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Match Thread addicks v's millwall



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    I've got to agree with Clem_Snide , Robbie had a poor game.

    The two freekicks he was badly positioned and for their second it seemed like he jumped too early or not high enough as the ball looped straight over him.

    Solly looked like a rabbit caught in headlights at times and Wiggins made a quite a few misplaced passes. The positives were our midfield and attack , BWP is going to be amazing for us and so is Jackson who constantly looked dangerous. Hayes did a good job of linking BWP and the midfield with lots of flick ons and through balls , not always working out but atleast the intent was there. Everybody played hard today, play like that against teams in league 1 and we should get a result.

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    utter disgrace by that foul mouthed millwall fan! :-(
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    edited July 2011
    In my opinion it was an even game and, on another day, we could've won it. Elliot didn't have much of a bad game from where I was sat, although his starting position for the first free kick seemed a bit off. Disagree agree that he SHOULD have saved the second/third, it could have been stopped by a taller keeper but it was one of those agonising looping headers which Jackson produced midway through the second half thanks to a carbon-copy header.

    Not convince by our centre-back pairing. Taylor is huge and commanding, but probably the slowest player on the pitch. Morrison, on the other hand, misjudged the flight of the ball all afternoon and as a consequence, long hoofed balls were landing a couple of metres in behind him and Marquis was given a number of chances to burst through on goal.

    No complaints about either full back. I thought both were pretty solid defensively and Wiggins gives us an extra option going forward.

    Hollands and Jackson were the stand-outs in midfield. Excellent play from both of them and linked up really well for our third goal. On the other hand, I felt that the game passed Stephens by a little bit, I guess I had expected too much of a creative edge from him but it could've been Jose Semedo playing out there with all the sideways and backwards passes he was making. Wagstaff put in a usual performance, a lot of pace and threat without too much end product and therefore, to show for his efforts.

    Hayes went about his business quietly and I was impressed by his neat link-up play although he didn't seem to be much of a goal threat. BWP was his clinical self.

    Of the subs there wasn't really anything of note, except Danny Green producing a fantastic 50 yard pass straight onto Benson's chest. Quality.
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    To Afka/Lookout,

    I'll admit to knowing shit all about the limitations of what you
    can/cannot do on this forum, but regarding the spoof postings, is there
    not any way you could set up a "read only" thread that would require a
    password to enable you to post on it, which would be passed on to a
    selected few, i.e redmidland and Seth or whoever it is.

    I suppose, in effect, it's creating a forum within a forum. So, how good are your I.T skills boys? ;-)
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    Well out of order. Others also join in  - nobody in the thread seems to object.
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    I agree, seems a bit draconian a response to a couple of posters on one matchday thread... 
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    Solly looked good. Saw some negative comments further up. Not sure why!? Looked solid and nearly scored at the end.
    We deserved better. We've learnt to put a man on the post in future.
    Overall, thought today's performance bodes well for the season.
    the reason solly had negative comments is because during the first half i thought he was very lightweight and let crosses be put in the box he also failed to tackle players. He pulled it together second half and had a good chance.

    Elliot's starting positions in both free kicks was bad and he didnt even try to stop them.

    Overall it was a great run out we passed the ball and at sometimes we were the better team. Our midfeild is very handy with hayes getting the midfeild into the attack. Paul hasn't scored any goals but his overall play is good in my opinion. Also the last free kick was not a foul. BWP took both his goals well, he will help us to promotion. SCP red army!!!!
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    edited July 2011
    Does our visitor Sparrows Lane Lion post on there?

    To be fair to SLL he's always a pretty decent poster on here and talks sense most of the time (without noshing him off to much)

    Great day today, decent support, tried to play football and was pleased for a team that hasnt played a competitive fixture together yet.

    Was suprised at the small crowd considering it was a testimonial for their longest serving player but suppose its the holidays and a bit of a nothing game.


    Good day out and looking forward to when it starts for real next week.

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    edited July 2011
    No we didn't. They just don't know bouncy bouncy when they see it.
    As for that racist prick on there.....speechless. And no one on there shoots him down about it? Sums that lot up

    Yes we did. Atleast 30-40 doing it in the first half.

    Oh dear.
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    edited July 2011
    what a plum. must feel proper hard writin that on the internet. mug.

    and the poznan? oh dear god.
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    There was no poznan just some young lads doing the bouncy bouncy malarky
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    There was a very very small number of lads doing a "poznan" at the beginning of the game. Wasn't being used to celebrate goals though.
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    edited July 2011
    There was definately a Poznan .
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    There was definately a Poznan .

    Jesus wept...lets cut that out. Cringeworthy.
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    Oh God. People complaining because some fans wanted to have as much fun as possible and support the team. Can guarentee the majority of you complaining are the same guys who can't even be arsed to stand up for "Stand Up, if you love Charlton".
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    the poznan is embarrasin. the only people that should be allowed to do that are poznan supporters.

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    Oh God. People complaining because some fans wanted to have as much fun as possible and support the team. Can guarentee the majority of you complaining are the same guys who can't even be arsed to stand up for "Stand Up, if you love Charlton".

    what's wrong with people wanting to enjoy themselves?
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    No Fred its just that Poznan is literally nicked off Poznan and its really unoriginal and obviously embraced by the Soccer Am type of football supporter.

    Very phoney and nothing to do with not having fun or getting behind the team.

    Each to there own but not in my name.  ;-)

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    I can understand that it's been stolen. But tbh, lost of chants are stolen, the "your s**t aaaaaah" started with Leicester for example. Obviously the Poznan is different but quite a few teams are doing it now in England, so theres no point in missing out on the fun, as well as it looking pretty awesome (to me at least).
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    bouncy bouncy is so much better. your facing the game for a start........
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    Find it staggering they can find any black players willing to wear their shirt. They'll never change.
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    From the Millwall end.
    Racist comments? Not today.
    Smoking in the lav? Oh yes.
    Homophobic shouts? Yep. Elliot a prime target with his pink shirt.
    Any six fingered, three tittied lions? Didn't see any. 
    Crowd different from Addicks? Not really. Quite a few laydees around, which surprised me.
    Witty comments? Not really. BWP gibes about nicking handbags quite funny but he will get that everywhere he goes.

    Wish we had names on our shirts. Can't tell me Morrison's from Taylors at the moment.
    BWP hit his goals well. Plus a lovely header from JJ.
    Both defences suspect.
    Liked Stephens. Waggy,and Higgins played well. We can pass the ball. Yay!
    Solly and Wiggins were alright.
    Hayes better in the 2nd half. Didn't show in the first.
    First spanner free kick was from a good Solly slide tackle. Not a foul. Good shot though. Don't think Elliot was to blame.

    They played better in the first half and we controlled the second. A draw would have been fairer.I was so pleased we didn't fold like in the 4 - 0 drubbing. Good fun apart from having to pretend clap when Millwall scored and to sit on my hands when we got our goals.

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    Elliot is good at 2 of the 5 components ( vocal kicking catching shot stopping positioning ) he's always been good at catching crosses and coming for them. and shot stopping but not from range.
    he's never been vocal enough to lead his defense and will always let his head drop after 1 goal and looks like he has a very fragile confidence 
    his kicking has always been suspect, but i don't think that will factor too much this year as we will look to play on the floor and 'out from the back' mentality 
    also Elloit's positioning has always been suspect and his movement is his weakest point, anything from range he looks suspect and it is a bit worrying.  but he does love this club and it shows if he's good enough for number 1 is up for debate ( obviously but again it's only pre-season)

    Sullivan from what i've seen is good at all 5 but excellent at none. i think he's good enough vocally to keep his defense in order and the goal he conceded against rochdale, he will always blame somebody else, not always a bad thing.

    i'd prefer sullivan starts next Saturday but the competition can only make each other better.
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    They had a section doing the proznan as well, like us it was only 5 or so young fans.
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    They had a section doing the proznan as well, like us it was only 5 or so young fans.
    More like 30-40 in our end, maybe more.
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    No Fred its just that Poznan is literally nicked off Poznan and its really unoriginal and obviously embraced by the Soccer Am type of football supporter.

    But nothing is original in football.  Everything that's ever done is derivative in one way or another.  
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    Oh God. People complaining because some fans wanted to have as much fun as possible and support the team. Can guarentee the majority of you complaining are the same guys who can't even be arsed to stand up for "Stand Up, if you love Charlton".

    The fact that fans are there in the first place means that they love Charlton. They do not have to stand up to prove it, especially at the request of others. There are all number of reasons why some won't stand, dodgy knees, old age, apathy etc but it doesn't affect you so why moan about it.
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    I wonder if Stuwall managed to sort a ticket?
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    Thought we looked great in midfield and up top controlling the game for large parts of it but looked shaky at the back and still vulnerable to crosses and set pieces, but its nice to actually watch some decent football once again and I really think the frailty at the back can be sorted with one addition, a commanding cb with a bit of pace add to that another forward and we have a fairly complete squad and one that should be challenging for promotion and playing some great football.
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    dont think i could have done what you did wolfboy with the millwall goals and our goals ;-)
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