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General things that Annoy you



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    When watching the telly with the subtitles on and descriptions of the music keep popping up. I don't mind song titles, but descriptions like 'disturbing synth music' or 'melodramatic stinger' are completely unnecessary distractions. Reading a musical description does not add to the atmosphere in anyway. 
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    Stig said:
    When watching the telly with the subtitles on and descriptions of the music keep popping up. I don't mind song titles, but descriptions like 'disturbing synth music' or 'melodramatic stinger' are completely unnecessary distractions. Reading a musical description does not add to the atmosphere in anyway. 
    I think that's two separate settings Stig.  'Audio description' can be set off while 'Subtitles' left on. 
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    Stig said:
    When watching the telly with the subtitles on and descriptions of the music keep popping up. I don't mind song titles, but descriptions like 'disturbing synth music' or 'melodramatic stinger' are completely unnecessary distractions. Reading a musical description does not add to the atmosphere in anyway. 
    I think that's two separate settings Stig.  'Audio description' can be set off while 'Subtitles' left on. 
    Every day is a school day. 😎
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    edited January 2023
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    People who post dots. Why not something more entertaining like a tilde?
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    League 1 refs. Shit. The lot of them. Fans of premier league teams complaining about shit refs. Turn it in.
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    League 1 refs. Shit. The lot of them. Fans of premier league teams complaining about shit refs. Turn it in.
    Whats worse is the fact that they all fall under the Football League

    So doesnt matter if we're in the Championship | League One | League Two, we all get to share the same referees, just the useless ones tend to stay at the bottom of the pile, whilst the better ones drift around.

    Remember the Ipswich game... Josh Smith of course thought he was too good to be officiating in League One and made the referee yesterday look competent!!
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    People who post dots. Why not something more entertaining like a tilde?

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    Shit rumours.
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    jondon76 said:
    Shit rumours.
    Definitely not a rumour, there’s a thread on here about people having the shits.
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    People who post dots. Why not something more entertaining like a tilde?
    But you can’t just post a random tilde. It has to make sense 
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    Stig said:
    When watching the telly with the subtitles on and descriptions of the music keep popping up. I don't mind song titles, but descriptions like 'disturbing synth music' or 'melodramatic stinger' are completely unnecessary distractions. Reading a musical description does not add to the atmosphere in anyway. 
    I think that's two separate settings Stig.  'Audio description' can be set off while 'Subtitles' left on. 
    Thanks for trying to help me with this Raith. Sadly it's all on the subtitles, audio description is something else.
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    MrOneLung said:
    People who post dots. Why not something more entertaining like a tilde?
    But you can’t just post a random tilde. It has to make sense 
    ~ rice

    That makes sense
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    MrOneLung said:
    People who post dots. Why not something more entertaining like a tilde?
    But you can’t just post a random tilde. It has to make sense 
    ~ rice

    That makes sense
    ~ Swinton 
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    When boarding a plane, people who faff about with their hand luggage slowly unpacking bits and pieces whilst the rest of us just wait in the isle to get past them.

    Just prepare before you get on, stow your bag and sit down! 
    People that get angsty  ;) on an aeroplane after, having followed the instructions from the crew in terms of boarding order, I reasonably remove my coat and place it in the overhead locker and then remove my laptop / book / drink from my bag and place them on my seat, before putting that bag next to my coat in the overhead locker and taking my seat, none of which would have been possible to prepare for or do before boarding the aeroplane.
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    When boarding a plane, people who faff about with their hand luggage slowly unpacking bits and pieces whilst the rest of us just wait in the isle to get past them.
    Just prepare before you get on, stow your bag and sit down! 
    Don't get this one, sorry, you're going to have your book, tablet, drink etc away in your bag before getting on rather than carrying them all separately, so you need to then get them out on the plane before putting you bag away.
    This - it's easy, foldaway bag in the top of your main bag with the stuff you need on board which you take out as you get to your seat.    
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    When boarding a plane, people who faff about with their hand luggage slowly unpacking bits and pieces whilst the rest of us just wait in the isle to get past them.
    Just prepare before you get on, stow your bag and sit down! 
    Don't get this one, sorry, you're going to have your book, tablet, drink etc away in your bag before getting on rather than carrying them all separately, so you need to then get them out on the plane before putting you bag away.
    This - it's easy, foldaway bag in the top of your main bag with the stuff you need on board which you take out as you get to your seat.    
    Can I take my coat and jumper off when I get on the plane, or do I need to do that whilst queuing at the gate and carry them on separately? The only problem with that is that when my hands are full with bags and coats, I can't show the cabin crew my ticket (some airlines still request to see it) and so I'd have to put everything on the floor whilst I then got my ticket out, so just transferring the delay from one part of the plane to another. I could, I suppose, carry my ticket in my mouth. 
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    When boarding a plane, people who faff about with their hand luggage slowly unpacking bits and pieces whilst the rest of us just wait in the isle to get past them.
    Just prepare before you get on, stow your bag and sit down! 
    Don't get this one, sorry, you're going to have your book, tablet, drink etc away in your bag before getting on rather than carrying them all separately, so you need to then get them out on the plane before putting you bag away.
    This - it's easy, foldaway bag in the top of your main bag with the stuff you need on board which you take out as you get to your seat.    
    Can I take my coat and jumper off when I get on the plane, or do I need to do that whilst queuing at the gate and carry them on separately? The only problem with that is that when my hands are full with bags and coats, I can't show the cabin crew my ticket (some airlines still request to see it) and so I'd have to put everything on the floor whilst I then got my ticket out, so just transferring the delay from one part of the plane to another. I could, I suppose, carry my ticket in my mouth. 
    I manage to put my jumper and coat under the arm that is attached to the hand carrying my bag (or I use a rucksack, thereby having so many free limbs my cup runeth over). Thus leaving my other hand vacant and able to wave a ticket (and passport if necessary) at whoever wishes to see it.  ;):D
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    It might be easier if we all got on a flight stark naked. Imaging watching folk walking down the aisle hanging on to the back of the seats in turbulence.
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    It might be easier if we all got on a flight stark naked. Imaging watching folk walking down the aisle hanging on to the back of the seats in turbulence.
    You do realise you wrote that out loud...  :D
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    The faff needed to dispose of waste / recycling these days.

    Had builders redoing our Living Room this last week, I dont mind doing it as it saves on cost, but the hassle of them having to charge to get rid of any rubble or plasterboard these days... No wonder there are issues with fly tipping.

    Not that I'd ever think about the latter because as someone who enjoys Landscapes as Photographer its frustrating to find it just ruining the countryside - Even I tried going to Pepperhill Recycling site and they wanted to charge me for getting rid of Plasterboard / Rubble etc. whilst thankfully Medway tips dont charge you.
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    Gobshite ego maniacs fling a few quid around at a football club then realise they know the square root of fuck all that’s useful and lose interest when they get found out and they flog anything and everybody for loose change trying to save pennies when they’re going skint leaving the club in even worse straits than when they arrived 
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    Billy_Mix said:
    Gobshite ego maniacs fling a few quid around at a football club then realise they know the square root of fuck all that’s useful and lose interest when they get found out and they flog anything and everybody for loose change trying to save pennies when they’re going skint leaving the club in even worse straits than when they arrived 
    Not that 'General' that one!!
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