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********************CHARLTON ATHLETIC ARE PROMOTED*****************



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    You're no outsider Damo. You're one of us, and we are all in it together.

    Your grandad will be smiling down tonight with many other Addicks who have sadly left us in recent years.
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    Brilliant got some friends coming over tonight will force them to have a drink with me to celebrate although they probably think I am a nutcase who cares.....can feel the joy from SE London all the way to CT, USA....well done to all who made the long trek up north....COYR
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    Got a good reception on 774 MW for a change, then got Radio Sheffield on the net for the last knockings from Colchester. Then, things got a bit confused...I'd left the radio going whilst setting up the web coverage, it was injury time at Colchester so I was listening to two lots of radio - then, the phone goes, the missus on the mobile from downstairs ( she'd shouted up but I was oblivious) telling me Jeff Stelling was saying we had done it. By then the radio had caught up, I had confirmation from three sources, so I had to conclude we had done it. Great stuff!
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    Promotion 100%
    Champions 99.5%
    Play Offs 0%
    Thats better.
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    I think it's only just sunk in.....!
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    Never cried so much in a single day. Never expected it either. I'm in love with what Chris Powell has done to this team.
    Next year, I think we'll do good, and I would NOT rule out another promotion.

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    Champagne flowing here by the way, raided the Waitrose up at Canary Wharf, far too expensive, but who cares at a day like this -- even invited all the neighbours in :)
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    Message to o randy hunt and the rest of you who probably noticed my 'cautious predictions'. All down to my grandad who passed away 10 days ago and missed this. He was winding me up at the start of the season about how I am a worrier. But when we started so well, I had to keep it up as a superstition. Then he found out he was ill after the wycombe game, and told me never to change. So there you have it - it was a kind of reverse psychology thing. So in answer to o randy hunts question where am I now - as if I am an outsider - I was crying tears of joy for our team, and tears for grandad who just missed this day. I just listened to it with dad at home. Up the addicks.
    rip your grandad, im sure hes celebrating upstairs as is Eddie May (rip).
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    That's the one. Brilliant photo
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    As for your grandad, this is what he would have wanted you to experience, though. I lost my grandad as well not long ago -- he used to play at his local team and changed when I went to my local one.
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    8:30Am for me now
    Managed to get 5 hours kip
    Still buzzing
    York ng as an examiner of oral english today
    Think there are gonns be some high scores ;)
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    Working, lol
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    Gonna, lol
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    Congratulations to the whole CHARLTON staff they have all done there bit,have a great party you deserve it.
    To all the Charlton doubters (me) WHERE GOING UP.
    CHRISSY thank you,thank you, thank you.
    You've set the pace now we all have to support you in establishing us in the Championship.
    PS if there are any spelling mistakes or anything else wrong with this note its because I can hardly see the keyboard.

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    its the morning after.its only really sunk in.after reading all these post of us getting promated.i have tears of joy and happyness.we all may not get on or disagree with ideas we have.or the right or wrong player.but one thing is we are all united in are passion for the one thing that we all love and that THE MIGHTY CHARLTON ATHELTIC i hope are journey carry on up the champoinship and you never no this time next year we could be putting post on saying CHARLTON are back in the premiership.fingers and toes crossed. atb tony
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    When you see/hear the raw emotion from Sir Chris Powell and the trembling of his voice you know it means so so much

    That man deserves unconditional love forever , come what may
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    Just for good order
    98% champions 2% runners up 0% stress

    As for next season with the vibe that you hear of the 'hidden' money and the standard of player picked up last summer and the alleged wages paid this year , the mystery money men I don't think will want to hang around ...
    2% top two 15% play offs 41% 7th-12th 40% 13th-20th 2% relegation
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    York ng as an examiner of oral english today
    Think there are gonns be some high scores ;)

    Good job the exam isn't in written English Siv :-)
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    Just for good order
    98% champions 2% runners up 0% stress

    As for next season with the vibe that you hear of the 'hidden' money and the standard of player picked up last summer and the alleged wages paid this year , the mystery money men I don't think will want to hang around ...
    2% top two 15% play offs 41% 7th-12th 40% 13th-20th 2% relegation
    Bollocks to that!
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    Off round the girlfriend's house later to celebrate in my Charlton shirt, and they're all Palace fans! And they can't do anything cos it's my birthday!
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    It had to be Carlisle with one of us in SCP at the helm and with the recent favourite scoreline of 1-0....well done to all the players, management, owners, supporters who made this all possible. We are now a Championship football club.
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    What a quality corner from Jacko, and knock down from Stephens!
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    Not sure if I have mentioned it yesterday sorry if I have





    now all just chill enjoy your football for the remaining few games and enjoy is winning the title which I am also telling you we will

    This team is really hard to beat I mean really hard and that's why we are up and that's why we will win the league

    As barnsey text to me yesterday ONE AIM rats achieved

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    that's not rats can't edit
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