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Andy Murray



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    And they the Scots will not have to pay council tax soon added to all the other perks the Scots get over us English thank you new Labour for letting in the SNP via devolution. Death of the United Kingdom.
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    He's the most miserable haggis basher they have ever produced , hope he never wins another match

    wearing a paraguay shirt at the last world cup , he can go Fcuk himself
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    Pete tong that cant be right mate as HM Gov say giving the English a parliament or stopping Scots and Welsh MPs voting on English matters will " split the UK up" of course their develution hasnt already done this !!!!!
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    [cite]Posted By: clivey_hero[/cite]He's the most miserable haggis basher they have ever produced , hope he never wins another match

    wearing a paraguay shirt at the last world cup , he can go Fcuk himself

    Well said.
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    Hope he never wins another match! 'Kin Sweaty!
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    Totally loathe him., absolute t**t. Much prefer the Serbian girls.
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    Can't stand the bloke as an individual.

    However he is British, rather like Greg Rusedski was British as far as I'm concerned, and as I am a patriot I have to support him even if I don't particularly like doing it.

    What a shame Tiger Tim, a proper Englishman, wasn't that little bit better.
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    Can't stand the miserable scottish tw*t ,
    Don't even like him when he's winning and "British".
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    Cant stand him, and cant stand the sport.
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    I quite like him *ducks*

    The english thing was a joke. Just gave people reason to hate him. Good luck to him, got Nadal on the ropes
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    I just do not and never will understand why we are expected to support any individual, English, British or whatever when they are competeing for themselves.

    I'd always want Tiger Woods to beat Monty in a tournament but I'd support Monty in the Ryder Cup.
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    Good point chirpy!
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I'd always want Tiger Woods to beat Monty in a tournament but I'd support Monty in the Ryder Cup.[/quote]

    Heh. Tiger and Monty?
    Not this year you won't.

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    Even though i was born and raised in woolwich and i have a season ticket i am not english i have welsh parents and i love wales. England doesnt mean much to me. All small countries hate big neighbouring countries and big neighbouring countries look down on small countries.

    RUSSIA lots of small iritaing neighbours
    ENGLAND AUSTRALIA USA CHINA and probably lots others can all say the same thing.
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    [cite]Posted By: WelshAddick[/cite]Even though i was born and raised in woolwich and i have a season ticket i am not english i have welsh parents and i love wales. England doesnt mean much to me. All small countries hate big neighbouring countries and big neighbouring countries look down on small countries.

    RUSSIA lots of small iritaing neighbours
    ENGLAND AUSTRALIA USA CHINA and probably lots others can all say the same thing.

    Even though I have a Welsh family background, I was born in Woolwich also, I am English and very proud to be a born and bred Londoner,
    I have found that Wales dosn't mean much to me, in fact I visited my sister in Wales last christmas, I think it was closed!!! ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I just do not and never will understand why we are expected to support any individual, English, British or whatever when they are competeing for themselves.

    I'd always want Tiger Woods to beat Monty in a tournament but I'd support Monty in the Ryder Cup.

    I just do not and never will understand how a British person does not support a fellow Brit in any circumstances.

    I never want Tiger Woods to beat any Brit in any tournament because I have nothing whatsoever in common with him. It is the equivalent of living in South East London and supporting Man Utd.

    Splitter Chirps! ;-)
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    Good luck to him...
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    hope he loses, and loses badly, cheeky sod he is.
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    Im afraid all you murray haters are going to just have to deal with the fact he will beat nadal!
    I dont like the chap either, but i feel he has got this one in the bag.
    Yesterday he was bossing nadal, playing some fantastic tennis putting him all over the court!
    Nadal has already admitted the only person who is going to stop him from winning this tournament is murray!
    Murray will win and as much as i dont like him, good on him because nadal is one hell of tennis player!
    Id also fancy murray in the final over federer.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: MCS[/cite]hope he loses, and loses badly, cheeky sod he is.[/quote]

    well he can only lose 3-2 to the best player in the world. So can't be that bad :-)
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    never said anything about him being 'that bad'

    just said i hope he loses, and loses badly! dont like the little scrote!

    by the by i do actually think he is an awesome player, just dont like him!
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    got to say Murray is playing bloody well.
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    gotta say he is choking
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    LOL I think I jinxed him.

    he's just had a mare of 5 minutes after I said that
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    thought it was Tiger Tim for a minute
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    30-love up on nadal serve and loses feckin game ive seen this all before .
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    crumbling.....looking a 5 setter!!!
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    Nadal does have an amazing ability to up the tempo in games, must be does dodgy chemists in Valencia
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    Murrays broken back....could go either way
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    *doffs cap to murray.*
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