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Peterborough 1 - 5 Charlton - Post Match Views



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    [cite]Posted By: Shrew[/cite]The trek down from Shropshire was well worth it, brilliant party atmosphere even before we scored, yes it was hard to see most of the action in the first half from behind the goal, but great slickness to turn the possession we had into goals. Strange though, I have seen us play better and lose. Having said that Martin was brilliant, and for once our defence were dealing well with crosses and corners, Doc looked solid. We were spreading the ball around well and were not relying on the wings for attacks. The fact that we can now mix up our play with the likes of Reidy, Wagstaff, and Asinyah (when he's fit) and a more forward playing Racon is brilliant. Martin for me was M o M and deserves his own song.

    Peterborough did'nt stop having a go and were very positive even when losing 4 - 0. I was impressed with their fans, only a handful left early if that was at the valley fans would be leaving in droves. Singing 'your support is F S' at places like this is a joke their fans are great just by being there. There goalie really was having an absolute nightmare and our pressure on him worked well. Great game, great Support it feels like we really have momentum now to keep up this great run.

    Don't quite agree about their fans. They didnt start singing until the start of the second half and by that stage they were 4-0 down and when we got our fifth there was hundreds getting out of their seats already on their way home. I do agree that Peterborough were positive on the field as they put us under pressure for large sections of the match , especially in the first half.
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    The most encouraging thing for me is the way all of the goals resulted from neat passing while looking defensively solid against sides with useful forwards. I think a comfortable play off is where this club should be. More than that is a great performance, less isn't good enough, but all quite encouraging at the moment.
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    Do days get better than that!

    1st Half we were simply brilliant, and could have been a couple up before we did go in front. Like others have mentioned losing Joe could have been issue, but Martin was unplayable. On that sort of form very few teams in this league if any would be able to handle him. Now he has to show that consistently.

    The tempo the team played at was fantastic and gave Peterborough no time on the ball. The difference between that and the Brighton game where we allowed then to roll the ball across their own box at will could not be any different.

    Apart Martin the other player who really impressed was Racon. Up and down all day and cored a fantastic goal.

    The rest of the team were great and the confidence is clearly flowing. They have responded from the Brighton game in a brilliant manner and shows that although he may the best manager he certainly has a group of honest players who are playing for him, and in our financial circumstances you cannot ask for anymore than that.

    We even worked the Semedo situation brilliantly and got him deliberately booked to miss Tuesday night. If it is good enough for Beckham!

    The fans were great from the 1st minute and the facilities at Peterborough are ideal for a Charlton away support. Seats at the side and standing behind the goal so the choice was there for all.

    It was my birthday yesterday and to have a day out (arranged by the other half as a surprise) big session before the game, back to London for a night at the Comedy Store then finding out Reidy got the goal to sink Millwall days don’t get better than that.
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    [cite]Posted By: JohnnyH2[/cite]The fans were great from the 1st minute and the facilities at Peterborough are ideal for a Charlton away support. Seats at the side and standing behind the goal so the choice was there for all.

    Agree, but they plan on putting seats in at the end of this season. That was probably our last match in a terraced London Road.
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    Made my weekend. Unbelievable result. Well done Charlton.
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    Yesterday was up there in my top 10 away performances that i have witnessed in the last 25 years. Amazing performance from the boys. Proves with plenty of hard work, and fantastic energy/tempo, then winning results will come in this league.
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    Larve it....must be dreaming!
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    edited November 2010
    What a fantastic away day. Nice and easy drive up, drink in the Cherry Tree with Shrew who took Alex Wright's ticket off him. Saved Alex £20 but that's him banned for the rest of the season.

    As said above it was hard to see just how good we were from the away end but every time we attacked we looked threatening. The key seemed to be that we switched the play so well and Boro just couldn't cope.

    Jackson had an early chance well saved and Wagstaff hit the bar for long range but P'Boro were also pushing. We were caught out when JJ took a free kick on our right near the halfway line with Francis in their box. When the move broke down JJ had gone back to the left leaving a gap at RB which Pboro exploited. Mackell Smith drew a very good save from Robbie with a cross shot.

    Then we scored. Clear pen but not sure how McCann stayed on. good work from Anyinsah and Wagstaff used his pace to get in front of the defender and draw the foul.

    After the goal we were so on top it was embarrassing. Smokin' Joe went off and Martin just carried on where he had left off. Lee was unplayable with his direct running, pace and tricks. Second goal could have been a pen too but ref played on and Racon, who was running the middle with JVS, scored again.

    And before anyone says it P'boro were not bad. They were just unable to cope with us. Another switch of play and Jackson made it three. Simple finish but yet again we'd created space in their box and made the telling pass.

    By this time Rothko, Airman Brown and the others around us were shaking our heads in disbelief while the singers to our left were going mental. Great noise from them all day.

    When the 4th went in three minutes later I can't remember a more elated feeling in the first half of a game.

    Second half P'boro put on three subs and went 3 up front. They tried to double load the far post and hit high crosses but Francis and Fry stood up to them while Doc and Daily dealt with the rest. When needed Elliot caught, grabbed or punched the ball clear despite getting roughed up.

    The Posh tried to mix it up and unsettled us and while it stopped us playing and lead to injuries to Waggy and Francis we coped. We were in 2nd gear and if we needed it we could have pushed on. We were so much in control that we never did.

    Their goal was a great finish but still they never raised the level of intensity. Goal five was comical but showed just how much hard, simple work Benson did all game. He closed down, laid off five yard passes and made space for others.

    This is a good TEAM. They were always good players (although some denied that) but now they are a good team. Parky's team.

    Did Jose do it on purpose? Maybe. Since when does he take free kicks in the oppo half? Whatever he is banned for a less important game and we have Macca (who was a trojan in an unfamiliar position) ready to play.

    Waggy will be a miss and the Balsawood Anyinsah must be a concern but for league games Martin may be adding the directness and finishing (first league goals for us, remember) to his undoubted skill and hard work.

    Well done to Parky for making a point of saluting the disabled fans on the left as well as both the standers and sitters.

    Have we played better this season? Yes I think we have but this was against a good side and we took our chances.

    Great feeling see the smiles on all the Addicks faces as we walked back to the car and then driving home knowing we are now second.

    It's not over by a long chalk yet, still other games to win, lose and draw (and we will yet do all three this season) so far to early to speak of automatic promotion or even play-offs but nothing will take away from a great day out.

    And I can say "I was there."
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    good report ben. Nice one. Dead envious of all those who went.
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    I was supposed to be working yesterday but i swapped with a girl at work who wanted the previous Saturday. I went home from Bromley last night after seeing a show thinking "god I am off to Peteborough tw... I will take a draw or a 2-1 defeat". At the ground one my friends whom i went with took the micky out of me when I arrived and thought the ground was a (well work that one out for yourself). Even in the ground we both thought what are we doing here...... I will take 0-0, anything.. 1-1. Anysiah got barged off the ball after a few minutes and waggy hit the crossbar with a long range effort (BBC where do you get your stats from, u must make them up?). I felt peterborough looked threatening everytime they got in our box, but through lady luck their headers went wide. However by that time we were playing vry unlike Charlton.. we were attacking from the off and thought i was on something... as we ran constantly down both wings and creted chances. When we took the lead it was well deserved and couldnt work out why their captain was still on the pitch and was thinking that might cost us, as well as Anysiah going off injured. We then took a 2 nil lead and when it went to 3-0 I thought i wa seeing things. Us all around were still in shock and when the fourth went in, the last time i felt like this was at the Wembley play off. (our minds were still on 3 (and Carlisle resul) and couldnt belive that we had actually scored a 4th and had actually killed the game off inside the first half. (this aint charlton). The people around us had never seen us score 5 away from home before and on the way home I heard kids saying "Daddy I haven't us score 5 away from home before". "neither have we son.. neither have we" as their fathers responsed. I have never ever seen us play like this for about 4/5 years If the team plays likes this for the rest of the seaon then 2nd place (if not 1st place) is up for grabs
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    Can someone please explain what is happening here?

    After the Brighton game we seemed condemned to rot away in this compost heap of a league forever. No-one was playing well except Reidy and we had one tactic which every other manager in League 1 knew about.

    This was less than one month ago and now we can't stop scoring and winning, everyone is playing well and the team is passing and moving.

    Is this the gel factor?

    If so, where is Parky rubbing it?
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    A nice drive through the Lincolnshire praries from fishy Grimsby to Perkins Peterborough. I set off feeling good and drove home feeling even better.
    Anyinsah's injury was the key to this win, Martin came on and P'boro simply had no answer to him.

    This was a terrific all round performance. Charlton are a side comng right into top form, Peterborough are a side rapidly losing form. Gary Johnson has made the mistake of publicly criticising his team. Learn to suck it up and get on with your job Mr Johnson.

    Roll on christmas, the Saints (may we march all over 'em), the Seagulls (may we defecate on 'em from a great height) and the Glasshouse men (may we lock 'em up and chuck away the key).

    Come May I expect to be part of a valley full house as we put Hartlepool to the sword and celebrate winning the Division 1 Championship.
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    [cite]Posted By: grumpyaddick[/cite]Can someone please explain what is happening here?

    After the Brighton game we seemed condemned to rot away in this compost heap of a league forever. No-one was playing well except Reidy and we had one tactic which every other manager in League 1 knew about.

    This was less than one month ago and now we can't stop scoring and winning, everyone is playing well and the team is passing and moving.
    Is this the gel factor?
    If so, where is Parky rubbing it?

    Perversely the Brighton defeat was a blessing in disguise. Without it we could still be bumbling along with a win here a defeat there a drew in between etc etc. The Brighton result caused parky to sit down and analyse what had gone wrong and what had gone right and rectify certain issues. He told certain players that the time for excuses was over and others to pull their socks up and start performing to their undoubted potential, like racon. I said all along we had good players but parky wasn't getting the best out of them, now he is. Also the shackles seem to have been taken off. Before he was too defence minded, now it seems we are more offensive. The defencebeginnin has tightened up too. I think Jackson moving into midfield has been the key to this. But just as some, me included, were accused of going ott at a few poor results then so too we should not get too carried away just yet. Things are on the up and we have had three tremendous results on the road recently but there is still a long way to go. I am beginning to feel more positive though.
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    Lots of guess work here
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    Not a bad birthday present for Mrs Spectacle and myself! You know that stat I told you before the game Henry...
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    Anyone lob any bog rolls, sing out of tune, stand up at the wrong time or not pay attention ?
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    End of a very lovely weekend, fab day at Peterborough so glad we went
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    Re Semedo's booking.............unless heard differently I don't think this was done diliberatly to miss the cup game on tues.

    I watched Semsdo and twice he went to play the ball but stopped as their defenders were making a move to push out and leave Benno offside & I think he was simply trying to catch them out.........certainly on the second attempt I saw Benno start to make a run & then stop as their defenders moved up in a line.

    So, unless anyone on here has heard/read a quote from Parky, semedo or the club saying it was intentional, theN i'm sticking by my theory............we are CAFC and are not that clever at getting players booked on purpose
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    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    The Brighton result caused parky to sit down and analyse what had gone wrong and what had gone right and rectify certain issues. He told certain players that the time for excuses was over and others to pull their socks up and start performing to their undoubted potential, like racon. I said all along we had good players but parky wasn't getting the best out of them, now he is. Also the shackles seem to have been taken off. Before he was too defence minded, now it seems we are more offensive.

    He told you that did he Large?

    And Golfie, when does Semedo EVER take free kicks? Have a think about it!
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    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    The Brighton result caused parky to sit down and analyse what had gone wrong and what had gone right and rectify certain issues. He told certain players that the time for excuses was over and others to pull their socks up and start performing to their undoubted potential, like racon. I said all along we had good players but parky wasn't getting the best out of them, now he is. Also the shackles seem to have been taken off. Before he was too defence minded, now it seems we are more offensive.

    He told you that did he Large?

    And Golfie, when does Semedo EVER take free kicks? Have a think about it!

    He told us all actually. He said that players who were new to the club could no longer use the 'i've only been here ten games' get out card any longer, he told us that they had sat down and gone through each game of the season so far and seen where they had gone wrong and where they had done ok, and he told us that he'd told therry that we needed to get more out of him, that he was better than he'd been showing. It was all on the os, in various stories, so yes he did tell us. Now we are seeing the fruits of this. The players are now, so it seems, performing how many of us thought they should have been much earlier. The fact they were not was down to parky, just as is the fact that now they are are down to him also. Shame it took a 4-0 home defeat for him to address these issues. Without that defeat they might still not have been addressed.
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    1358 of us there
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    edited November 2010
    brighton had 2,519 there two weeks ago ..... i suppose they all live up there
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    [cite]Posted By: NathanPrior[/cite]1358 of us there

    Nearly as many as brighton took to hartlepool (I suppose they all live up there)
    And a bit more than soton brought to their local derby at carlisle
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    [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]brighton had 2,519 there two weeks ago ..... i suppose they all live up there

    How sad that you have to trawl through other teams just to find a stat that slags off our away support.

    Just be happy we had supporters there and WE WON 5-1.
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    great result , i even stopped moaning for a while on saturday ,well done lads.
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    Made the short-ish trip down from Coventry and had a great day out.

    Was impressed by how solid the back 4 were, this season Ive seen some bad performances from Doc but in this game he showed why we bought him, him and Dailly coped very well with the movement of Peterboroughs forwards. Racon seemed to have another great game and Semedo did what he had to.

    The lads played with confidence (perhaps the formerly missing ingredient), we had so much room down the left it could have been even more at half time. The goals barring the last one were well worked, with small balls in and around the box which found players in the right position.

    Was sad to see Anyinsah go off as I thought he was doing well dragging the centre backs away from goal for Benno to get in behind, but really pleased with Martins performance when he came on. Great to see him and Waggy giving the full backs a torrid time. Really great to see the players celebrating with each other after each goal and having a real laugh, team spirit is high and they are playing for each other, hope we can carry this on, with Brighton falling at Hartlepool this week would be a great chance to rein them in.

    Shame Benno didnt get a goal, he really put in a shift.
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    [cite]Posted By: southamptonaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]brighton had 2,519 there two weeks ago ..... i suppose they all live up there

    How sad that you have to trawl through other teams just to find a stat that slags off our away support.

    "slags off " i'm just comparing not slagging off mr. touchy
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    Couldn't believe we didn't get more of a mention on the Football League show. I admit the Hartlepool result was a shoch but our result was the stand out one from league one.

    Also barely a mention aftewards, guess we will have to get a few more so they have no choice but to focus on us.
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    [cite]Posted By: ChrisWhytesBaldhead[/cite]Couldn't believe we didn't get more of a mention on the Football League show. I admit the Hartlepool result was a shoch but our result was the stand out one from league one.

    Also barely a mention aftewards, guess we will have to get a few more so they have no choice but to focus on us.

    I like it when the press ignore us - in 98 they were all talking about Forest, Boro, Sunderland and even Ipswich before we got mentioned and in 2000 all the talk was about Man City. We had the last laugh on both occassions - gently gently catchy Monkey.
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    Steve Claridge takes himself so seriously. When Manish asked him if he has scored two hat tricks in a row, he seemed to get the hump with a closed answer of NO. Lighten up superstar.
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