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Question Time.

Any reason that no-one has commented on this ?

Personally, although I can't stand the odious griffin, I fully believe he should be able to appear on the show, if only to show what a complete cock he is. I also believe that if things aren't "going his way" that suddenly "someone" in the audience will start to play up.
By stopping him going on the show would (1) Give into him and (2) be like him and his cronies: inflicting his word on others.


  • when is it?
  • Being "Taped" now:
    On at 10=35 BBC1.
  • I read about that a while ago, had totally skipped my mind. lets hope the scum gets tied up in knots
  • I was going to comment on this the other day but people on this site seem rather sensitive to political opinions so thought better of it
  • And your view is.............?
  • edited 2009 22
    Glad someone brought this up and i hope it doesnt turn into a heated row that gets sunk.

    Watched it unfolding for a couple of hours this evening and i was suprised to see that once again the crowd is predominantly white, studenty fact saw maybe 3 non white people in the two hours i saw and they were walking away from the action. Was this the way that the cameras portrayed it or just what I saw im not sure but it led me to think that it was a case of white middle class guilt/ wanting to prove how liberal and right on they were etc. I wonder if Abu Hamza and people of that ilk were granted an appearence on QT wheter those same individuals would be there in such strong protest at an equally vile form of facism...I think not and that the demographic would be very different.

    I dont like the racial element associated with the BNP and think they almost certainly are the foundations of that party but at the same time this is a democracy. They have been elected by people who have felt the need to vote because they are so disillusioned with the current regime or what the indistinguishable alternatives are, or maybe they are just racists who want to send all the blacks "home". Whilst i dont agree with them to, suppress their voice is undemocratic and what makes it worse is the pious preaching from the three main parties lecturing us cabout moral judegement regarding the BNP when the expenses scandals they are all implicit to have shown how morally bankrupt they are themselves,

    Those idiots outside the BBC playing to every stereotype we have seen in the G20 protest, climate camps and every thing that goes off have completely missed the point.

    Anyone who is against the BNP should want them on Question Time to be questioned and ultimately show their true colours.

    To ban them will be a missed opportunity to highlight the wrongs of facism and to merely silence them because you dont agree with them is surely a dangrerous form of facism in itself.
  • other than the comments on the make up of the protesters agree with Rodney totally.

    Let the BNP show themselves up for the vile, policy lite racists they are. One of the painful but necessary parts of democracy is having to listen to people like this but that is the price you pay.

    Not going to watch it but I never do watch question time these days.
  • Agree with you Rodney, democracy's should be as open as possible, and i really hope (and believe) that the BNP will be completely shown up tonight. However, i think that the demographic of the crowd has little to do with opinions against his appearance. White, young and liberal are the most likely to demonstrate in any situation, hence that majority outside the BBC.

    as Voltaire said 300 years ago, "I disagree with what you say, but I shall fight to the death for your right to say it"
  • Henry, please don't steal my comments as i'm proof-reading them.
  • edited 2009 22
    Henry/ Olster i emphasise i was possibly automatically stereotyping the crowd and agreeably i did see one guy interviewed who didnt fit that bill by any means but he appeared (albeit in the media coverage that was shown) to be in a minority.

    The claims I heard some of them saying that they were standing up like the east enders did to the mossley and the black shirts and when one girl was hurling abuse at the BBC security (one of them a bemused looking black guy in the vicinity) hauling her out of the television centre whilst she yelled "This is how the Nazis got in" etc is hard to swallow as it is a very different time and a very different situation.

    As Henry says "Let the BNP show themselves up for the vile, policy lite racists they are. One of the painful but necessary parts of democracy is having to listen to people like this but that is the price you pay." Spot on although id say it would be more embarrassing than painful and would enjoy seeing them shown up and lose a good few votes when many of the people they have duped realise theyve been conned.

    Danger after todays hoo ra and calls for him to be silenced and not appear is people who are disallusioned with politics and life in this country nowdays will see Griffin as the victim struggling to be heard and can probably emphasise with that more than some polished career politician talking in spin and fiddling their expenses which is the usual make up of a question time panel.
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  • I'm in the Voltaire camp. Odious man though he is, if he and his party have won seats legitimately in an major election and are not a banned organisation, then I think the BBC is right to allow him on QT so that his views can be subjected to debate. Bring it on I say.
  • Hitlerlite is vile but banning him would only make him a martyr (?spelling).

    Give him enough rope and hopefully he will hang himself.

    My view is that it is a sad indictment of politics in this country that people feel disenfranchised or desperate enough to vote for him and his ilk.
  • Griffin has got more publicity from the protests against giving him the publicity than he would have got if they had left it well alone. I am with Voltaire on this, as long as what is said is legal.
  • This Voltaire guy...German fella who played for Fulham and writes a blog?

  • I didnt wanna comment on this cos my knowledge of politics is shite, but i just thought id ask what is probably a naive question. If one of the other mainstream parties had similar policies as the BNP then would there be such an uproar? I know the leaders of the BNP are racist scumbags but their voters may not be.(if that makes sense). Like i say, im crap with politics as it winds me up, MP's only in it for themselves, so dont shout at me :-)
  • the fascists from Mosley via Tyndell with the NF and now Griffin have always tried to portray themselves as victims and the only true voice of the disillusioned.

    It works for a while until people actually start asking what these people stand FOR rather than against and when the other parties sort themselves out and realise they have to address the issues of the disillusioned.

    Mosley failed and was run off the streets in the 30s despite a depression far worse than today.

    The NF failed in the 70s and got a good kicking on the streets despite mass unemployment.

    The BNP will fail as well because essentially most people in this country aren't petty minded racists. They may not like govt policies and want to stop or limit immigration but when it comes to throwing bricks through the window of the nice Asian family down the road or sending the black guy they work with or play football with "back to where he belongs" they quite rightly are appalled
  • [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]I didnt wanna comment on this cos my knowledge of politics is shite, but i just thought id ask what is probably a naive question. If one of the other mainstream parties had similar policies as the BNP then would there be such an uproar? I know the leaders of the BNP are racist scumbags but their voters may not be.(if that makes sense). Like i say, im crap with politics as it winds me up, MP's only in it for themselves, so dont shout at me :-)

    UKIP have similarly strong empahasis on their policies regarding immigration and crime as i see it and claim not to be racist.
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]

    My view is that it is a sad indictment of politics in this country that people feel disenfranchised or desperate enough to vote for him and his ilk.

    Very true. The BNP are just exploiting the gaps left by the main parties and in particular the Labour Party who couldn't be more middle class if they tried.
    [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]I didnt wanna comment on this cos my knowledge of politics is shite, but i just thought id ask what is probably a naive question. If one of the other mainstream parties had similar policies as the BNP then would there be such an uproar? I know the leaders of the BNP are racist scumbags but their voters may not be.(if that makes sense). Like i say, im crap with politics as it winds me up, MP's only in it for themselves, so dont shout at me :-)

    None of the main parties would refuse to have non-white members as the BNP do.
  • Apparently it is worth watching as, thankfully, Griffin gets a pasting.

    I too agree with Rodney. It's the price we pay for democracy I'm afraid.
  • Totally agree Len.
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  • [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]I didnt wanna comment on this cos my knowledge of politics is shite, but i just thought id ask what is probably a naive question. If one of the other mainstream parties had similar policies as the BNP then would there be such an uproar? I know the leaders of the BNP are racist scumbags but their voters may not be.(if that makes sense). Like i say, im crap with politics as it winds me up, MP's only in it for themselves, so dont shout at me :-)

    You've answered your own question by use of the phrase "racist scumbags."

    Immigration is a legitimate subject for political debate in that Britain's population per square mile is greater than any other EU country bar Holland I believe. It is also legitimate for a country to choose who is admitted in the way Australia and the USA do.

    However whilst paying lip service to those valid points the real agenda is white supremacy like one A Hitler 70 years ago.
  • [cite]Posted By: RodneyCharltonTrotta[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]I didnt wanna comment on this cos my knowledge of politics is shite, but i just thought id ask what is probably a naive question. If one of the other mainstream parties had similar policies as the BNP then would there be such an uproar? I know the leaders of the BNP are racist scumbags but their voters may not be.(if that makes sense). Like i say, im crap with politics as it winds me up, MP's only in it for themselves, so dont shout at me :-)

    UKIP have similarly strong empahasis on their policies regarding immigration and crime as i see it and claim not to be racist.

    The UKIP constitution expressly states that anybody considered racist will face expulsion from the party.

    Very different to Griffin's lot!
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]the fascists from Mosley via Tyndell with the NF and now Griffin have always tried to portray themselves as victims and the only true voice of the disillusioned.

    Precisely. Give them the platform to speak freely to the millions of people in this country and they will be their own undoing.

    There is nothing to fear by letting them on QT as they can be deconstructed and be made transparent a lot easier on a show like this than by suppressing them.

    I would go as far to have Islamic fundamentalists have their say on there and deconstruct their arguments, opinions and warped beliefs publicly and hopefully avert the brainwashing that goes on when it is pushed underground.
  • Griffin is no idiot, he knows exactly what he's doing. The refusal to debate with him has, IMO been wrong. His arguments and reasoning, however repellent needed to have been exposed and subjected to scrutiny a long time ago. I just hope that the panel and audience give a good account of themselves. Politicians have stood resolutely behind their 'no platform for fascists' position and they've ducked the issues. I'm glad it's going ahead, and they don't come much more anti-fascist than me.
  • edited 2009 22
    [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/citeIf one of the other mainstream parties had similar policies as the BNP then would there be such an uproar? I know the leaders of the BNP are racist

    Then they wouldn't be a mainstream party.

    Unfortunately, as others have said, the price of a democracy is that we have to allow others the right to express their opinion no matter how odious we may find it or whether they are on the right or left (in a non violent, legal way). Lets face it too, QT has had some pretty unpleasant views expressed on it about Western, secular society over the last decade so it would be wrong to deny this idiot the same opportunity, just because we happen to disagree with him.
  • [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Apparently it is worth watching as, thankfully, Griffin gets a pasting.

    I too agree with Rodney. It's the price we pay for democracy I'm afraid.

    I should hope so or that really will be a sad indictment of our politics.
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: RodneyCharltonTrotta[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]I didnt wanna comment on this cos my knowledge of politics is shite, but i just thought id ask what is probably a naive question. If one of the other mainstream parties had similar policies as the BNP then would there be such an uproar? I know the leaders of the BNP are racist scumbags but their voters may not be.(if that makes sense). Like i say, im crap with politics as it winds me up, MP's only in it for themselves, so dont shout at me :-)

    UKIP have similarly strong empahasis on their policies regarding immigration and crime as i see it and claim not to be racist.

    The UKIP constitution expressly states that anybody considered racist will face expulsion from the party.

    Very different to Griffin's lot!

    I wrote the above wrong...I meant to impy that they (UKIP) are not racist but ive just re read my post and it looks like im being sarcy!
  • [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Apparently it is worth watching as, thankfully, Griffin gets a pasting.

    I too agree with Rodney. It's the price we pay for democracy I'm afraid.

    Hopefully by words only...............
    How d'you know BDL......inside info ?
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Apparently it is worth watching as, thankfully, Griffin gets a pasting.

    I too agree with Rodney. It's the price we pay for democracy I'm afraid.

    I should hope so or that really will be a sad indictment of our politics.

    The tosser will just turn round and say the audience were Labour- sponsored plants if he comes out looking a mug. Whether or not that is true im sure the majority of QT viewers have got enough intelligence or independence of thought to see what they see and make up their own minds.

    I dont need any politician to tell me what i should be allowed to hear or not hear in case i turn into a nazi.

    Peter Hain saying they shouldnt be on is like saying "No Rodney you cant listen to the nasty man because hell hypnotize you and at 11.25pm youll be goose stepping down beckenham high street " and is similar to other cultures/ideologies censoring and silencing of their media for fear of moral corruption.

    Most of us arent the fucking sheep these mainstream politicians appear to think we are.
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