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Rumours Rumours



  • Watford have signed five more Udinese players on loan.

    (A total of 10 loanees from Udinese this summer)

    That's just so so silly, would seriously hate it if it happened to charlton.
  • Surely there's a limit to the number of loanees each club can sign?
  • Watford have signed five more Udinese players on loan.

    (A total of 10 loanees from Udinese this summer)

    They should change thier name to Londinese :o)
  • We have more players than we did at the start we have fuller to look forward to

    Solly is still here I am well happy we got through with that squad from last season in tact

    Hamer is on fire so far so one position some were worried about is sorted and we seem to have picked up a quality 2nd choice according to my spurs mates

    We are playing wise in a good position it looks like we can't be in the shit financially

    Very good transfer window to me

    Sensible post that I fully agree with. Would have loved a couple of marque signings to help us push on but I'm happy to have last season's extraordinary team intact and feel comfortable that we'll be okay this season, maybe even push for the playoffs if Fuller and Kerkar add a bit of X factor from the bench. Dervite may yet improve an already sturdy defence too by adding a bit of pace an culture on the ball.

    Only thing I'd would have liked to see is an improvement in our options on the wide right, but loans a free agents remain options. I'm interested by the idea NRC may still sign although our interest could well cool, if it ever existed, now Stephens is staying.

    Considering received wisdom a month ago was we'd be in administration by now, I'm happy with where we're at.
  • At least we can stop having these stupid "oh no solly is leaving" threads and get on with the season
  • Heard that Solly will be off first day in January to WHU, !
  • I heard it was the 2nd after the Watford game
  • Kane is off to norwich onloan
  • There are some really good CM's currently free agents - including NRC, Sean Davis, Akos Buzsaky, Boupa Diop, Ferrie Bodde, Hargreaves. Bodde has had some terrible injury problems but was a class player a couple of years back. I think I would have Sean Davis though, decent player.
  • ch

    Considering received wisdom a month ago was we'd be in administration by now

    Really ?? Source/Quote

    I'd got the vibe that there was a lack of cash so to speak but not impending administration

    Very happy to have kept this squad tho
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  • edited September 2012
    Talk was, oohaah, that our cash flow problems were so severe we might not be able to fulfill our opening fixtures. Please don't make me wade through the Peter Varney and Steve Kavanagh threads to find the 'in the know' quotes.
  • How do we know Stephens is unhappy? I wouldn't have minded him going, as he's a bit lightweight, but we would have needed a replacement as central midfield is already the area that probably needs the most attention.

    The important thing was not losing anyone. We have got through the Summer and kept Solly, Wiggins, Morrison, Kermorgant etc. It would have been good if we could have added a player, especially a Dean Hammond on loan like Brighton did, and I'd have wanted him even with Stephens staying, as he's just what we need, an experienced, combative Championship central midfielder.

    Conor Henderson
    Nigel Reo Coker
    Martyn Waghorn


    John Sullivan
    Leon Clarke
    Yado Mambo
    Michael Smith
    Danny Green
  • Obviously reo coker not on loan...
  • Understand Exiled , reading that thread once was hard enough but I'm glad when I did read it I didn't take what you saw out of it , just some punters who are more upbeat than I ever am sounding a word of caution about behind the scenes activity

    And the "departures" of Varney and Kavanagh and lack of acknowledgment for their services from the official club sources is the bit that doesn't sit pretty with me .....

    Anyway back to the rumours if Nigel Reo Coker signs I'll eat my chocolate socks !
  • Mmm chocolate socks.
  • Understand Exiled , reading that thread once was hard enough but I'm glad when I did read it I didn't take what you saw out of it , just some punters who are more upbeat than I ever am sounding a word of caution about behind the scenes activity

    And the "departures" of Varney and Kavanagh and lack of acknowledgment for their services from the official club sources is the bit that doesn't sit pretty with me .....

    Anyway back to the rumours if Nigel Reo Coker signs I'll eat my chocolate socks !

    An improvement on the last thing you committed yourself to eat.....
  • Well, after a frantic day's innuendo , gossip and ........ Nothing happening ( for us ) save for keeping our squad together, i am very pleased to say and reassured by the fact that the bookmakers on odds checker apparently still have Crystal Palace down as dead certs for relegation .it's a beautiful day and let's hope that continues for the lads up at Forest today ! COYR
  • Splodge said:

    How do we know Stephens is unhappy? I wouldn't have minded him going, as he's a bit lightweight, but we would have needed a replacement as central midfield is already the area that probably needs the most attention.

    The important thing was not losing anyone. We have got through the Summer and kept Solly, Wiggins, Morrison, Kermorgant etc. It would have been good if we could have added a player, especially a Dean Hammond on loan like Brighton did, and I'd have wanted him even with Stephens staying, as he's just what we need, an experienced, combative Championship central midfielder.

    How do we know Stephens is unhappy? Because now we haven't sold Solly we need something else to panic about
  • So after all that Charlton split up those footballing twins: Nobody left the club and Nobody was signed on a free transfer.
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  • Oggy Red said:

    Surely there's a limit to the number of loanees each club can sign?

    I believe you can sign as many as you like but can only have 5 in the match squad.
  • Vinnie V. said:

    Oggy Red said:

    Surely there's a limit to the number of loanees each club can sign?

    I think that only applies to loans from fellow English clubs ,I remember Blackpool playing once with 6 loanees because Alan Gow did not count because he was from Glasgow Rangers , so I think the ten Udinese players could all play PLUS another five players from English clubs .With fair play regs it seems unfair to me.
  • Whatever is going on behind the scenes, lots of credit to the Board for standing firm and keeping this current crop together. Cashing in on one or two in today's current climate for most clubs would have been understandable, so Champion winning squad plus the 6 new signings is commendable, particularly Fuller's signing. COYRs!
  • edited September 2012
    Now can the Mods change the title to include the words "Closed - Thank fook for that!" ?
  • Can we start a new thread called "Total bollox", so it won't be confused with any actual rumours?
  • Watford have signed five more Udinese players on loan.

    (A total of 10 loanees from Udinese this summer)

    Could have been us?
  • in terms of numbers and the positions recruited I'm happy this window ,but I am not sure yet whether the quality is what we need . For example I would have loved Quinn even it had meant sacrificing Stephens .

    Last summer the signing that most excited me was Alonso and we all now know what happened with him .

  • edited September 2012
    Oggy Red said:

    Surely there's a limit to the number of loanees each club can sign?

    Don't take it as gospel, but my understanding is you can loan as many as you want. However, a maximum of 5 loanees can feature in a matchday squad.

    *Edit* Just seen Vinny V beat me to this..................
  • Well on Football Manager you can sign 4 Under 21's and 4 over 21's - Not certain though
  • What happened with Rio Coker did he sign for anyone?
This discussion has been closed.

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