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Andy Murray



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    [cite]Posted By: RedArmySE7[/cite]I've got no problem with Murray. He's a young Scottish lad who doesn't like England very much...BIG DEAL?! I'm a young English lad that doesn't like Scotland very much. He's good at what he does and I hope he has a hugely succesful career starting with tonight.

    The problem is though, the inbalance of it all, imagine Henman at his height saying he hoped Scotland lost to anyone they played, and wore the shirt of Scotland's next opponents, the Scottish media, the SNP, the Tartan Army would have been up in arms and Henman would have been labelled as a racist.

    Murray says it about England, and us English are expected to laugh it off as a jolly jape and what a cheeky chappy he is, well b****cks to him and his PR attempts, do one Murray you vile hibee anti English twat.
    And I for one will be cheering on Scotland, Wales and NI tomorrow night as well as England.
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    well said
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    I'm glad he lost. Nothing to do with his comment about England or being Scottish, I just think he's a to**er.
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    I now have even more reason to like him!

    I'm sure he will win one soon - Djokovic lost easily in US Open final last year, then went on to win the Australian...
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    I think he looked knackered. we watched the 2nd set, and although he played some blinding shots, he had 3 break points and then lost the game. Feds certainly knew when to put the pressure on. Unlucky Murray, your time will come!
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    Would you all be so forgiving if he was a palarse fan and had said it about, didn't think so.
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]The problem is though, the inbalance of it all, imagine Henman at his height saying he hoped Scotland lost to anyone they played, and wore the shirt of Scotland's next opponents, the Scottish media, the SNP, the Tartan Army would have been up in arms and Henman would have been labelled as a racist.

    Murray says it about England, and us English are expected to laugh it off as a jolly jape and what a cheeky chappy he is, well b****cks to him and his PR attempts, do one Murray you vile hibee anti English twat.

    dude i make you right here 100%
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Would you all be so forgiving if he was a palarse fan and had said it about, didn't think so.

    he didn't though.

    He hasn't chosen to be scottish, he was born it. i didn't choose to be english, i was born it. patriotism is a personal thing and also down to interpretation. I dunno what he said, but didn't he apologise? I don't care to be honest, he's representing Britain when he plays tennis, and I'll support him whilst it says GBR after his name whilst he's playing people who don't.
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    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Would you all be so forgiving if he was a palarse fan and had said it about, didn't think so.

    he didn't though.

    He hasn't chosen to be scottish, he was born it. i didn't choose to be english, i was born it. patriotism is a personal thing and also down to interpretation. I dunno what he said, but didn't he apologise? I don't care to be honest, he's representing Britain when he plays tennis, and I'll support him whilst it says GBR after his name whilst he's playing people who don't.

    Have to agree. Im English 1st (despite having Scots grandparents) and British 2nd, just as he is Scots 1st and British 2nd. I see no problem in him wanting to see England lose. Its and age old chip on the shoulder tradition for most Scots to try and bait the English....Looks like its working as well.
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    Sooo when some one like say Jim davidson did his chalkie stuff etc etc he was just having a laugh ? it was ok to "bait" afro-caribains etc but the dear old Jocks well its all jolly good fun aint it.

    The problem is that if the English continue to have no voice and the other members of the UK continue to get a louder voice this vacuum will be filled by the Far Right who seaze this opertunity to show that "they are there" for the English while the Scottish Mafia are just that.

    Huge party in Wales and Scotland for their Olympians (good on em for that) but the English nothing , thats NOTHING. There will be a parade for the UK Olypians in October.

    As someone who believes in the UNion (not European one) i find myself being far more of an "English" patriot than i was say 5 years ago.
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    It was a stupid thing for Murray to say if for no other reason that it would hurt his potential sponsorships earning but since he got £1m for yesterday I doubt that is worrying him.

    He didn't, as far as I know, say he hated all English people just that he wanted our team to lose. He's the one displaying the chip on his shoulder so why the rush for English people to do the same.

    More concerned about people on here who say "Now I hate Italians" rather than a lame bit of football banter by Murray.

    Racsim is bad regardless of who is voicing it.

    What gets me is that when people perceive that their own group is being discriminated against they shout "racist" and "who are the real racists?" rather than reflect on their own language and behaviour to others. Maybe the indignation and pain that they feel on this one occasion is similar to what others have heard many many times down the years.

    One piece of abuse doesn't make another OK rather it should make thinking people realise that all such prejudice is wrong and stupid.

    here endeth the lecture, I am now getting off my soapbox and going back to work at my PC as the new client I was meant to see this PM, who offered me this date, is, I learn from her office, on leave until 17 September.

    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. I will be officially in a bad mood all PM and will be even ruder, snappier and sarcastic than normal.

    Live, love laugh and be happy
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    There is no such thing as racism or abuse against an Englishman.

    Such actions are right and proper retribution for the colonialism of the past.
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    Exactly my point GH, its OK to bait the English, we are supposed to laugh it off as banter and not be so touchy. Its things like this we should challenge every time, the Scots, the Irish and Welsh would all do so.
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    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]There is no such thing as racism or abuse against an Englishman.

    Such actions are right and proper retribution for the colonialism of the past.

    Please tell me your not serious with that quote?
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    edited September 2008
    Slightly different GH as Davidson is white and when he made those jokes when it was socially acceptable to do so.

    Chris Rock taking the piss out of black society, Sasha Baron-Cohen out of the Jews, is seen differently as they are the same race. Just as the Scots with the English.
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    I don't even know what he supposed to have said other than he supports other teams when england play. he's scottish, why wouldn't he? he's entitled to do so. I'm sure some of you cheer on whoever is playing scotland, or who is playing wales, its no biggie. not sure where racism, baiting and far right came into it.

    its just a game of tennis and the guy was representing britain.
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    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]There is no such thing as racism or abuse against an Englishman.

    Such actions are right and proper retribution for the colonialism of the past.

    I hope you just forgot the smiley there Len.

    Racism is bad and wrong and the English can be racially abused as much as the next person.

    As the Specials sang "it's the worst excuse in the world and it doesn't make it allright"

    The wonderful British Empire may have made a lot of people rich and Britain (not England) the most powerful country in the world but its capital city contained some of the worse slums in the world. The food and hygiene in pre-world war I Britain was so poor that 1 in 4 volunteers for the army in 1914 were unfit to serve (and the standard was often set very low) while the officer class were, on average, 2 inches taller than their men.

    My working class descendants suffered poverty, poor housing and disease why a quarter of globe was coloured pink so despite colonialism being, IMHO, wrong I have no cross to bear for it.
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]There is no such thing as racism or abuse against an Englishman.

    Such actions are right and proper retribution for the colonialism of the past.

    Please tell me your not serious with that quote?

    George Galloway said that or something close to it on his Talksport show to justify Mugabe's actions against White Zimbabwean farmers when callers were questioning the lack of action against abuses in Zimbabwe compared to Afghanistan and Iraq.
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    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]I don't even know what he supposed to have said other than he supports other teams when england play. he's scottish, why wouldn't he? he's entitled to do so. I'm sure some of you cheer on whoever is playing scotland, or who is playing wales, its no biggie. not sure where racism, baiting and far right came into it.

    its just a game of tennis and the guy was representing britain.
    Exactly - its not racist saying he wants another team to win.

    I didnt even realise the Scots and English were two different races.

    Learn something new every day...
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    edited September 2008
    I remember an ex boss of mine going on and on and on real lickin the arses of our owners The jardines " it was Sir Chips this " and Sit fuckwit that" day in day out. Just after they had all done a runner from Hong Kong. Huge huge country estates in Scotland major players in the "country side alliance" . One day i had had enough of his arse licking and asked if he had ever herd of the Boxer Rebellion ? or read Shogun ? he looked abit taken aback and asked why ? so i told him that the original Jarbines made their fourtune supplying herion , where big players in the Boxer Rebellion. Cant say it did my job prospects much good, but hearing about these "plastic jocks" who where no all lords just did my head once to often.

    Mind you this guy was a real private school ex colonial expat English man and once asked me where he could get some servants from
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    edited September 2008
    Galloway is a very smart, very articulate guy but he don't half talk some rubbish.

    That statement and one's like it just show how blinkered is the thinking on the left these days.

    Their anti-Americanism is so narrow minded, borderline racist, and in the end self defeating because as an open democracy the USA, for all its faults, will listen and might even change. Dictators and despots like Mugabe never will.

    Ghandi knew that. His tactic of non-violent resistance worked with the British, as he himself said, because we had a conscience . Ghandi said that it wouldn't have worked with Nazi's as they would have just driven a tank over peaceful demonstrators.
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    Dan that last bit is kak mate. It would still be seen as "racist" Africans made jokes about Carbians. 2 years ago headlines in the papers "Race riot in Woolwich leaves 2 dead" it was Somlians fighting local Black youths.
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    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]I don't even know what he supposed to have said other than he supports other teams when england play. he's scottish, why wouldn't he? he's entitled to do so. I'm sure some of you cheer on whoever is playing scotland, or who is playing wales, its no biggie. not sure where racism, baiting and far right came into it.

    its just a game of tennis and the guy was representing britain.

    Sorry Suz, ths is just another case of English people taking the "accepted" abuse and "banter" laying down without a fight, and then he & his management team bleat when "some" English people bite back.
    If English people on here are happy to accept that, fine, their outlook, I wont, and he can go feck himself, and as said earlier I will be hoping Scotland, Wales & NI win tomorrow night, regardless that Murray is Scottish, he could have been dutch and said the same thing, my response would be the same.
    And look at your statement, he just said he supports other teams who play against England, fine, his choice, but like I said, no palarse supporting sportman would get our acceptance if he said it about Charlton.
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    WSS / Dan so why then were "Irish" jokes seen as racist ? why are the "Irish" seen as seperate to the Scotish or Welsh or English ? if we are not "seoerate " races then this must be wrong. Thats not knocking the Irish im only using it as a point that we can be seen as seperat.

    As i understand it if one person of a "race or "group" feels that they ae being disriminated against then it could be racism. Not long back a guy yelled at to ladies in the great "f**kin forighners" or something he was done for it under racism laws.
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    GH, i really don't know for sure.

    I think the term "racist" gets thrown around far too liberally nowadays. Is xenophobic not the correct term?

    Oh I don't know, anyway - don't really want to get involved and if we can keep the debate simmering without boiling over i'd appreciate it,
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    I go back to my original point, Henman doing the same would have been labelled racist immediately by the great unwashed of the Guardian reading left.
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    WSS i think your right.

    being pro one shouldnt be seen as anti other. If it is then as you say its Xenophobia.
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    edited September 2008
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]I go back to my original point, Henman doing the same would have been labelled racist immediately by the great unwashed of the Guardian reading left.

    I think you would be right that some of "them" would.

    and they would be very wrong to do so.

    However their prejudice doesn't not justify prejudice by others.

    An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind as some bloke once said.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]I go back to my original point, Henman doing the same would have been labelled racist immediately by the great unwashed of the Guardian reading left.

    I think you would be right that some of "them" would.

    and they would be very wrong to do so.

    LOL...enjoying your issue today Henry :-)
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