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General things that Annoy you



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    Talal said:
    Minto still saying WhatsUp, surely someone has told him by now 😂
    I sent a message to Browny.
    They laugh about it but won’t tell him 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣
    It makes him sound ancient.
    Is this as in the old Budweiser advert ?
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    Can't you just wave it under the door?
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    advert on Youtube that keeps cropping up. Totaljobs with "get the right job at the right pay" with this annoying ginger girl from america talking to her granny on zoom. 

    The bit where she says "it runs in the family" should be covered by any computer insurance as its so difficult not to punch the fucking screen. 
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    Road works that don't create a bottleneck but has a warning triangle stuck in the road before you arrive that blocks the road making it single lane traffic to get round the sign!!
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    Road works that don't create a bottleneck but has a warning triangle stuck in the road before you arrive that blocks the road making it single lane traffic to get round the sign!!
    You would love it in central London then.
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    Completing surveys that ask you for your age bracket - Clear sign that you're moving on through the various categories
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    Completing surveys that ask you for your age bracket - Clear sign that you're moving on through the various categories
    Any online form where you have to scroll down to find your year of both. If you have to scroll through list of countries to find United Kingdom, it’s even worse.
    I like the companies that sensibly put UK and USA at the top
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    At least you know UK is not far up from the bottom of the list...
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    At least you know UK is not far up from the bottom of the list...
    Except when we are annoyingly Great Britain
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    Similarly, when a website asks for your nationality, and the only possible answer is United Kingdom….
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    Living abroad and trying to buy something from a UK website for delivery within the UK and you are unable to put anything other than a UK postcode in the billing address section. 
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    Completing surveys that ask you for your age bracket - Clear sign that you're moving on through the various categories
    Any online form where you have to scroll down to find your year of both. If you have to scroll through list of countries to find United Kingdom, it’s even worse.
    I like the companies that sensibly put UK and USA at the top
    Or you just type the letter U and it will take you down there. 
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    Completing surveys that ask you for your age bracket - Clear sign that you're moving on through the various categories
    Any online form where you have to scroll down to find your year of both. If you have to scroll through list of countries to find United Kingdom, it’s even worse.
    Also, for some exchange rate websites all currencies are listed in the format :  “country - currency”  eg: “US - dollar”,  “UAE - dirham”, “Hungary - forint” etc.
    There are just two exceptions:
    1) For obvious reasons the euro is just “euro”
    2) For reasons unknown, instead of “UK - pound” it is “pound sterling”

    Got caught out a couple of times in the past searching for UK or GB to try to find it, before finally stumbling across it. Don’t know why they change the format just for us!
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    edited October 2022
    Mistakes like the one below:

    Which one did they leave, Kent, Cheshire, Cornwall?
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    Authorities always on BST, bull shit time.
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    A proportion of people who I work with will always irritate me.

    People are annoying.

    On the flip side, there are plenty of good people. It's just the annoying ones...are the ones who usually stand out.

    Unfortunately,  annoying always wins and it can blind the light of good

    A lot of people are a cross combination of a real life Gareth ....mixed in with a bit of finchy.

    They are jobsworths, they are gobby, they don't think before they speak and they are pests. If you enjoy peace and quiet, you ain't gana get it. 

    I eventually simply told one of them to shut up. He finally walks off...few minutes later I'm in a HR meeting getting questioned about my verbal behaviour.
    It may have been the most patronising nonsense to possibly ever experience. They didn't want to know the full story. 
    I'm the bad guy.

    Was the mid 90s genuinely less of a dog eat dog world?

    It's a shame how they are the people we have to see and speak to more or less every day. We don't always get a choice!

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    I'm defiantly annoyed by the use of defiantly in place of definitely. Just look at the word, dickhead, it's clearly entirely different.

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    I defiantly agree with that.
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    The BBC....

    The opening credits of the Rugby League world cup match this afternoon, and one of their nonsense "poems" that they think are so special...I quote:-

    This is a tale of two Islands
    Two rocks stood tall in the ocean
    Both home to a proud people
    Both sharing a passion that transcends their lands
    But not all islands are the same
    Some have tried to rule the world (it's not that they lost, it's how close they came)
    Whilst some were overruled
    Some spread their language across the four corners
    Whilst some speak with a passion born of the land

    Apart from the fact that England isn't an Island, why do they have to come out with so much self loathing crap?
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    Why do batsmen,try to hit sixes,when all is needed is a run a ball,England turned a doddle into a arse pinching struggle winning with 3 balls left,when a little bit of sense would have completed the job easily.
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    IdleHans said:
    A thing I do that annoys me and Mrs Idle, but I can't help it. Every time BBC London news starts with 'Good evening, I'm Assad Ahmed' my instant pavlovian response is 'Cheer up, Ahmed!'
    Whenever Gary Gibbon is introduced on Channel Four News, I can't help but shout "Come on funky", at which point Mrs Stig joins in with a quick round of "ooh, ooh, ooh, the funky Gibbon". On our BBC Regional News 'Look East' there's an amusingly named reporter called Debbie Tubby who is always greeted in our house by calls for "Tubby Custard". Childish, I know, but it somehow makes the news seem more bearable. 
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    Why do 'safe' houses in police thrillers always have glass front doors, no motion sensor lighting and those inside NEVER draw the curtains?
    Just asking for trouble.
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    IdleHans said:
    A thing I do that annoys me and Mrs Idle, but I can't help it. Every time BBC London news starts with 'Good evening, I'm Assad Ahmed' my instant pavlovian response is 'Cheer up, Ahmed!'
    Does Eric Idle know you’re watching the news with his wife?
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