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Charlton 1 - 0 Col U - Post match views



  • [cite]Posted By: Six-a-bag-of-nuts[/cite]their guy was onside
    the flick on had him marginally off look at it in slow mo
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Six-a-bag-of-nuts[/cite]their guy was onside
    the flick on had him marginally off look at it in slow mo

    I'll take your word for it, Dazz, but the lino didn't think so, eh?
  • It should have been a goal to Colchester no doubt, given that although the referee's whistle DOES stop play, he SHOULDN'T have blown it.

    Take away all the confusion surrounding the constant mind-changing and you've got your basic 'fair goal unjustly disallowed' scenario.

    Like, for example... Benson's winner against Colchester a month earlier.


    Karma is good sometimes.
  • Agree with Liam, Colchester scored a perfectly good goal, which had to be disallowed because the referee blew up by mistake, before the ball entered the net.

    I have to disagree with Oggy's comments on page 5. I have also freeze framed it & I reckon there were 3 Charlton defenders playing the Colchester lad onside. Bessone, Dailly & Doherty.

    I also have to disagree with Dazzler 21 - there was no flick on, their other player let the ball run through his legs, he didn't touch it.

    Finally, a point that no one has mentioned. Only Brighton (4) had lost less games in this division than Colchester (5) now (6), so a good win, against a difficult team to beat.
  • [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite].......there was no flick on, their other player let the ball run through his legs, he didn't touch it.

    If the Colchester player did not actually touch the ball, then I agree there is no question of any offside situation arising.

    My comments (and perhaps Dazzler's too) are based on the Colchester player getting a touch, and if you freeze the frame at that point, it seems very much like he did.

    But the principal issue is that the referee has admitted blowing the whistle before the ball was kicked into the net.
  • Oggy, you've now made me watch it again for the umpteenth time :-(
    Looking at The Sky link I can't see for the life of me why anyone thinks their other player got a touch. To me he seems to be "nowhere" near it.
    I can only assume it looks different on what you & Dazzler are looking at :-)
  • I said at the time to me the office was non existent or extremely marginal.

    It looked a good goal the ref from where I was sitting honestly thought that the fella was offside and blew the whistle in expectancy and jumped the gun.

    I will ask again if the goal was aloud to stand would we have been able to replay the game
  • I've to agree there with you, Covered End ........ I can't bring myself to watch it any more!

    And I've now got to the point where I just don't care; we've got the points so tough titty, Colchester. :o)

    Bring on Yeovil!
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    I will ask again if the goal was aloud to stand would we have been able to replay the game

    Nope, NLA, no chance.

    Once the referee has restarted the match .......... he cannot subsequently change a decision,
    according to the laws of the game.

    I can't offhand think of any game, where a match has been replayed due to the FA over-ruling a refereeing decision.
    ( someone will prove me wrong, I expect!)
  • edited February 2011
    The dopy ref from tuesday is live on sky tonight. 4th official at the Reading
    v QPR game.

    He's then taking charge of the Gillingham v Rotherham game on tuesday night.
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