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The Ultimate mobile phone - iPhone

This is going to sell in it's millions, and I WANT ONE NOW! ipod, phone, blackberry, camera, pda, etc etc

The Apple iPhone


  • Looks amazing. Only 4gb or 8gb on the hard disc though. Surely they can put a bigger disc in. How much will it retail for?
  • Dunno, 8gb flash memory on it, so give it two years, and you'll have 60gb on it.

    $499 on Cingular in the US, and launching in the UK late 2007
  • If it is cingular it will work on Orange here I understand....
  • blimey techno phobes worst nightmare
  • Can't wait to try it out. Now you can have CL on the train... yipee!
  • You can have CL on the train already Lookie, just not on Safari mind.
  • Just get a Nokia N91 which has a 4gb hard drive (8gb available soon), not touch screen but does all the rest. Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, Global Positioning, Internet, Music, etc etc. Available now & a hell of a lot cheaper.
  • The only problem is with a phone that does "everything" is it is always going to be crashing with faults etc. Give it two years for the working version of this one to come out!!
  • Great a phone that freezes every 5 mins.

    Jacked in my iPod for a Sony MP3 player. Now had it for 6 months and never had a problem.
  • it looks massive as well unless the bloke on that picture has a really small hand!
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  • I see very little there that isn't currently available on similar devices already. It may do it in a cooler way but I would wait a year before even considering dipping a toe into the iphone waters.
  • Here's some more photos of it, showing its size to be about the same as a new style Blackberry....

  • Coming to the UK in October?
  • edited July 2007
    Coming to the UK thru O2?

    I'm working for an Apple reseller in BDA, but we're obviously not going to get the iPhone anytime soon. However, an American off of one of the ships came in the other day with one and it is the bee's knees. Had a little play and it's very impressive.
  • Nokia N95 does all the iPhone does surely?
  • A friend of mine in LA says it's great but the only problem is the connection. At the moment it's running WiFi only - The UK is more advanced than the US when it comes to phone technology so you gotta hope that it runs on EDGE 3G when it gets there.
  • [cite]Posted By: cafcpolo[/cite]Nokia N95 does all the iPhone does surely?

    same as the fact we had loads of mp3 players available before the ipod turned up and BANG everyone has got one...they will sell buy the millions!!!!!!!!!
  • This is the first forum post from an iPhone!
  • and it didn't crash !
  • [cite]Posted By: LoOkOuT[/cite]This is the first forum post from an iPhone!

    Ive posted from my N95 on NA before
  • Sponsored links:

  • Im looking forward to the Sony Ericson w960i due out in September.
  • how do you remember stuff like that?!
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    how do you remember stuff like that?!

    He can because he has a Charltonlife memory Microchip interface in his brain which mean he can pick you up on anything you have previously posted in the blink of an eye..!
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    how do you remember stuff like that?!

    just use the search facility a lot
  • edited July 2007
    Nerd Stalker Alert!
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    how do you remember stuff like that?!

    He can because he has a Charltonlife memory Microchip interface in his brain which mean he can pick you up on anything you have previously posted in the blink of an eye..!

    Hes the one on the left

  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]He can because he has a Charltonlife memory Microchip interface in his brain which mean he can pick you up on anything you have previously posted in the blink of an eye..!

    lol dude
  • geeks ;)
  • [cite]Posted By: LoOkOuT[/cite]This is the first forum post from an iPhone!

    So what's it like, then?

    I'm going to change to a mini Mac very soon, so I'm going to be a dribbling Apple fan before long.
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