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McOxo departs



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    With any luck Ross will soon find out he picked up a dose in Faliraki.
    only if you can get a dose from tugging !!!
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    The message actually made me cringe when I read it.  I never ever tweet, but when I saw this on the train, I had to give in and apologise to McCormack on behalf of this clown.
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    Not on facebook or twitter and this is why

    saw his twitter feed and he rants back at somone saying he didn't ask them to give an opinion on his mcoxo comments
    ... missing the point of twitter me thinks i.e. public forum
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    A boss pays an employee and can tell their employee when they are not happy...

    We pay the players wages (Indirectly) so therefore we can tell them when we're not happy...

    I guess that works...

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    it's his own fault he had a shit name that no one could put a decent song to , therefore immediately limiting his popularity
    and when a limited player get's charltonised the results are never going to be pretty
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    the reason why twatter and book face are so shite,


    if someone said that to your face youd respect it but proberly knock ten bells out of them,



    its such a pathetic thing to do, they are 3rd division footballers, not surrounded by security, just tell them before or after the game, no matter how shite a player is does it really have to come to that.




    if your reading sort yourself out you have issues that need addressing , you clearly have a low self esteem issues , by a mirror have a good hard look into it, do you like what you see

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    A boss pays an employee and can tell their employee when they are not happy...

    We pay the players wages (Indirectly) so therefore we can tell them when we're not happy...

    I guess that works...

    I get paid by the state, i.e. the taxpayer.  I don't think that gives every taxpayer the right to call me a c**t.
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    So many muggy twats about.
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    A boss pays an employee and can tell their employee when they are not happy...

    We pay the players wages (Indirectly) so therefore we can tell them when we're not happy...

    I guess that works...

    I get paid by the state, i.e. the taxpayer.  I don't think that gives every taxpayer the right to call me a c**t.
    Maybe not, but it does mean that the taxpayer can expect value for the money they are paying you, and if you are not performing they have a right to complain.
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    There is a big difference between complaining and abusing . Anyone who abuses a Charlton player regardless if his performances should expect the wrath of our true fans.
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    Absolutely. Personally, I think this is a matter for the club. If any of us criticise that Ross idiot, he'll just respond by calling us mugs and threatening us. If he got a strongly worded e-mail from a CAFC official, on the other hand, it might scare him enough to stop abusing our players, past and present, online.
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    edited July 2011
    The only problem with him abusing other fans is that most of us now know what the little sod looks like

    mwah ha ha ha ha ha
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    Absolutely. Personally, I think this is a matter for the club. If any of us criticise that Ross idiot, he'll just respond by calling us mugs and threatening us. If he got a strongly worded e-mail from a CAFC official, on the other hand, it might scare him enough to stop abusing our players, past and present, online.

    Cant see what Ross's comments on Twitter have to to do with CAFC to be honest, if foul and abusive langauge is posted on this site admin deal with it, Twitter should be monitoring their own site and keeping their own house in order.


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    edited July 2011
    Guys lay off Ross , i don't know him personally , but he looks like a youngster , could have been off his head when he wrote those comments, he's going to make cock ups , we all do / all have / all will  , i know he needs to be told whats acceptable and whats not , but don't demonise the guy , he's overstepped the mark obviously , lets not sink to his level.
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    Cant see what Ross's comments on Twitter have to to do with CAFC to be honest, if foul and abusive langauge is posted on this site admin deal with it, Twitter should be monitoring their own site and keeping their own house in order.
    It's down to the club to protect its players, the same way an employer should be protecting their staff from abuse. People like Ross think they are safe hiding behind their keyboards, but several people ended up in court for abusing footballers on Twitter last season. A strong worded e-mail from the club to nip it in the bud is far better in PR terms than having Charlton players taking Charlton fans to court for online abuse, surely?
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    Guys lay off Ross , i don't know him personally , but he looks like a youngster , he's going to make cock ups , we all do / all have / all will  , i know he needs to be told whats acceptable and whats not , but don't demonise the guy , he's overstepped the mark obviously , lets not sink to his level.
    Spot on, Mcoxo is a proffesional and he should have thought twice about his muggy response about the poster being at school. I dont agree with his missus getting stick but Mcoxo was a poor excuse for a footballer and I am glad to see the back of him 
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    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mcoxo has finally gone
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    Guys lay off Ross , i don't know him personally , but he looks like a youngster , could have been off his head when he wrote those comments, he's going to make cock ups , we all do / all have / all will  , i know he needs to be told whats acceptable and whats not , but don't demonise the guy , he's overstepped the mark obviously , lets not sink to his level.

    I'm just posting what he's put - haven't threatened the guy at all 

    If you're going to act the "big man" then very occasionally there will be consequences to your actions

    I don't want any harm to come to him ... it would just be nice for him to realise what a stupid thing it was that he did yesterday

    Probably asking a bit much, as to realise this would mean that he would need to have a brain .....
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    I'm sure he does have a brain , probably well educated , but lacking in judgement and maturity , maybe this will teach him to grow up.
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    edited July 2011
    if he thinks he's man enough to give it then he should be man enough to take it.
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    Needless to say as soon as cafc fans start picking on their own, that curb it and Rothko are bang in the middle of it.
    The lad posted a comment to a player who has been slated on here for months and now all of a sudden everyone wants to take the side of mcoxo and attack one of their own. Bloody pathetic , stop hiding behind your computers and slaggin off a fellow Charlton supporter .... The season hasn't even started!!!!
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    First and foremost i am RossPerks or if you like Ross Perkins, I have been a season ticket holder at The Valley for 16 years and have been to 76 grounds following Charlton so im not sure about all this true fan business.

    I realise that i may have upset some of you in regards to the tweet's that i sent to Alan McCormack, in my opinion he is a professional footballer that i pay my money to watch every week, if i think he is awful then i have a right to tell him so in that respect i am not at all sorry. On the other hand if you feel i have and i quote "disgraced the club" or i have upset you personally then i am genuinely sorry, i really didn't realise quite the impact that the tweet would have and again if i have offended you in any way i offer you my apologies.



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    @Jarman yes Im always picking on people - think you're a little paranoid - i only pick on you as i find your posts particularly jarry.  have always done.  And i certainly dont hide behind my computer most people know who i am.

    and as for the Mccormack slagging... everyone's entitled to their opinion - as we have had none stop of it for the last 10 months but do not see the need and never will do to copy that particular person you are slagging into it.  p.s ross however long you've gone to the valley has fuck all to do it.

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    Red Ross.... Fair play for apologising on here and as you say your free to tell players what you think of them BUT most on here are just as pleased as you mccormacks gone but they've gone about it on the forums in a much lower key way! To see you directly insulting a former player will upset a few fans on here especially when other fans of different clubs see your comments and judge all of us on the basis of your feelings!

    Fair dos McCormack was not a great player but he hasn't really done a Defoe and hurt the club in a big way!

    He tried and failed and he moves on... Does that mean he deserved your slaughtering? I think not.
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    your all tools mccormac deserved to be slated, was a terrible player who bottled more tackles than rommadhael, curb it your a mug just contridicting yourself with every comment you make sort it out
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    If you "give it" you have to be able to "take it" as well my man

    Fair do's for posting a response .. just think what you did was gutless, and don't honestly understand what you thought abusing him would achieve - unless you think some of CAFC fans would hold you in higher esteem as a result ... very much mistaken there friend

    Yes you have the right to boo a player .. any player for that matter, but abusing a player - even an ex-player by that stage - is very different

    You wouldn't have had the balls to say that to his face would you

    But as I said I respect you for attempting to explain your side 

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    we better tell the club send a written letter through to rossperks, hahaha grow up pathetic
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    I want Mr Priston to tell Curb_It she's a mug to her face!
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    Would you said it to McCormacks face Ross? Honestly?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!