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Question Time.



  • this would be the 6,000 i mentioned on here a few weeks ago but certain people hadnt herd that figure !

    Didnt watch it---the BBC where right to invite an MEP to be on the show----where they right to load the questions ?maybe they thought it would stop the foaming at the mouth of the defenders of democracy that want an elected MEP/party banned.

    As someone in a mixed marriage of 16 years i dont feel threatened by the far right as Cardinal said they dont have any MPs etc. I do feel threatened by this Labour gov who in 12 years have destroyed the country i love. THis from a former member of the Labour party and a former shop steward. The problem for people like me who admit i loath this Government is who to vote for ? the Tories who sold everything to the global market ? cant do it, or this rabble that have treated the people of ENGLAND with utter contempt ?
  • I thought it was bad publicity for Griffin and the BNP, thankfully, as it showed him and them up for what he is and what he stands for. I think a couple of audiaence members were right when they said that some BNP voters in recent elections were fed-up and felt let down by the other parties so voted BNP. Those people may now think and realise what they really voted for.

    I also thought that Jack Straw came across badly with respect to immigration. When Asian and Black members of the audience are saying they are concerned about immigration shouldn't he actually realise that it isn't about racism it's about this country becoming overcrowded and unable to cope both financially and socially. That is a salient point he seemed unable to grasp.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite] The problem for people like me who admit i loath this Government is who to vote for ?
    And here in lies the problem. I have, as I said, no real political allegiance - i've always had a pretty open mind and am willing to hear what people say. I am not going to vote blindly out of loyalty or anything like that.

    I have no affinity to any party at all and it is possible that I may not vote. I know people say "if you don't vote then you can't moan" etc and thats fair enough but I just don't want to give my support to a party for the sake of it - I think that is just as much as a waste as not voting at all.
  • edited October 2009
    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    Should have had the Baroness, Jack Straw, Dimbleby and Griffin and dropped the other 2. The panel and audience were as far as I could tell 100% against Griffin, and he was only given equal speaking time as the other guests (apart from the fella on the left who only spoke twice) it should have been more discussion of issues and less comments and statements from the audience. it was a bizarre hour of television though.

    I actually thought the other two were crucial to the show, Bonnie Greer stood out as the independent on the panel and was eloquent, and Chris Huhne did a good job in offering a full and balanced panel and during the show the only one who laid out a policy. Although I thought that Baroness Warsi's comments were smart , I sort of felt that putting her on the show as a muslim woman and an unelected peer was tokenism by the Conservatives, although saying that I think she is the Tory shadow for community cohesion or something like that. (usually they only have one unelected member on the panel, or a member of the Lords with Commons experience)

    There were a few BNP supporters in the crowd from what I could see, a couple of questions too, one which got completely batted down though and to be honest if the BNP want to be represented, a couple of BNP people in a crowd of about 120 is giving them a more than generous proportional representation (sic).

    One thing that I agree with was raised by Diane Abbot in 'this week' following the programme, it was obviously a particularly london-centric and indeed west end audience, I wonder what the audience balance would have been like in Oldham or Burnley.
  • G/H:
    Agreed: The reason people vote for these people IS because the MainStream parties have all forgotten about the people who voted for them in the first place.
    I was a Member of the "Labour" Party for 20 Years until they became "New Labour", and I left (no pun intended) them then because they started making up their own Rules, and because when I was having a Major Neighbourly depute I went to see my "New Labour" MP (Jim Dowd) and he actually said to me that he couldn't help as he "Worked for Lewisham Council". In the end I was arrested for "Racial Aggrevasion"(sp ?), couldn't go to my property for 6 months without the OB being present, and had a Court hearing at Bellmarsh: I was told I was looking at 6 months if found Guilty. After a day and a half in court the judge decided that there was a "Neighbourly Dispute" but Had Nothing to do with Racism. Even though I lost my Flat, Marriage,paid Rent to the Council even though I couldn't live there and "My Sanity" I still had to leave my Ground Floor 2 Bedroom Flat to move into a 1 Bed 1st floor flat after "veiled" threats by Lewisham Council that they would "persue (my) neighbours complaints". All this time "New Labour" MP Jim Dowd said "(he) couldn't help........."
    Sorry....Rant Over.....Have to go and take my happy pills...........
  • Agree with Rodney.

    Allowing Griffin more time to speak would have given him more rope to hang himself (that is a metaphor not a suggestion that he should be hanged BTW).

    Some people will vote BNP because they (the voter) are racist, others will see them as the only alternative to the main parties and in particular labour. That is the fault of the Labour party but that doesn't make the BNP in any way a realistic alternative.

    Griffins speech alongside the KKK leader mentioned last night.
  • I don't like animal cruelty; and as a result I don't go to bull fights but I appreciate that others do and I leave them to their own conscience

    I don't support Millwall; so I don't go and watch them play but a couple of thousand people do and that is fine

    I don't vote for the Green Party; but some choose to and good on them

    I don't blow up planes or protest in front of returning troops; but others think that's acceptable

    Surely the whole point of democracy is to allow for individual choice within the prevalent domestic legal system. The public vote next year will answer everyone's questions on public opinion re the various political parties.

    Anyone got any post lately ? Question Time failed to enter the debate over the Royal Mail debarcle which affects far more people on a daily basis than the BNP do. I wouldn't mind securing my salary and employment status right now either, but during the worst recession in 40+ years that isn't commercially viable.
  • edited October 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Agree with Rodney.

    Allowing Griffin more time to speak would have given him more rope to hang himself (that is a metaphor not a suggestion that he should be hanged BTW).

    Some people will vote BNP because they (the voter) are racist, others will see them as the only alternative to the main parties and in particular labour. That is the fault of the Labour party but that doesn't make the BNP in any way a realistic alternative.
    Griffins speech alongside the KKK leader mentioned last night.

    Henners why do you say in particular Labour, because they are the government?, personally I would say there has been a more significant faction at the further right of the Conservative party who have been deserted by the Conservatives slight lurch to the left (had trouble writing that as didnt want to write 'far right' or 'extreme'!) which has played into the hands of the BNP.
  • [cite]Posted By: Dick Griffin[/cite]
    With his pointy hat on
  • Because far right groups have traditionally picked up votes and/or members from the right wing of the tory party or in traditionally working class labour constituencies.

    Hence the relative strength (and it is still very small) of the BNP in places such as Burnley and Barking and Dagenham.

    Labour will get spanked in the General election but the people picking up their votes will be the Liberals and the Tories not the BNP. People will vote for whoever can beat Labour in their area and that won't be the BNP.
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  • MOG sorry to hear that mate, can understand how it must have made you almost go nuts---------isnt it a clue to whats wrong with Labours attitude to race tho ? If your white you cant be right ? there was yonks back a member of the dreaded lambeth labour coucil who was the real black/lesbian far left who famously said"only white people can be racists" she lives in France now i believe.

    In a thread above said it was Trevor Phillips who said he was worried about what would happen to the "white underclass" who had no one to turn to-- actually he took that almost word for word from rev Jessie Jackson. As for Mr Phillips who took the BNP to court for barring entry to none whites will he and his massive quango do the same for The Black Lawyers Asso` or The Black Police Fed` ? dont see that happening anytime soon.

    I have thought for sometime that maybe Labour with it roots(along time ago) in standing up for the lower classes etc sees the minorties and their main group to "help" if your not from a minority then tough shit you must be doing ok ? They blame the hwite underclass for being lazy -- violent--uneducated etc etc but would never dream of saying that to a minority would they/

    It wasnt the far right who said 2.5 million British jobs for British workers was it ? what would have been the screams if Griffin had said that?

    As for those 2.5 million jobs the MAJORITY didnt even go to European workers !! how the hell can that happen.
  • Watched the whole programme as I often do. The panel is the same size each week and always has a represensetive from each major party, plus one from a minor party or quango and an independent person. I though Bonnie Greer just wanted to make profound statments all the time, Chris Huhne was good and made a couple of excellent comments, the star for me was Baroness Tory Babe who whilst attacking Griffen also proved to be in tune with the audience and public, I thought Griffen came across as nervous and quite, quite useless, Dimbleby handled it very well and gave Griffen a fair crack of the whip. Jack Straw had no answers to Labours mismanagement of immigration in this country and I loved it when black and Asian people in the audience were blaming labours immigration policies for the rise of the BNP. Afterall the BNP got 0.2% of the vote in the general election of 1997 and 6% in the last euro elections. Labour has in effect created the BNP.
  • edited October 2009
    Mixed and dissappointed emotions over the show.

    Glad Griffin was put on and believe he did come out of it looking like the hypocritical illogical idiot he is.
    Unfortunately at the same time i feel the BBC went about it all the wrong way by just making it an exercise in Bullying techniques which allows people to detract from what the show should have been about. They seemed so intent to show him in a bad light that they were effectively saying the general public are too stupid so we'd better make it plainly obvious. If they'd left it as a 'normal' show and moved on to a wider range of issues after the racial issues he would still have shown himself up and the vast majority of us would have understood that.

    Also found it amazing that despite being under very little pressure Jack Straw still managed to come out of it looking only slighty better than Griffin! His attempts at answering the question on Labours immigration failings leading to the bnp's current support was laughable. The question had hit the nail on the head and i believe that the majority of people who voted bnp recently are not racist as such, just fed up with the state of the country and trying to find a way to protest about the main parties.
  • Totally agree with Rodney's post on the previous page.

    It was a poor episode and the only person to come out with any credit imo was Baroness Warsi.

    As an advertisment for the BNP, I thought Jack Straw did a great job. His feeble attempt to deal with the imigration question just showed how out of touch this govenment is and for me sumed up just why people have turned to the BNP.
  • I can understand immigration being a contentious issue in an overcrowded world, and it deserves thought and debate, however most of the time the debate will focus on the ethnicity of the people moving about the world. There have been Polish people in Britain for a long as I can remember, but the antipathy towards Polish economic migrants does not distinguish between the 'old' and the 'new' Poles. A job application landing on the desk of a racist with the name Majewski on it is likely to recieve the same reaction if the applicant is a newcomer, or third generation, because of the tendency of racists to lump all people together whatever their personal back story. Jews who fought for Germany in the first world war were not spared.
  • [cite]Posted By: Barn Door Varney[/cite]Totally agree with Rodney's post on the previous page.

    It was a poor episode and the only person to come out with any credit imo was Baroness Warsi.
    As an advertisment for the BNP, I thought Jack Straw did a great job. His feeble attempt to deal with the imigration question just showed how out of touch this govenment is and for me sumed up just why people have turned to the BNP.

    she always comes out with very logical and reasoned points when ive seen of her.

    She gave the Tories a boost as well i think particularly her performance against Straw as you say.
  • didn't see it all but she did do well.

    Thought she should have got a bigger poppy though ; - )
  • Sexy Sayeeda - hopefully we'll be seeing plenty more of her after next May
  • Had me Happy Pill now............
    The point I was trying (badly) to make is that even though "New" Labour/Jim Dowd let me down badly over a dispute with my neighbour at NO stage did I think "Oh, I'll vote BNP-that'll show them !". I think that anyone who votes for them should take a closer look at themselves: How can you dislike any Race or Creed because 1 person from them "upsets" you.
    I was beaten up by 4 white boys 20 years ago.........Who should I vote for ?
    Theres a person in an SE7 establishment who uses words I find very offensive: He's White.

    Sorry, not very good at argueing, and putting my point across, but hope you get my drift.............
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite] And here in lies the problem. I have, as I said, no real political allegiance - i've always had a pretty open mind and am willing to hear what people say. I am not going to vote blindly out of loyalty or anything like that.

    I have no affinity to any party at all and it is possible that I may not vote. I know people say "if you don't vote then you can't moan" etc and thats fair enough but I just don't want to give my support to a party for the sake of it - I think that is just as much as a waste as not voting at all.

    If you choose none of the above it is better to spoil your ballot paper as protest than not voting, as not voting can be viewed as apathy.
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  • It may well be viewed as apathy - but I know its not. But if I need to turn one out when I am around the polling station next may I may well soil my paper. I mean spoil.
  • edited October 2009
    My main gripe with the whole programme is that it was just a series of points intended to bully Griffin. Right at the start they mentioned the holocaust, a shocking, terrible thing but not relevent to modern Britain (I'm not saying it should be forgotten or that lessons should not be learned before you all start but it is not something that needs to be debated on Question Time in Oct 2009), would they ask the socialists or communists about all the Jews killed by the Red Russians (more than Hitler killed if my history teacher was right)?

    Why wasn't there any questions about relevent issues, like housing, unemployment, nationalisation of service industries, the banking crisis, the credit crunch, global warming, the de-forestation of the rain forests, the Post Office dispute, council tax, benefit fraud, crime etc, etc, etc, etc.why?

    Surely that is what we needed to hear

    And as I said before, I thought he came out of it pretty well and it will certainly not put anyone off voting BNP, as Diane Abbott said in the programme following "he will probably get the sympathy vote now" and she was genuinely concerned that the BNP will do well out of this. If Labour don't sort the immigration problems out, we'll see!
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]didn't see it all but she did do well.

    Thought she should have got a bigger poppy though ; - )

    Pity nobody asked her what she thought about the Tory allies in the European Parliament!
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]It may well be viewed as apathy - but I know its not. But if I need to turn one out when I am around the polling station next may I may well soil my paper. I mean spoil.

    It was sadly people not voting that created the low turnout that got Griffin elected as an MEP.
  • I think the difference is that no one in the Labour party is denying the killings by Communists in Russia took place or saying that "Uncle Joe went a bit too far", unlike Griffin.

    If anyone wanted an example of what a piece of s*** Griffin is then just read the letter below.

    An open letter to Nick Griffin, Chairman of the BNP and MEP for North West England

    09 June 2009

    Dear Mr Griffin,

    We couldn't help but notice that there was egg on your face (and on your suit jacket) on the day after you were elected MEP for North West England.

    Please don't leave egg on ours.

    You wore a Poppy lapel badge during your news conference to celebrate your election victory. This was in direct contravention of our polite request that you refrain from politicising one of the nation's most treasured and beloved symbols.

    The Poppy is the symbol of sacrifices made by British Armed Forces in conflicts both past and present and it has been paid for with blood and valour. True valour deserves respect regardless of a person's ethnic origin, and everyone who serves or has served their country deserves nothing less.

    The Poppy pin, the Poppy logo, and the paper Poppy worn during Remembrance are the property, trademark and emblem of The Royal British Legion.

    For nearly 90 years, The Royal British Legion has pursued a policy of being scrupulously above the party political fray. It is vital that everyone - the media, the public and our beneficiaries - know that we will not allow our independence to be undermined or our reputation impaired by being closely associated with any one political party. This is more important now than ever.

    On May 27th, 2009, the National Chairman of The Royal British Legion wrote to you privately requesting that you desist from wearing the Poppy or any other emblem that might be associated with the Legion at any of your public appearances during the European Parliamentary election campaign.

    He appealed to your sense of honour. But you have responded by continuing to wear the poppy. So now we're no longer asking you privately.

    Stop it, Mr Griffin. Just stop it.


    The Royal British Legion
  • So what do you think I should have done Chaz? Voted for anyone but the BNP?
  • I very reluctantly resigned my membership of the Labour party last year. Totally agree, just who do you vote for now? Griffin was a shambles, thankfully, but the whole programme which I have watched for more years than I care to remember, completely lost its way. I was in the audience a few months back and it was set up to be more of an entertainment show rather than a serious political debate. Dimbleby was on an ego trip, quite deliberately setting out to hype the audience up for pantomine yah boo stuff. I want my Question Time back!
  • [cite]Posted By: Chaz Hill[/cite]
    It was sadly people not voting that created the low turnout that got Griffin elected as an MEP.
    It's the current governments fault that people didn't vote or voted for BNP which got Griffin elected as an MEP.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]So what do you think I should have done Chaz? Voted for anyone but the BNP?

    Definitely. If you are put off by the ya/boo politics at the national level look at what the individual candidates themselves have to offer. Try and decide who you think would help you the most if you needed it. Some of them are actual nice decent people.
  • Fair points Chaz - think it purely is a disillusionment (is that a word) with the whole system and politicians as a whole for me.
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