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Charlton 1 - 0 Col U - Post match views



  • edited February 2011
    Another win and another clean sheet, that's all that matters at the end of the day.

    I must say Semedo knocked that player into a crazy 360spin...brilliant lol.
    I have to say I really think Eccleston deserves to be starting now to be honest, so lively and you just know he is a great player already.

    Powell is doing great :-)

    Have to add Bessone was very impressive... and Benson was poor.
  • [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]Can anyone remember if after the disallowed goal, did we kick off to restart the game and the ref stopped it to speak to the 4th official or did he speak to him before we restarted?

    Just a point someone has raised somewhere else needs clarifying.

    No. The kick off was not taken.

    That's ok then, cheers Chirpy.

    Ward, Colchester manager saying in his interview that the game kicked off again and was then stopped again?
  • Sadly I didnt see or hear the match, but have read the comments on here after reading the match thread.
    I have just one question...would those that were there think we should now start Eccleston instead of Waggy? Just interested to know if that maybe an option.
  • [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]Can anyone remember if after the disallowed goal, did we kick off to restart the game and the ref stopped it to speak to the 4th official or did he speak to him before we restarted?

    Just a point someone has raised somewhere else needs clarifying.

    No. The kick off was not taken.

    That's ok then, cheers Chirpy.

    Ward, Colchester manager saying in his interview that the game kicked off again and was then stopped again?
    Deffo did not
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]In the end, he's been here for two games. If it is about starting then he needs to get bloody realistic.

    Well Bessone and BWP came in and started so not surprised that after scoring that blinder last week he is a bit miffed about starting soooo late!
  • We defintely did not kick off again - what is their manager on about?
  • to be fair to Benson he hasnt played for a month. touch like fred west.
  • [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]Can anyone remember if after the disallowed goal, did we kick off to restart the game and the ref stopped it to speak to the 4th official or did he speak to him before we restarted?

    Just a point someone has raised somewhere else needs clarifying.

    No. The kick off was not taken.

    That's ok then, cheers Chirpy.

    Ward, Colchester manager saying in his interview that the game kicked off again and was then stopped again?

    Well he was at a different game then.
  • Dull and uninspiring but a win is a win. Francis had what I thought was his best game for us, Bessone had a good solid debut and was very assured on the ball. BWP looked unfit but not surprising seeing as he has been out a few weeks, good finish for the goal. Semedo was awesome. Other than that all pretty average. Oh, except Benson, looked like a non league player tonight. Another very good cameo from Ecclestone, would have brought him on ahead of Benson when BWP tired.

    Real problem is centre of midfield. We are so pedestrian there it's untrue, no creativity no forward movement. We have no one to compliment Jose. I am sure CP realises this and I just hop he can address this when the loan window opens next week. If we can rectify that then I think a top two finish is a possibility and a play off place a certainty. If not we may finish outside the top six.
  • Maybe Eccleston was on about something else? His other tweets made him out to be fair pleased with the night.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Redmidland[/cite]we should now start Eccleston instead of Waggy?

    yes definately
    another 20 seconds on the clock and he'd have had his 2nd goal!
  • [cite]Posted By: siblers[/cite]Maybe Eccleston was on about something else? His other tweets made him out to be fair pleased with the night.

    Think it's the hotel getting him down to be honest
  • He should start alongside bwp not in front of waggy
  • edited February 2011
    Just read the Colchester manager's comments on our OS:

    "U's boss John Ward gave his views on the night's controversy, adding: "I've been in the game 40 years and I've never seen anything like that. It's an incredible situation.

    "I believe the fourth official, who'd been sat on a chair 20 yards away from me for the full duration of the game, told the referee he'd made a mistake.

    "Charlton have got away with it, they know they have.
    There's nothing I can do about it except go to Hartlepool United on Saturday and hope my team play as well as we did tonight."

    Seeing the referee blew his whistle stopping the game, before the Colchester player put the ball in the net ........surely it would have been a travesty if the referee's initial dishonest conduct had allowed Colchester "to have got away with it".

    Think again John Ward.
  • I thought Francis had a good first half, had the beating of Boris, but didn't start 2nd half well. Came back into it last 25mins but Waggy wasn't much help to him tonight apart from the goal.
    Thought JJ had a poor game, kept running towards the new left back instead of taking off down the wing
    The new LB Bessone had a pretty good debut
  • I don't think you can call the ref "dishonest"?
  • whats ecclestones twitter details??
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I don't think you can call the ref "dishonest"?

    What would you call him, Chirpy?

    He deliberately tried to conceal the fact that he'd blown his whistle ..... and then attempted to mislead, misrepresenting the true situation.

    That's dishonesty in my book.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I don't think you can call the ref "dishonest"?

    how come?
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  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I don't think you can call the ref "dishonest"?

    What would you call him, Chirpy?

    He deliberately tried to conceal the fact that he'd blown his whistle ..... and then attempted to mislead, misrepresenting the true situation.

    That's dishonesty in my book.

    How do we know he tried to pretend he didn't blow the whistle instead of just panicking when he realised he'd messed up and gave the goal without thinking it through properly?
  • I think he was just shite, and maybe confused. It can happen to the best in the heat of the moment (except me, of course) - and he certainly isn't "the best".

    Was it offside? He thought so, so he blew. Then he looked over at the lino, realised the flag was still down and shat himself.

    Thing is, if he's blown for a free kick for an offence he thinks he's seen then that's that. The lino can tell him he's wrong, but it's still got to be our free kick because that's what he's given and why he stopped the game.

    It can't be a free kick to Col U because we've done nothing wrong. Also, he can't then allow the goal because play had already been stopped.

    I'm also struggling to see how he can restart with a drop ball. It's not as if he stopped the game for an injury, or because of a pitch invasion, or because of two balls on the pitch. He stopped it because he saw, or thought he saw, an offence. So that's a free kick - to us.

    Maybe one of our resident referees will enlighten us on this. But either way, the fella f*cked it up royally!

    (And for the record, I would be massively pissed off if we were on the receiving end of all that!)
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Was it offside? He thought so, so he blew. Then he looked over at the lino, realised the flag was still down and shat himself.

    Thing is, if he's blown for a free kick for an offence he thinks he's seen then that's that. The lino can tell him he's wrong, but it's still got to be our free kick because that's what he's given and why he stopped the game.


    So the ref was fully aware of having already blown the whistle.

    Then after consulting with his assistant, he disregarded the laws of the game which state the game is stopped after the referee blows his whistle.

    No play can be permitted after that point - and the referee, trained to be fully conversant with the laws of the game, knows it....... yet still awards a goal.

    He knows he has stopped play.
    Yet it is apparent that he has attempted to conceal his blowing of the whistle - and pretend otherwise.

    That is his dishonesty.
  • As Oggy says it doesn't matter how much of a muddle he's got himself into, there's no way that the referee has forgotten he's blown the whistle. Just no way. He tried to cover his tracks.
  • I'd put myself in the mind of the referee. This is what I think he would have been saying to himself:

    Its a tight game, and I have clearly made a mistake by blowing for an infringement which didn't happen. I can't put the clock back, so am I able to put it right? Morally, given my Lino tells me it definitely wasn't offside, I should award the goal, especially if the ball hit the net momentarily after the whistle and the Charlton players did not stop when the ball went in. I shall make the decision - I'm giving the goal, that would be fairest to Colchester. Wait a minute though, my 4th Official wants to talk to me. He is pointing out that I whistled before the ball went in and in the strict laws of the game, the ball was dead. I pause momentarily. I am going to look a right dick here but....he's right, I can't give the goal. I will have to live with my first mistake and then looking foolish for changing my mind twice, but I will disallow it.

    I don't think the ref was acting dishonesty, he just made a series of errors in the heat of the game. The main mistake was to blow his whistle and disallow a perfectly good goal. What he did right in the end was to continue to consult with his fellow officials until the correct decision, in light of having blown his whistle, was made.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: jazzyjazzyjazzy[/cite]Another win and another clean sheet, that's all that matters at the end of the day.

    I must say Semedo knocked that player into a crazy 360spin...brilliant lol.
    I have to say I really think Eccleston deserves to be starting now to be honest, so lively and you just know he is a great player already.

    Powell is doing great :-)

    Have to add Bessone was very impressive... and Benson was poor.[/quote]

    Bessone done alright, very impressive???? We spent to much time watching Francisif hes regarded as very impressive
  • francis best game well played son, Benson looked poor when he came on and Ecclestone should have been on before him.
    Got lucky but i'll take it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I don't think you can call the ref "dishonest"?

    What would you call him, Chirpy?

    He deliberately tried to conceal the fact that he'd blown his whistle ..... and then attempted to mislead, misrepresenting the true situation.

    That's dishonesty in my book.

    I'd say incompetent.
  • A couple of points:-

    If the defence is going to sit deep they have to take responsibility to bring the ball further up the pitch when we have the ball rather than dragging the rest of the side back to them.

    For the "goal" although Robbie attempted a save, he didn't move off his line which I'm sure he would have done without the whistle.

    Despite his good crosses, Francis's lack of composure on the ball reduces the possible outlets to get us up the pitch with passes.
  • Thoughts the ref was a tit, lots of strangeness about his performance.

    Good points about the team but a lot of work still needed.

    I hope the col U fan that was stretchered away last night is ok
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