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Labradors, German Shepherds & Dogs.....



  • Great news about bailey TCE.
  • T.C.E said:

    so glad mate well done for not giving up

    So nearly made a horribly wrong decision, but it all turned out so well.

    don't even think about it mate you never and no harm done
  • TCE, you have always done the very best for Bailey as the photos on this thread show. Whatever decision you had ultimately reached (and you had persevered WAY beyond most dog owners), would only have been with Bailey's best interests in mind. It is because of your perseverance that the right diagnosis and treatment have been made. He is a wonderful looking dog and I look forward to many years of him gracing these pages.
  • TCE, you have always done the very best for Bailey as the photos on this thread show. Whatever decision you had ultimately reached (and you had persevered WAY beyond most dog owners), would only have been with Bailey's best interests in mind. It is because of your perseverance that the right diagnosis and treatment have been made. He is a wonderful looking dog and I look forward to many years of him gracing these pages.

    Thanks for those kind words LA, I was very much "Its only a dog, get over it" person before he came along but he changed my attitude. Hopefully now he'll kick on from here and maybe even a show or two next year we'll see. He should be well enough to visit the Upbeats sometime in September something he loves doing and I'm amazed at how much I get out of it too. Thanks again.

  • Buster is enjoying life down on the farm in Claygate.
  • Cheers NLA I will give that a try can be so frustrating sometimes.
  • Nelson at nearly 9 months old
  • Hahah, i love the look of Nelson.
  • Curb_It said:

    Hahah, i love the look of Nelson.

    My eyes are a bit like that after a night out :-)

    Really glad to hear of Bailey's progress TCE. Up there with Solly's new contract in this week's good news chart.
  • TCE used to see you and Bailey walking occasionally in the Woods with my dad and a little Jack Russell (That would never be trusted off a lead!) Would often see you on that common area whilst driving home as well! Great news about Bailey! Hope he continues to get better!

    That's a general idea of what Benji likes to do if the weather is to hot... (or cold for a matter of fact!)
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  • SHoare93 said:

    TCE used to see you and Bailey walking occasionally in the Woods with my dad and a little Jack Russell (That would never be trusted off a lead!) Would often see you on that common area whilst driving home as well! Great news about Bailey! Hope he continues to get better!

    That's a general idea of what Benji likes to do if the weather is to hot... (or cold for a matter of fact!)

    Not sure if those pictures are going to work there...

  • Anyone got any advice to cure travel sickness in dogs. Our standard poodle is a year now but has never been able to travel since a pup. She is sick within moments of setting off. The vet has given us stuff that is no use at all and suggests it could be a mind thing rather than the motion. Could be true as her first journey when she was collected from her mother was over an hour and she puked up only at the end of the journey.
    Any one got any suggestions to try for a cure?
  • It will cost you a fortune in petrol, but introduce to the car even if you are going nowhere, maybe when your washing it. Just leave her sitting in the car after she gets used to the car then introduce with the engine running 5/10/15 minute periods built up over two or three weeks. I maybe wrong but I'm convinced they stress out and make themselves I'll rather than motion sickness. Put part of her everyday bedding or her comfort toy on there with her she be getting stressed she can't see you from the back of the car so radio off and talk to her as your driving. Let me know how you get on.
  • You can also get travel sick pills for dogs, but be warned some are sedatives you are making your dog sleepy rather than settling dodgy guts.
  • Buster has shot up Mog, how old is he now?
  • Nelson looks a character Shag, at 9 months Bailey was all legs he used to run like Peter Crouch.
  • T.C.E said:

    Buster has shot up Mog, how old is he now?

    2 and 1/2.
    Still my little pup. ;-)

  • edited September 2013
  • Thanks TCE I'll try it.
    Tried the pills from the vet which didn't do a thing, worse if anything, at £10 for two pills not impressed at all.
  • T.C.E said:

    I was just going through some photos going late last year when Bailey's lameness was at its worst. image

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  • Thanks TCE I'll try it.
    Tried the pills from the vet which didn't do a thing, worse if anything, at £10 for two pills not impressed at all.</blockquote
    You might find most drugs/worming tablets/flea powders are a lot cheaper on the Internet. Not all require a prescription, animeds (sp) is one that I use.

  • Just got back from a great walk with Lola, was having issues with recall and pulling on the lead, so I have bee n researching tips and tricks and stumbled across this guy on you tube, I followed him to the letter and went straight out with Lola and the training lead (30ft) but I can halve it and reduce by choice with how much I release, the guy says on his video a ten ft lead is required, so I knotted the lead at ten foot so I could know when I was at right length,

    the basics of it was all about my posture and demeanour and the assertive correction, not stopping my walk but correcting the pull with a sharp pull on the lead and a correction word which I chose randomly as HEY, in a loud non aggressive tone,

    we started this walk which is 4 miles circuit through some great middx country side, a great little gravel river, a woods leading to an old house and then back round, a very popular walk and circle route perfect for distractions,

    started off I was constantly correcting and saying hey, but I could sense Lola was responding well and there was a change in the aura between us

    we came across our first dog, Now Lola is a non aggressive dog but boy does she want to jump and play and this is not always received well, so it was a test of Hey, I had decided before the walk that Lola would only be allowed to interact with people and dogs if I thought her body language and behaviour was correct, any sign of pulling on the lead which was at 10 ft would result in no play, I got some looks from people thinking I was being mean and not socialising Lola but I didn't care I knew what I wanted to see and do and that was the rules, we had bouts of ten mins perfect walking, no pulling no running towards the river and in it, she would walk past fishermen, cyclists, walkers no problem then try it on a bit later corrected twice or three times and back to perfect ,

    to reward her half way rd the training lead was 30ft and off she went into the river, and played like the great dog she is, amazingly as soon as she felt the lead tighten she recalled back to a slack distance,

    then she even came out with one pull and a hey, up the bank and back to me, lead back to ten foot and off we went again ,

    we had some issues on the way back where she was not relaxed or not pulling to go play with other dogs so she wasn't allowed

    then she met another Schnauzer and she was as calm and not a pull, there was no jumping just sniffing and tail wagging joy, no pulling backwards when I said it was enough and off we went home

    I felt I had to post this as I am buzzing now, I have decided that if I can do this walk without correcting more than 5 times in a walk , I will try dropping hold of the training lead and see what materialises, theres no roads so no real danger

    Me and my dog are very close to getting this bang on I can sense it

  • I got some bachs remedy rescue for Mickey for the 8 hour journey to Cornwall which settled him down. Don't know if it stops car sickness.

    I just saw a bloke walking his cat in the park! Yep. Not on a lead mind you but nonetheless...

    Well done nla.
  • day 2 of the new regime for Lola and its working was not a faultless by a any means but its working ,

    it started brilliant went a bit tits half way through as she was pulling like mad when she see other dogs,

    (and this is a dog who goes training and ring craft every week) but it must be us who is doing things wrong sending mixed messages, so its only me walking her at the mo without my little princess tagging along who aint happy about that at the minute so I need to remedy the pulling quickly
  • edited September 2013
    I think we should have a Charlton Life meet up with the dogs NLA to see how they've progressed. I can't remember all fhe names but we had one that didn't like dogs and had no recall I think, a couple of young'uns including Lola and of course Micky Smith. With Bailey almost firing on all cylinders again it will be good for me to test how far he has come become before he meets the Upbeats again, if anyone wants to do something this Sunday I will be at normal place this coming weekend of course the pub is an option extra but Steve welcome all dogs on leads. I won't bring Xena so don't worry ;)
    So if anyone is up for it give me a shout, if nothing else it's good socialisation for us and the dogs. :)
  • Ray I am well up for that mate , I can take her into the woods for her hour after as well as I need her looking all good for her first show in October, and she gets her hair cut tomoz so she will be looking pukka

    I think it should be a group session that would be blinding, I reckon Lola might die of bouncing though
  • Ray I am well up for that mate , I can take her into the woods for her hour after as well as I need her looking all good for her first show in October, and she gets her hair cut tomoz so she will be looking pukka

    I think it should be a group session that would be blinding, I reckon Lola might die of bouncing though

    I'd love to see her all growing up. Just out of interest where's the show and whose on the other end, you or do you have handler?
    Lets if we can get a few together.. :)
  • edited September 2013
    Well I will announce it on here

    As you know My Good lady Maureen was going to show her but

    She is 15 weeks pregnant 8)

    and now cant do it so my breeder is showing her for me, she (Lola) is getting the hang of it but I just hope that good puppy comes out not mess head lola

    The first show is Mid wales mate and if she gets first she gets a pass to crufts if she gets 2nd or third she must get the atleast 2nd or third in the Malvern show to get to crufts

    she has really baulked up and is a great shape I will post a pic after tomoz hair cut

  • Straight in at the deep end with the showing, a crufts qualifier!! I'm trying to get Bailey into Crufts via the PAT dog charity but we have to be nominated by whoever we visit and as I only visit two places 3blokes school and the Upbeats so our chances are slight. But I only want to do it to put noses out of joint ;)
  • I know mate its just the way it has fell, she has to be 6mths and the only 2 left are crufts qualifiers
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