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Question Time.



  • edited 2009 23
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]We are told we are all in Europe , yet the French cap utility charges to less then 10% and EDF is majority owned by the French Gov but can charge us what they like ! The Italians put in laws ages back to protect their own workforce-- why havnt we done this ? arnt we part of the same EU ?

    HM Gov took us into 2 wars with the lie its to protect the UK ? yet they ignore British islamic fundematalim in our own cities which has a real threat not like the BNP which arnt any sort of threat.
    Never thought I would agree with you politically Goonerhater but you're spot on here.
  • Henry was reading a book on pirates the other day and it had a section on sea shanties . How they were there to time pulling up sails etc. On slave traders often the slaves had to help rig the ship and they where taught to sing in time to the task ----- this book said it was origin of BLUES music ! Now have to say it made sense but cant say i have ever herd that before.
  • if there is so much requirement for foreign labour why did we still have so many unemployed during the boom, perhaps that is the problem we need to address?
  • I also vote bnp but i love rufus and powell , cafc legends.
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]if there is so much requirement for foreign labour why did we still have so many unemployed during the boom, perhaps that is the problem we need to address?

    Theres always going to be people who are "better off" not working and claiming their "dole Money" (or whatever its called this month....)
  • Thats exactly it MOG - its the people (both immigants and non-immigrants) who are illegally sponging off of the benefits system the UK has. Don't get me wrong - it is invaluable for many people but it is being taken advantage of and I believe it could be very much at the root of the problems.

    The system is fundamentally flawed.
  • edited 2009 23
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Henry was reading a book on pirates the other day and it had a section on sea shanties . How they were there to time pulling up sails etc. On slave traders often the slaves had to help rig the ship and they where taught to sing in time to the task
    this book said it was origin of BLUES music ! Now have to say it made sense but cant say i have ever herd that before.

    Sounds a bit far fetched but no doubt that black slaves combined African music with English and scottish folk music to create blues and in New Orleans (where the French allowed slaves to own musical instruments) your favourite art form jazz.

    There was a programme on the Blues a few years back that showed a Scottish church where they were singing call and response with no instruments and it sounded like a version of the blues.

    And there is another version of the story that Morrismen, who is some places today black up, actually comes from Moors Men or black Africans (Moors) who were travelling musicians in the middle ages.

    All this talk of purity and indigenous is just rubbish. What we eat, wear, watch and listen to is a hy-bred of generations of influences and that's what makes this country so great.
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]if there is so much requirement for foreign labour why did we still have so many unemployed during the boom, perhaps that is the problem we need to address?

    Theres always going to be people who are "better off" not working and claiming their "dole Money" (or whatever its called this month....)
    Yeah, and that's something which I've heard the politician's talk very little about. I think labour claimed they were going to cut benefits of people who were able to work but hadn't been able to get a job for over a year or so. It's quite a tricky thing to monitor but that's not an excuse to ignore it.
  • MOG we know under EU law if peeps from the EU countries want to come an work (or not) here they can, why tho is the biggest population of Somalis outside Somalia in Woolwich ? why is part of Thamesmead called little Lagos and why did we let in 60,000 people from Pakistan in 9 months ? Why if the hundreds waiting to bunk into the UK in France are REAL asylum seakers havnt they claimed asylum in France of anyother EU country ?

    Labout has ignored the problem-- siad it didnt exist. The Tories will do nothing as its an endless supply of cheap labour. Wasnt it Marx that said "capitalist production only exists on an endless supply of cheap labour ---".
  • edited 2009 23
    When you want to disguise the racist message, you talk of supporting the indigenous population. You try to pretend that we have a british monoculture which is threatend by alien cultures. When ever have we had a monoculture in this county? Is the cultural heritage of say the Scottish clans the same culture as those of deepest Norfolk? Is the culture of Geordie land, identical to that of people like me who come originally from Ashford in Kent?

    There has always been diversity of culture and religion in this country. Don't be fooled by the soft rhetoric of. Herr Griffin. Once a fascist always a fascist.
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  • I think the slave instruments only had 5 notes (the Pentatonic scale), which incidental are the black notes on a keyboard. I've also heard that the Blues was invented around that time.
  • Super stuff Bing, bang on the button
  • edited 2009 23
    MOG/P....who is it that you've had the most trouble with over the years?....I remember you getting mugged on your way home a while back(a really nasty cowardly thing on your own manor)....then crossing the road in Sydenham quite recently the two women and then the guy upstairs from you who threatened to stab amaze me must be very forgiving or thick skinned!
  • Page 3 m8 , reading all this on my mobile , takes me ages 2 type anythink but agree with what u said
  • I also have voted BNP and dont agree with a few things they stand for but just like i hate labour i thought Tony Blair was right to go to war even though the BNP opposed it.

    To the question raised earlier about the indigenous question, like DFT said I think we all know that.

    And by the way what is wrong in wanting someone to stand up for white people in this country? why is it that white are not allowed a voice? Its been said before, black history month, diwali(not spelt correctly) and all things like this are allowed to be celebrated when we are tld stories of christmas celebrations, st georges day ect around parts of the country are not to be celebrated as not to offend people? FFS cant you see why people turn to the BNP, so they have someone to stand up for them.

    Also re the Jews killed in the word war, does anyone really know the true amount of people killed? it could be 1 million, not 6 million or it could be 10 million if the Germans covered their tracks. Just like the Iraq war, will we ever know the tru figures of civillians that have been killed? Whatever happen in WW2 the total death of the jews was huge just as the death of our troops.
    Any way Im off to work.
    edited 2009 23
    [cite]Posted By: SE9[/cite]To the question raised earlier about the indigenous question, like DFT said I think we all know that.
    No we don't because it is impossible to answer in my opinion as you do not know where to draw the (time) line. Do you not celebrate christmas any more then? because for the last 5 years I have gone to watch the Regents Street lights being turned on as well as ventured to Somerset House for some ice skating.

    I've also celebrated St George's day and enjoyed the bunting being hung in Dartford and enjoying pints with very "Pro-England" messages in Clinton's and other card shops.

    As for the rest of your points, I don't want to get into it at all - mainly because you are off to work and can't defend yourself.
  • Rothco --- Bing etc where and who do people like me turn to then ? cant be BNP for me as the mrs can chop about 6KG of chicken into bits in 10 seconds ! cant be Labour as they are TRAITORS to the the people of England and (IMO) the worst thing since the Norman conquest. Cant be Tories -- i just couldnt. There is the English Democrats Party but that is helping move towards the break up of the UK something which i find awful.

    The saddest thing of all the English will have lost their own culture before they really knew what it was.
    edited 2009 23
    Thats the problem GH - there seems nowhere to turn to. I very much feel like you (in a strange kind of way and I never thought I'd say that!) that there is no real party that I can really relate to and I refuse to give my support to someone if I don't fully believe in them.
  • but we are allowed and do celebrate Christmas. No one stops anyone celebrating it. It happens every year and lasts about 6 months. Yes, there is divali but there is also Bonfire night. Why not enjoy both? You can if you want.

    In what way are white people not allowed a voice? You seem able to talk out on here.

    The leaders of the three main parties are all white as is most of the House of Commons, most of the major business people, journalists and writers. They might not all share you politics but they are white and they can speak.

    I'm white and I've never felt that I wasn't allowed a voice because of it.
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  • [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]Tut tut tut, Henry. I saw the Celtic warrior joke before you editted it :-) Made me laugh, but it's a miracle this thread has stayed civil so far, so probably wasn't a good idea.

    You're right about my point about indiginous British people. Britain's been invaded so many times, that if there are any people who could trace their genes solely back to theoriginalinhabitants of this island, they are going to be horribly interbred.

    God this thread is depressing.

    Griffin uses Indigenous when what he wants to say is white but they are not the same thing at all (not that is really matters to me but it obviously does to him.)
  • they are against travel - carbon footprint - so there you go..
  • SE9 - i appreciate those sentiments, but i have had this conversation with plenty of non-whites and they all agree aswell. The black and asian communities in this country largely are NOT the ones kicking up a fuss about pride in British culture, its overly soft liberals who cant seperate pride from bigotry. But voting for the BNP isnt going to hurt those people, its going to hurt the immigrants who mostly dont care if we celebrate christmas or st.georges day and would happily let you do so.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Rothco --- Bing etc where and who do people like me turn to then ? cant be BNP for me as the mrs can chop about 6KG of chicken into bits in 10 seconds ! cant be Labour as they are TRAITORS to the the people of England and (IMO) the worst thing since the Norman conquest. Cant be Tories -- i just couldnt. There is the English Democrats Party but that is helping move towards the break up of the UK something which i find awful.

    The saddest thing of all the English will have lost their own culture before they really knew what it was.

  • edited 2009 23
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Rothco --- Bing etc where and who do people like me turn to then ? cant be BNP for me as the mrs can chop about 6KG of chicken into bits in 10 seconds ! cant be Labour as they are TRAITORS to the the people of England and (IMO) the worst thing since the Norman conquest. Cant be Tories -- i just couldnt. There is the English Democrats Party but that is helping move towards the break up of the UK something which i find awful.

    The saddest thing of all the English will have lost their own culture before they really knew what it was.

    EXACTLY WHERE I Am at who the fudge do i vote for when there is no one

    this country needs to change and the stuffy bstds at the top need to look to joe public and offer them a solution or racist scumbags and useless looney paties are going to get votes, is it now the time for more local representation
  • Thing is Bing, for the most part the programme and most of those involved played slap bang into his hands by trying to resort to point scoring rather than allowing Griffin to hoist himself. In doing so most, IMO, managed to score points against themselves and completely failed to take the opportunity to damage the BNP or allow the BNP to damage itself.
  • [cite]Posted By: FTP[/cite]Does any country have truely indigenous people if we are talking genetically? Doubt it.

    We are talking about people who are proud to be British or English, would fight for the country (hopefully in a war not related to oil or US interference). People that don't despise the people that represent the majority of the population, and certainly people that wont plan to attack people on their way to work in the morning with suicide bombs.

    We have and still are a fairly tollerent population but surely allowing radical islamists to freely operate and preach in this country words that would be considered treason amongst Christians is just plain stupid

    I mostly agree with all of that.

    It's just that I think that most Black, Asian and so called "non-indigenous" people would too.
  • sold a good number of "proud to be anglo saxon " (showing the anglo saxon flag of the white dragon) badges last Saturday £3 each with 50p going to the Steadfast trust which campagns for an English culure/knowledge/comunity none of exists as such as yet. Also had a good few lapel badges of the St Georfe cross and the anglo saxon flag of the white dragon. The Anglo saxon badges sold out. One young lad asked his dad to buy him one, i had to say i would not wear it to school they might see it as racist--- which is pretty sad really. Almost as sad as Gordon Brown having the G20 here but being the only MP not to wear a lapel badge showing his country.
  • [cite]Posted By: Mortimerician[/cite]Thing is Bing, for the most part the programme and most of those involved played slap bang into his hands by trying to resort to point scoring rather than allowing Griffin to hoist himself. In doing so most, IMO, managed to score points against themselves and completely failed to take the opportunity to damage the BNP or allow the BNP to damage itself.

    showed all parties up to be weak the only people with any credit was the organisors of the show for having the balls to put nick griffin on there. shame they made the show so cowardly

    those absolute idiots outside the bbc playing into the hands of the bnp and shouting shame on you bbc are the same folk that bang on about civil rights in china yet want to silence a view point n england because it differs from theirs

    hypocricy is rife in this country from politics, the great unwashed and the beeb
  • edited 2009 23
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]MOG/P....who is it that you've had the most trouble with over the years?....I remember you getting mugged on your way home a while back(a really nasty cowardly thing on your own manor)....then crossing the road in Sydenham quite recently the two women and then the guy upstairs from you who threatened to stab amaze me must be very forgiving or thick skinned!

    Believe me, I haven't got "Thick Skin" (I've got the scars to prove it !! ;-)).
    I was mugged awhile back: walking home from the pub and knocked unconcious from behind. Didn't see the Attackers. Police "assumed" they were Black because it was near the Hazel Grove estate.........
    Had trouble with a black woman whos car rolled back slightly and hit me on the leg whilst crossing the road because she was on the phone.........Ofcourse, I've never seen any White people on the phone in their cars have I ?
    I take Every person I meet as an individual, and look beyond their skin colour.
    You never had aggro with White people SoundAs ?

    Edit: And Yes, I wear a Poppy and St.George Cross badges & celebrate St.Georges Day. Never had a problem with anyone about that.

    Edit:Edit: ..........The Charlton Family.......... ;-)
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