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Linguistic Pet Hates



  • My teenage nephew says "aksing" instead of "asking", I feel compelled to correct him every time, but no success so far.
  • [cite]Posted By: sadiejane1981[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: robert[/cite]- Think they are gods gift to men, yet are either fat or ulgy (or a combination of both)

    if a woman is fat, or in your opinion ugly. It doesn't make her unattractive to everyone. You are also insinuating that if a woman is physically unattractive (to you because everyone had=s different taste) then they have nothing to offer. What about kindness, intelligence, sense of humour etc. Also this thread is about linguistic pet hates not general pet hates.

    New one for me ignorant people that either don't read properly or don't know the meaning of the word 'linguistic'.

    And before you say it Yes it is my time of the month!

    I will be honest, I did not read the the thread bad!

    I do get what you mean in respect to the comment, however I just do not get the fact that fat girls where clothes that do not cover their rolls up and think they have a chance of pulling in a night club (they are almost always chavs, makeing them devoid of any form of intelligence and kindness)....

    Also they moan about girls who are slim and are showing off their figures by wearing skimpy and tight fighting clothes (I always chuckle inside when they moan about that)...

    I'm sorry, but being on a period is no excuse to be rude to people (especially boyfriends).... (I'm not saying your being rude, just pointing out in general :) )
  • [cite]Posted By: robert[/cite]Charlton fans that

    - Think that nathan ecclestone is the bollocks and will get us out of the division on his own (as well as getting the player of the year award)....he had a decent 25 minutes and scored a good goal, but that does not make him some sort of messiah....

    I'll say it again...Charlton fans who can't spell the players' names correctly.

    And by the way, Robert, which one are you: Andy Gray or Richard Keys?? ;-)
  • People who use "my bad"

    : - )
  • [cite]Posted By: robert[/cite]I'm sorry, but being on a period is no excuse to be rude to people (especially boyfriends).... (I'm not saying your being rude, just pointing out in general :) )
    And if you've never experienced it, how can you possibly know that?
  • Well, becuase they manage to be normal when interacting with someone they havent met before, another friend or someone who is important (perhaps a boss at work) yet still manage to be moody to the boyfriend...

    This evidence makes me think that the moods can be over-ridden, but they just chose not too...

    It really does bug me lol
  • Robert

    Much of your post if bollox but this one really caught my eye:
    "- Who are in a mood because it is that time of the month, yet when they see someone they don't know as well as you they are happy as larry, joking etc..."

    Basically you hate women who will complain to their nearest and dearest that they are unwell and yet will put a braver face on it when faced with someone they don't know intimately?

    Sure that's just being polite, not wanting to dump your problems on someone you don't really know.

    Would you rather they told your mates in detail about their current issues?
  • [cite]Posted By: sam3110[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: bibble[/cite]And, when did the Nou Camp stadium become Camp Nou?
    Just seen this. The Nou Camp 'became' The Camp Nou when it was built in the fifties. Only ignorant foreigners call it the 'Nou Camp'.

    Exactly, many Johnny Foreigner's stadiums are written this way, Stade Velodrome, Camp Nou, Stade Delle Alpi etc.

    Oh and throw Stadium:mk into that too!

    Personally, I hate people that try to use other languages mixed into ours, so for instance some tweer at work decides that he suddenly knows everything about football as he watched the World Cup, and he says to me 'so I see old Espana won the World Cup this year. Viva Espana!'

    Can someone please tell me why the hell people feel the need to do this? If I'm ever speaking French to someone, I don't suddenly drop in a useless phrase from another language just for the hell of it!
    To an extent, that's true. But - unfortunately, it's also not true. Let me explain. The 'tweer' (WTF is that, BTW?) in your example sounds, frankly, made up. I don't know anyone who would ever say that sentence in English. When I speak English and refer to Spain - I never say 'Espana' - and nor does anybody I know. By the same rationale, when I'm speaking Spanish, I refer to England as 'Inglaterra' - because it's frankly preposterous to do anything else.

    However, plenty of languages have phrases that are adopted from other languages whihc have made it into the common vernacular. If you used 'Pied à terre', 'Dénouement' or 'aide-mémoire' in a sentence in English, would you say them as 'Peed a terry', 'denooeyment' or 'adey memoirey'? Of course you wouldn't.
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: robert[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: sadiejane1981[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: robert[/cite]- Think they are gods gift to men, yet are either fat or ulgy (or a combination of both)

    if a woman is fat, or in your opinion ugly. It doesn't make her unattractive to everyone. You are also insinuating that if a woman is physically unattractive (to you because everyone had=s different taste) then they have nothing to offer. What about kindness, intelligence, sense of humour etc. Also this thread is about linguistic pet hates not general pet hates.

    New one for me ignorant people that either don't read properly or don't know the meaning of the word 'linguistic'.

    And before you say it Yes it is my time of the month!

    I will be honest, I did not read the the thread bad!

    I do get what you mean in respect to the comment, however I just do not get the fact that fat girls where clothes that do not cover their rolls up and think they have a chance of pulling in a night club (they are almost always chavs, makeing them devoid of any form of intelligence and kindness)....

    Also they moan about girls who are slim and are showing off their figures by wearing skimpy and tight fighting clothes (I always chuckle inside when they moan about that)...

    I'm sorry, but being on a period is no excuse to be rude to people (especially boyfriends).... (I'm not saying your being rude, just pointing out in general :) )
    If I shout loud enough, can you hear me back there in 1975?

    I've seen some unintelligent drivel on this site (I've posted enough of it myself) but this is a new low. Do you have a DVD box set of 'Bottle Boys' and have posters of Robin Askwith on your bedroom wall?
  • [cite]Posted By: DRF[/cite]Robert

    Much of your post if bollox but this one really caught my eye:
    "- Who are in a mood because it is that time of the month, yet when they see someone they don't know as well as you they are happy as larry, joking etc..."

    Basically you hate women who will complain to their nearest and dearest that they are unwell and yet will put a braver face on it when faced with someone they don't know intimately?

    Sure that's just being polite, not wanting to dump your problems on someone you don't really know.

    Would you rather they told your mates in detail about their current issues?

    Yes, aslong as I dont have to put up with it!
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  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]never said "Anything goes". What I said was that it is a living language and it changes.

    Agree with this 100%. The English Language has undergone change throughout its life. I watched a programme recently which made me sit up an listen more intently. I was always claimed that Old English morphed into Middle English due to the influx of Viking Invaders who spoke a different version of the Germanic dialect. In order for them to communicate with one another, the natural consequences was that the language became simplified. It seems now that it probably happened much earlier when the first Anglo Saxon tribes colonised our lands around the 5th Century at the end of the Romano-British period.

    The only reason I bring this up is to emphasis how evolutionary factors have influence the structure and use of English.

    I used to get irritated with some, what I thought of as Americanisms which were alien to the standard English that I learned throughout my life and at school.

    A word like "gotten" for example. It wasn't until I started studying the history of the language that I realised that gotten is a fossilised word, remaining in the popular usage in the States but whose usage has pretty much died out over here.

    "Dove" as in dived, is another fossil preserved in American English, which has fallen out of usage this side of the Atlantic.

    Other things that irritate me are:

    Anythink and nothink - its just ignorance. Chimbley instead of chimney. Pecific instead of specific.
  • I must confess that I get annoyed by people who confuse 'uninterested' with 'disinterested'.

    I don't like split infinitives, but my linguist friends tell me that it is now accpetable. Similarly, 'can' in stead of 'may' is ok.

    Living in Kenya, I tend to see quite a few interesting mistakes in the press. Politicians habitually 'change tact'. Not having a nautical history makes that understandable, I suppose.

    However, my favourite was someone who sold his soul for 'thirty pieces of liver.' That was offal!
  • [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: robert[/cite]I'm sorry, but being on a period is no excuse to be rude to people (especially boyfriends).... (I'm not saying your being rude, just pointing out in general :) )
    And if you've never experienced it, how can you possibly know that?

    just found this thread

    Aliwibble we may not see eye to eye on many things but that that is the funniest thing i have ever read on here
  • It's not a pet hate, because it doesn't annoy me, but I always smile a little when people mix up compliment with complement.

    eg "I think we need a new central midfielder to compliment Semedo"
  • The letter H being pronounced as 'Haitch'. It should be 'Aitch' !!!

    Also, double negatives!!!
  • Why can't greengrocers spell?
  • [cite]Posted By: Darty Valiant[/cite]Why can't greengrocers spell?

    I don't know, why can't greengrocers spell ?
  • Epic Fail
    Season for British shows, we have Series! How can 6 episodes of Peep Show for example be a season. Lost or Prison Break fair enough when there is 20 plus eps but it is so American.
    My Bad

    Also not a hate but something that makes me laugh is when a friend of mine calls it a "reclining hairline" when he means receeding.
  • You get me.. Init tho.. Oh my days..
  • edited February 2011
    I don't like the American habit of turning nouns into verbs - our company is headquartered in Chicago.
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  • tbh, I find it funny when people say "to be honest". Implies "don't trust me as a rule, but trust me now!"
  • Acronyms drive me mad WTF does KMT mean
  • kiss my teeth
  • [cite]Posted By: happyvalley[/cite]Acronyms drive me mad WTF does KMT mean

    TLAs are the worst - three letter acronyms
  • "Boss" and "bruv".
  • "Clear their Lines". Can't believe how often the commentator came out with this particular piece of nonsense this afternoon. It's the ball that you clear, not lines.
  • park the bus
  • people who say things like 'they literally parked the bus'
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: thai malaysia addick[/cite]
    TLAs are the worst - three letter acronyms[/quote]

    Or worse those three letter abbreviations.
    Rife in the armed forces
  • Shtupid
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