It’s been 10 days. We were away at weekend and each time we go out in day time her car isn’t there and I leave for work at 6am so too early to drop off then. Husband took a package we took in before for her at 10am and she looked so miserable and ungrateful that he’d disturbed her sleep he’s refusing to take this round. It’s a long curtain pole size tube leaning up against the wall in our hallway.  So annoying. 

    Once you have disposed of this one, refuse to take anymore in for her.
    just because you are in when she isn’t doesn’t mean that you have to take it, if the delivery guy gets arsey tell him to fuck off as well
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  • Neighbours (next door but one) who don’t collect packages you’ve taken in for them. 

    They got a note from postie too as I saw him write and post it. The neighbour in between us doesn’t take her stuff in for her as they fell out. 

    I thought she was away at first but have seen her car back on drive. It’s been 10 days. We were away at weekend and each time we go out in day time her car isn’t there and I leave for work at 6am so too early to drop off then. Husband took a package we took in before for her at 10am and she looked so miserable and ungrateful that he’d disturbed her sleep he’s refusing to take this round. It’s a long curtain pole size tube leaning up against the wall in our hallway.  So annoying. 

    Once you have disposed of this one, refuse to take anymore in for her.
    just because you are in when she isn’t doesn’t mean that you have to take it, if the delivery guy gets arsey tell him to fuck off as well
    Same as we do.  Had a neighbour who never picked up her stuff so we now refuse to take anything in for her.  
  • stonemuse said:
    Neighbours (next door but one) who don’t collect packages you’ve taken in for them. 

    They got a note from postie too as I saw him write and post it. The neighbour in between us doesn’t take her stuff in for her as they fell out. 

    I thought she was away at first but have seen her car back on drive. It’s been 10 days. We were away at weekend and each time we go out in day time her car isn’t there and I leave for work at 6am so too early to drop off then. Husband took a package we took in before for her at 10am and she looked so miserable and ungrateful that he’d disturbed her sleep he’s refusing to take this round. It’s a long curtain pole size tube leaning up against the wall in our hallway.  So annoying. 

    Once you have disposed of this one, refuse to take anymore in for her.
    just because you are in when she isn’t doesn’t mean that you have to take it, if the delivery guy gets arsey tell him to fuck off as well
    Same as we do.  Had a neighbour who never picked up her stuff so we now refuse to take anything in for her.  
    Same here, the delivery driver's faces are always a picture when you say nope.

    Didn't mind normally but the bloke next door is a cameraman and gets massive parcels then leaves them for ages, and half the time he was in anyway but couldn't be arsed to walk though from the garden.
  • She finally came to pick it up on Saturday, husband answered the door. She said sorry it took so long but she didn't have a note so didn't know where it had been delivered, but then said 'on the delivery image it was signed for by Suzi and you're the only Suzi in the street' My husband was most miffed. 

  • This is more than annoying, it’s sickening. FFS, just let people love who they want to love.
  • While we're on the subject of neighbours, the one next door to me sticking a (cheap) flagpole up in his back garden with a Union Jack on it - does anything scream xenaphobic gammon bellend as much as a flagpole in your garden?

    It's not even a big house, driveway type, he's in a 3 bedroom terraced house with a garden that's about 6ft Square.
  • This is more than annoying, it’s sickening. FFS, just let people love who they want to love.
    Scum. Hope they get tracked down
  • T_C_E said:
    While we're on the subject of neighbours, the one next door to me sticking a (cheap) flagpole up in his back garden with a Union Jack on it - does anything scream xenaphobic gammon bellend as much as a flagpole in your garden?

    It's not even a big house, driveway type, he's in a 3 bedroom terraced house with a garden that's about 6ft Square.
    Commonplace down here, two flying St George cross currently the other a help for heroes. Often seen flying NHS thank you flags, union flags or Christmas ones in December all within views of my home. Never deemed it malicious at all.
  • edited August 2021
    Opening a big bag of twiglets (this applies to any crisp) and it looks like the factory forgot to apply the flavouring. 
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  • arny23394 said:
    Opening a big bag of twiglets (this applies to any crisp) and it looks like the factory forgot to apply the flavouring. 
    I had a bag of chipsticks the other day and I’m sure they used to be really sharp with the flavouring but these ones tasted of nothing 
  • arny23394 said:
    Opening a big bag of twiglets (this applies to any crisp) and it looks like the factory forgot to apply the flavouring. 
    Or on the flipside too much flavouring. I had a bag of salt and vinegar McCoys the other day and they were so vinegary my tongue got all these little lumps on it. Bloomin' painful I tell thee.
  • The use of rightfully when they really mean rightly. Olympics commentaries were a bugger for this.
  • edited August 2021
    T_C_E said:
    While we're on the subject of neighbours, the one next door to me sticking a (cheap) flagpole up in his back garden with a Union Jack on it - does anything scream xenaphobic gammon bellend as much as a flagpole in your garden?

    It's not even a big house, driveway type, he's in a 3 bedroom terraced house with a garden that's about 6ft Square.
    Commonplace down here, two flying St George cross currently the other a help for heroes. Often seen flying NHS thank you flags, union flags or Christmas ones in December all within views of my home. Never deemed it malicious at all.
    Some old xenaphobic gammon bellend i know had them on her driveway not too long ago. Absolutely disgusting of her.

    Very different in public areas etc.

    There's just something about erecting a flagpole in your own garden (when you aren't a member of the Royal Family...) that screams self-important idiot to me.
  • While we're on the subject of neighbours, the one next door to me sticking a (cheap) flagpole up in his back garden with a Union Jack on it - does anything scream xenaphobic gammon bellend as much as a flagpole in your garden?

    It's not even a big house, driveway type, he's in a 3 bedroom terraced house with a garden that's about 6ft Square.
    What's wrong with it?

    Drive through US residential neighbourhoods and there's US flags everywhere.

    Drive through Canadian residential neighbourhoods and there's Canadian flags everywhere.

  • While we're on the subject of neighbours, the one next door to me sticking a (cheap) flagpole up in his back garden with a Union Jack on it - does anything scream xenaphobic gammon bellend as much as a flagpole in your garden?

    It's not even a big house, driveway type, he's in a 3 bedroom terraced house with a garden that's about 6ft Square.
    What's wrong with it?

    Drive through US residential neighbourhoods and there's US flags everywhere.

    Drive through Canadian residential neighbourhoods and there's Canadian flags everywhere.

    We aren't the USA or Canada. Flags tend to be reserved for football and last night of the proms and there's always something gloriously, awkwardly English about it. 

    It just seems like an uncommon thing to do
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