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    I went to the off-licence on my bike and bought a bottle of vodka, put it in the basket on the front. Then it occurred to me that if I fall or something happens, the bottle might break. So I drank it all right there. And it's a good thing I did because I fell 7 times on the way home.
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    Is this a library?
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    Stig said:
    Is this a library?
    No, it’s the bottom of a pair of trousers, which is a turn-up for the books
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    What's an egg's worst day of the week?

    Fry day.
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    So a rabbi, a bishop and an imam walk into a bar and ... no, c'mon guys. It's a good joke, honest. No need to look at me like that...

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    Seth’s gone quiet
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    Bloke arrives at work at 10 o´clock.

    Boss says, "You should have been here at 8!"

    Bloke says, "Why, what happened?"
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    I went to the pet shop and asked for 12 bees. The assistant counted out 13 bees and handed them over.

    “You’ve given me one too many” I said.

    “That one is a freebie”
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    Went to the worst pub in London yesterday. It was called The Fiddle….
    it really was a vile inn
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    What do you call an Indian man who is locked out of his house?

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    I think Rachel should call the police, what with Tracey taking four without asking, which I believe is called theft, and Tracey should end up with community service or perhaps a fine. Maybe even a suspended sentence if she's got 'previous'.

    Which 'she' is the question actually referring to?

    What 'remaining quarter'?  There's a remaining three-quarters.

    With such a badly wording question, the marker should be happy with whatever sensible answer they get.

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    A Japanese man walks into a currency exchange in America with ¥2,000 and walks out with $72.  The next week he walks in with ¥2,000 but only gets $66.  He asks the lady why he got less money this week than last week.

    The lady says “Fluctuations”.

    The man replies, “Fluck you crazy Amelicans too”
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    My neighbour is pregnant with a boy who she wants to call Lance. I commented that was an unusual name.
    But apparently, in medieval days people were called Lance a lot.
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