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Andy Murray



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    Murrays WON!!

    Well done to the BRITISH player!
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    Sensational stuff from Murray. He played fantastic and fully deservered his victory. Still don't like him though.
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    Murray wins. Don't care what others think, it's great to see a British player who's a genuine world beater.
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    yep definately British until he gets thumped by Federer, then he will be Scottish
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    Well done Murray, played a classy match. Good luck in the final.
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    Can't stand the bloke as a person, but he is undoubtedly a fantastic player. If he could get any sort of consistency he'd be up there with Nadal and Federer.

    Good luck to him - like I said, I think he's a prick, but he's twice the player Henman ever was and anyone who beats Nadal en-route to the final has done it the hard way.
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    [cite]Posted By: LoOkOuT[/cite]Well done Murray, played a classy match. Good luck in the final.

    Here here!!
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    Well done Murray. Great to see a BRITON be so effing good at a sport. He was awesome and it was a thrilling match in which he took on and deservedly beat the world No.1.

    Sad to see so many against him on here. Really sad.
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    dont care where he's from he played brilliantly , good luck murray
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    credit where credits due the boy done good -
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    [cite]Posted By: Vincenzo[/cite]Well done Murray. Great to see a BRITON be so effing good at a sport. He was awesome and it was a thrilling match in which he took on and deservedly beat the world No.1.

    Sad to see so many against him on here. Really sad.

    Try telling Murray he's BRITISH cos he doesn't think so. Thta will be a reason why a lot don't wish him well.
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    was awesome watching over the weekend. well done that lad! not sure I can stay up late tonight to watch the final!
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    i love tennis and have been glued to this game over the weekend. murray capitalised well on nadal being tired after virtually playing in every round of every competition for a year - nadal looked out well out of sorts on saturday and well done to murray for that. by all accounts that is by far the best i have seen murray play. however after learning his game as well as he has, murray now needs to learn some humility and perhaps thats something he might learn from federer or nadal because he is still a long way behind them in that respect and that is why i also think he's a c*ck.
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    hibee scumbag, hate him
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    edited September 2008
    [cite]Posted By: Ledge[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Vincenzo[/cite]Well done Murray. Great to see a BRITON be so effing good at a sport. He was awesome and it was a thrilling match in which he took on and deservedly beat the world No.1.

    Sad to see so many against him on here. Really sad.

    Try telling Murray he's BRITISH cos he doesn't think so. Thta will be a reason why a lot don't wish him well.

    Really? Who does he play in the Davis Cup for?
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    I'll always support the British player so I hope he beats Federer and becomes the first British male singles Grand Slam winner since Fred Perry back in the thirties.

    Don't like the bloke though.
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    was watching this over the weekend and would agree that nadal was off his game on saturday but less so last night. Was some great tennis from both players.

    As for all this hate rubbish. How the hell anyone can hate someone based on some stuff they have seen/heard in the media is so far beyond me it is in a different time zone. Personally he comes across as a guy who likes a laugh and realises the only way he can get through the endless round of interviews and press conferences on the pro tennis circuit is by taking the piss now and again.
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    Well maybe he does "hate" the English football team, to be honest over last few years there have been times when i guess a good many English did as well !

    he probably like alot of Jocks thought it was all jolly funny to say he supports the team England are playing against and wear that teams shirt, he as again lots of Jocks do ,gets surprised when a good many english dont see that as funny. So he back tracked.

    Untill he got to final i didnt care but in truth now i dont want the guy to win, which i find strange and somewhat sad as its no differant from those Jocks.
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    He's Scottish so at least they had something to cheer this weekend after another disaster from their football team which did put a partial smile on my face this weekend Ha Ha !
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    I didnt want him to beat Nadal but then as I was watching it i couldnt turn it off. The Americans cheering for Nadal then swayed me and i was urging Murray to go on and win to shut them up.

    He played awesome and deserved the win over the two days - I hope he beats Federer but i still have not 100% warmed to him.
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    I've got no problem with Murray. He's a young Scottish lad who doesn't like England very much...BIG DEAL?! I'm a young English lad that doesn't like Scotland very much. He's good at what he does and I hope he has a hugely succesful career starting with tonight.
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    got raped in the 1st set - 1st sign he's on getting into the 2nd set .

    federer played awesome first set
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    just lost and picked up $1 million. he very nearly smiled when they handed him the cheque.
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    lets hope a few of the england team put in at least half the effort murray has over the last few days.
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    always nice when you've had a few days off work to wake up to good news
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    Great to wake up and see he got thrashed.
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    Murray - Choked, injured or tired? Bit of all three, I reckon. Looked nervous, was holding his knee and had less than 24hours to recover from his draining match with Nadal.
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    I watched it all and he was totally outclassed beaten by the master END OF.

    No choking no inury no tiredness he said as much himself.

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    edited September 2008
    entirely agree. I am sure he was murray was tired and slightly affected by the situation but even if he wasn't i doubt it would have made much difference. Federer made so few mistakes nobody was going to beat him last night.
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    Great news this morning , come on iceland tomorrow
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